Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself





Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

- Definitely this Dutch door is a Tu-dor.
- Birch or fir?  Walnut stain.
- The door that took 3 days and 3 nights to re-build (or take apart?).
- 3 years.
- Anne knew this was not a mid-summer's night dream.
- She is outside the door in the hallway, fact.
- Saturn return.
- Penetrating eyes cast a sideways, almost spooky glance at the viewer.
- Behind door 1 or 2.
- She did not cleave.
- Percy-Vere - persevere (Henry Percy & Edward de Vere).

A rose is a rose is a rose. (Gertrude Stein)


Lancaster rose + York rose = Tudor rose

- Wars of the Roses.
- Carey (sneaky link).
- Redwood trees.
- Rose line.
- Wild rose (of Sharon).
- Sesor = See-sor.
- Like in, seized the crown (God's crown on Earth).

I am the rose of Sharon, a rose of the valley. (Song of Songs 2:1)

Hindu Wheel of Life

York Minister - Five Sisters
Rose Window



- Dried eelskin (babiche) for her ribbons.
- Babiche - threads and cords.
- Wrap sore joints in eelskin.


- Ferronnière headband.
- Hexagon symbol of Jewish religion.
- Court of Jews in Milan.
- Daughter of blacksmith (ironmonger).
- Kippah (skullcap/dome) on head.
- The glass of fashion.


- Iron dome.
- Kippat Barzel (Hebrew).


- Jerusalem
- Four corners.



- Rocket launch.
- Someone keeps leaving things laying around (Laser Lite Single-Use Earplug, Uncorded).


- Non-judgment (inverse scenerio).
- What matters is not how we die, but how we live.


- Henry and wife (neck lace)



- Henry's wife, once upon a time.



- Inner child hiding.
- Henry monitoring (aka stalking).
- Backpost.
- Back Post Half Double Crochet (hook).



- Fractured child.
- Ragdoll.
- Between worlds.

Ancient city of Jerusalem
Ancient city of Babylon

- Are Jerusalem and the ancient city of Babylon the same place?
- Four corners.
- On a slant, bent.
- We already know that Caanan was in the same spot on the map as Israel.

- Is King (Tsar) Nebuchadnezzar II buried in the Bent Pyramid? (tneb = bent).
- Bush hanging chad.

Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. (Revelations 11.8)


Signed by Leonardo DaVinci

Lady with an Ermine



Life without love is not life at all.

Leonardo DaVinci


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