Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia
Commons 1489-90 |
- Definitely this Dutch door is a Tu-dor. - Birch or fir? Walnut stain. - The door that took 3 days and 3 nights
to re-build (or take apart?). - 3 years. - Anne knew this was not a mid-summer's
night dream. - She is outside the door in the hallway,
fact. - Saturn return. - Penetrating eyes cast a sideways, almost spooky glance at
the viewer. - Behind door 1 or 2. - She did not cleave. - Percy-Vere - persevere (Henry
Percy & Edward de Vere).
A rose is a rose is a rose. (Gertrude Stein)

Lancaster rose + York rose = Tudor rose |
- Wars of the Roses. - Carey (sneaky
link). - Redwood trees. - Rose line. - Wild rose (of
Sharon). - Sesor = See-sor. - Like in, seized the crown
(God's crown on Earth).
I am the rose of Sharon, a rose of the valley. (Song
of Songs 2:1)

Hindu Wheel of Life |

York Minister - Five Sisters Rose Window |
- Dried eelskin (babiche) for her
ribbons. - Babiche - threads and cords. - Wrap sore
joints in eelskin.
- Ferronnière headband. - Hexagon
symbol of Jewish religion. - Court of Jews in Milan. -
Daughter of blacksmith (ironmonger). - Kippah
(skullcap/dome) on head. - The glass of fashion.
- Iron dome. - Kippat Barzel (Hebrew).
- Jerusalem - Four corners.
- Rocket launch. - Someone keeps
leaving things laying around (Laser Lite Single-Use Earplug,
- Non-judgment (inverse scenerio). -
What matters is not how we die, but how we live.
- Henry and wife (neck lace)
- Henry's wife, once upon a time.
- Inner child hiding. - Henry
monitoring (aka stalking). - Backpost. - Back Post Half Double Crochet
- Fractured child. - Ragdoll. -
Between worlds.

Ancient city of Jerusalem |

Ancient city of Babylon |
- Are Jerusalem and the ancient city of
Babylon the same place? - Four corners. - On a slant,
bent. - We already know that Caanan was in the same spot on
the map as Israel.
- Is King (Tsar) Nebuchadnezzar II buried in the Bent Pyramid? (tneb
= bent). - Bush hanging chad.
Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. (Revelations 11.8) |
Signed by Leonardo DaVinci