Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia
Commons 1489-90 |
- Get rid of the bangs, hide them
(hairpins). - Stolen snip of hair. - Another word for fitches. - Age 16. - Always doing the math.
- Oil on walnut board. - Blue background
painted black in the 1700s by Princess Izabela of Poland who
was quoted 'If it's a dog, it's a very ugly one.' - Stolen by Kraków's wartime Nazi governor.
- Oil and canvas version owned by Collection Rothschild.
Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia
Commons 1489-90 |
- Ermine standing. - Ormen is how some New Yorker's say
Heavily over-painted.
The entire background was darkened.
Her dress below the ermine was retouched.
A transparent veil was repainted to match the colour of her hair.
The result of this last retouching has been to give the appearance that her hair reaches down and underneath her chin.
Yet another change was the addition of dark shadows between the fingers of her right hand, a close look at the bottom two fingers shows they are quite inferior to the others after an unknown restorer repainted them.
An x-ray of this painting revealed the presence of a door in the original background. (leonardodavinci.net)
- Knots.

3 of Wands |
- There is a carpet bag involved
(besides the ferret someone kindly left
in the VW 'bug' 40 years ago)
- Hidden art, cycles. - Light to dark (balance)? - Decadent renaissance-era red gown. -
Draped in royal blue and gold coronation robe (trimmed with
live ermine).
- Crystal Mala prayer beads -
Blessed by Buddhist Monks. - Considered a Buddhist robe. - Made to be
worn. - Sanskrit: mālā “garland”
- 108 beads for each of the worries (delusions) that afflict
life. - Kali-ish. - Mala is a necessary tool for the Druid initiate.
Types of beads
Rosewood - divine goddess energy, heart chakra. - Bodhi
seed beads from the Fig (Ficus religiosa) for enlightenment.
- Lava stone from volcanic rock, root chakra, strength. -
Lotus seed - spiritual growth and purity, fortitude. -
Sandalwood subtle woody scent, spicy, third eye chakra. -
Rudraksha seeds from the tears of Lord Shiva, highly sacred.
- Bone for the transitory nature of life from yak, water
buffalo and oxen.
- It's hard to see but the bottom two beads are larger than
the other beads call a 'guru' (mother) bead or meru (mountain)
- marker. - Count forwards and
then backwards to repeat cycle. - Bhum (boom) counter
No matter how inexhaustible delusions are, I vow
to vanquish them all. (Bodhisattva vows)
- Chinese knot / Buddha knot. - Cotton or silk.
- Full loop.
- Lady's hidden right hand. - Lady's hidden face.
- Green Henry. - Runs the print shop.
- Anne with bag over her head. - Paw on neck. - Under
someone's thumb. - Manipulation.
King of Wands |
- Henry creating a wedge. - Triggered. - Disregards
boundaries. - Met his match. - Shakespeare’s Richard III murders his way to the English throne while winking at the audience the whole time.
- Favorite hobby, eating, drinking and being merry with
'other' women and his own wedding celebrations. - He
doesn't attend his 'wives' hangings since he's too busy
getting hooked up again. - Black widow. - Henry was
quoted saying that the birth of a male baby was important, but
wives could easily be 'replaced.' - Backdrop person, dense
heavy vibrations, incompatible, negative, catalysts for our
evolution to raise ourselves into higher dimensions.
Queen of Wands |
- Hiding Kali up her sleeve. - Stabbed in the back by a
- Exposing things.
- Another elephant.
- Breaking a cycle. - Conflict resolve. - Knows
which way to go, spiritually guided.

Signed by Leonardo DaVinci |