Mary Magdalene lip (upside down view) |
- Magdalene is in the lip. - From a dream that appears
to have become true. - Warned/Woken.
There is gold, and an abundance of jewels; But the
lips of knowledge are a more precious thing.
(Proverbs 20:15)

Sad Mary's mouth - stalked from behind |
- Mary's mouth is stitched up (shut up). - Stichen -
be forewarned, it's all a tacky lie. - Threads, sloppy
taylor (tailor). - Tailor, someone who's job is to make,
repair, or alter MEN'S clothing. To fashion for a specific purpose (or alter
tackily after the fact). - Right
before your eyes this entire time (at least 500 years
according to Leonardo). - Filippo
Lippi wanted you to know this. - Mary is the middle
pillar (of 3).
Fake treaty (Albrecht Dürer) |
- Class president is really class clown (and he is
voting for you to be the 'least likely to succeed)' but he
won't publish it in the yearbook where YOU can see it, just
where his buffoons can use it to mock you (and keep you
- Verdict from the council:
Your emperor has made a MOCKERY of you.
(Council of the Most High in waking state)
- If you're wondering how the ugliest girls in school get
to be the school cheerleaders, that's how. - REAL men CAN
deal with women, snakes and coward's can't and they will use
every backhanded, dirty, snakey, below-the-belt, tactic they
can. - Including making ugly dogs cheerleaders because they
bark good for them and have claws.

Human aquarium |
- First rule of
The uglier you are in this life, the
even uglier you'll be in your next life (if
you have one).
- Second rule of reincarnation:
And the older and more wrinkly you'll get because if you are
already dead that will happen even more.
- Third rule
of reincarnation:
Perhaps you should wake up and STOP
hating everyone.
- Fourth rule of reincarnation:
With a little love, everything can be reversed.

- Cheerleader for the Most High (not some beaten down
'HIGH' school). - Dear
Heart. - In case you haven't figured it out yet,
we're ALL under judgment now. Spirit will come and talk
to you and make plans for you.

Writing on wall |
Elephant |
- Left talks while the right is shut up. - Masculine
vs. feminine. - Abomination on Earth will be resolved, one
way or another. - Leonardo did love women, they shut him up
too. - Or did they?

LVIII - 58
- Caput (head) 58 - LVIII - Magdalene. - Mary turned
into a villain (evil) beginning with the number that marked
her skull. - Who/What/Where are the other 57 skulls? -
We'd all like to know.

Universe |
- Order of things.
In Hesiod's Theogony, which came to be accepted by
the Greeks as the "standard" account, from Gaia
(Earth), the first entity to come into existence after
Chaos (Void), came Uranus, the Ourea (Mountains), and
Pontus (Sea).
Then, according to the Theogony, Uranus mated with
Gaia, and she gave birth to the twelve Titans:
Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Theia, Rhea,
Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Tethys and Cronus; the
Cyclopes: Brontes, Steropes and Arges; and the
Hecatoncheires ("Hundred-Handed Ones"): Cottus,
Briareus, and Gyges. (Wikipedia, Uranus)
Zeus |

Zeus, Greek king of the gods |
Picasso's view of women |

Weeping Woman

Bust Woman |
- If you ever wonder how 'non-art' becomes art in this
world. - It's their ugly cheerleaders!
Picasso's view of women |

Woman Hat Pompoms |
- Stop wearing their makeup, they want you to look like
them (clowns). - Or even worse than them. - Stop and
think about the real reason that makeup was invented (not for
females). - Stop cutting off your body parts for them,
they'd love to stitch you back up (wrong).
- The colors
are beautiful but they are relegated to the broom closet
because who (in their right mind) would want to look at them
hanging on their wall.

Neck chop for male
 Neck chop
for female |

Emperor in reverse |

Jesus left eye |
- Revelation 19:16 includes this description of Jesus:
“On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: king
of kings and lord of lords.”
Sun |
Moon |
Stars |
Signed by Leonardo DaVinci A new
As above, so below. |
The knowledge of all things is possible.
Leonardo DaVinci
