Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




Jesus New Age

Brahma Old Age

- Jesus, not Jesus the Christ or Jesus Christ, but Jesus the man known as Jesus could be considered today to be a 'New Ager.'
- He was a new age spiritual leader, an ascended master.
- It's so simple to see that once you open your eyes and discover what he was talking about.
- Unfortunately, if you express this to anyone in a Christian or Catholic church, they will call you a heretic, crazy, and even 'of the devil.'
- The truth is right there for them to see, but they're not willing to see it, and they've been told not to look for it.

BTW, Leonardo's Last Supper had a door cut through the bottom half of Jesus because he was sitting in Buddha position so there were no legs to obstruct the door (and apparently the monks needed a door to get to their kitchen).

Gold-gilded temple

- In fact, church goers were threatened with violence and despair if they dared to look for anything outside the church beliefs.
- Certainly the church used the figure of Jesus to condemn those who didn’t believe exactly what they taught, and as a rallying figure to justify atrocities such as warfare.
- This is the temple version of Jesus, and had very little to do with Jesus' actual beliefs.

Such teachings have come about due to personal convictions of the various teachers, some of whom are highly dualistic – equating the natural world with all that is evil, whilst regarding becoming disembodied as something to be preferred. These bastardisations and distortions of the accounts of Jesus stand in stark contrast to those contained within the Christian Sacred Texts themselves.

El-vis harsh punishment

- This also creates a second version of Jesus which is very confusing, like we see in the Book of Revelation where no one seems to know the four horsemen are YHWHs team.
- Many believe that the four horsemen are Jesus, or at least the first one on the white horse, but that is Apollo or YHWH.
- Jesus the savior, versus Jesus the warrior and priest.

Breath or wind

- The ancient texts don’t begin with Jesus, but with the Spirit of God brooding over the chaotic waters of the embryonic deep, spirit is 'Ruach' breath or wind.
- We can recognize the pre-incarnate person of Jesus, present at the creation in the mystical Gospel of John.
- The Gnostics believed in the Wisdom (or Sophia) of Jesus present at the Creation.
- This same Spirit later in time overshadows the Virgin Mary, bringing about the God-man, Jesus as fully human, fully divine.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. (John 1:1-4)

Wild places

- The four gospels are accounts of the life of Jesus and a witness to how aligned with nature his teachings were.
- Teacher and challenger of the establishment, often found in wild places, dangerous if provoked, yet gentle with those who are broken.
- Sees everyone as equals, walks on water, a quality reserved for divine beings.
- Calls on us to reflect on the choices we've made that have impacted negatively and to deny our own selfish impulses.

Whose mastery over the storm at sea causes them to be still echos his command over the ancient chaos monsters of Yam (sea) and Rahab (storm) at Creation and causes his disciples to realise this was no ordinary human being.

Enemy of creation

- The Innocent One, stitched up by the religious institution, unjustly and unfairly tried and shambolically found guilty, being hanged on a wooden cross.
- All with the lie that some modern Christians say and believe was at the hands of a divine father.
- But this was not a divine father, it was a vengeful and bloodthirsty demonic who enjoyed killing and controlling people.
- The enemy of creation who comes only to steal, kill and destroy.

Enemy of creation in flames!

- Author CS Lewis wrote about the sacrifice of Aslan and talked about how the 'legalistic White Witch' was legitimately able to demand the death of a traitor, Edmund, because the deep magic (LAW) allowed it.
- However, she didn't understand was the deeper magic, that when an innocent dies in the place of a traitor, death itself would unwind and so Aslan was resurrected.
- This is the exact same thing that happened to Jesus and why he was resurrected.
- Everything that goes around, comes around, later.
- The dull-witted self-centered and arrogant bullies on earth never figured this part out. 

More than that, we see him ascend into the heavenly dimensions above our normal three dimensions, such that, according to the Sacred Letter to the Ephesians, he fills the entire universe with himself. (Matt Arnold)


- Christians were especially warned by the church about using 'divination' because the powers that be tell you it's bad (they know you will figure everything out).
- When in truth, each of us has these gifts and abilities, some more than others, but that also depends on how aware you are and how much you pay attention to your intuition.
- The church didn't want us figuring anything out, and they also wanted us go to their gold-gilded temple, instead of our own inner temple.
- Jesus knew about all this because he was a magician and he reminded us to test the spirits.

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God. (1 John 4:1-2)

Truth falling down

- When Jesus talked to the masses, he was totally against what the church (temple) was teaching.
- That is why he spoke against the Jewish Pharisees and why they disliked him and wanted to imprison him and crucify him.
- The Temple is the Hebrew version of what the Christian Church is now.
- Jesus was against the temple teaching and preaching and he spoke out against the message of ritualistic sacrifices and tithing.

Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are. (Matthew 23:13-15)

Crossroads inner self

- Instead, Jesus was someone who was telling others to 'look within' and he was teaching love and forgiveness, mercy, care and empathy.
- It's not that the original Hebrew temple didn't have that, but they abandoned these beliefs and now do everything through law (Mosaic).
- Everything they did, they did because of the law; they didn't give the needy food unless the temple told them to; they didn't do it from their heart, but because it was the law.


- Instead, Jesus said 'don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing' when you're helping the poor.
- By this he meant that you shouldn't do things and then expect some feather for your cap, in fact, you shouldn't even say anything, but do it from your heart.
- Don't go trolling for likes and upvotes on your page.

Bell hand

- On the other hand, the Pharisees would go out in public and ring the bell to call attention to themselves.
- That was opposite Jesus' message, he wanted us to keep it inside and God will see that.
- Jesus was a Jew, but his message wasn't a Hebrew message.
- He was preaching about enlightenment, definitely more a new age message.

Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others. (Matthew 23:5-7)

City man

- Jesus is portrayed by the church as the 'colonizer' who is patriotic and Christian.
- He wants justice via retribution, died for our sins, but also condemns sinners to hell.


- Endorses church and state, is a king, upholds traditional family unit and endorses holy war.
- They think that Jesus represents the same things as YHWH.
- As you can see, a confusing mix of beliefs and not what Jesus' true beliefs were at all.

Murdered by the church and state

- While the historical Jesus was Middle-Eastern and Jewish.
- He was from a state that was colonized by Rome, but believed, contrary to the Romans, in justice through restoration.
- Jesus was a friend of sinners and outcasts, and he would critique religious people.
- He also was a child refugee, an orphan and later a homeless man; was non-violent and certainly didn't believe in war.
- Jesus was a rebel who wanted to subvert the Roman empire and as a result, he was murdered by the church and state.

Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst. (Luke 17:20-21)

Jesus quietly saving

- Jesus ideals were clearly written in ancient text, just not the right text for the temple leaders.
- There is a lot of controversy about what 'color' Jesus was but he came out of Labin's house, and Labin means white. 
- Fortunately, we can still see some of his beliefs in scrolls such as Gospel of Thomas, which is eye opening.
- All the books the temple considers Apocrypha and there are several more are omitted.
- Many will question why this matters because afterall, most of us aren't Jewish.

One day I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between Him and those who were listening to Him. His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions! (Pontius Pilate)

Men of many colors

- The answer is because early Christians followed Jesus' beliefs, but they looked within, not outside themselves for a savior.
- These were the Christian sects like the Ebionites and Gnostic groups such as the Essenes, Marcionites, Donatists, Nazarenes, Manichaeans, Montanists, Docetists and Polagians.
- They all understood that God was within us and we are within God.

Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’? If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside— what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? (John 10:34-36)

Apostle Paul

On the road

- There has always been a lot of controversy surrounding Apostle Paul's teachings.
- This is not to disparage Paul, but the problem is he was at one time a Pharisee named Saul, a temple Jew, and very much by the law.
- And yet, many Christians think that he changed that aspect of himself, but he never totally did.

But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. (Acts 9:1)

Hebrew hat throw

- You can clearly see in his writings that he talks about Jesus, but not in the way that Jesus talked.
- He also talked about Jesus in a temple sacrificial way which is why so many are often confused by his writings, although he did love Jesus very much.

And all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished. (Romans 3:24-25)

The law knife

- The main problem with some of Paul's teaching was that he still very much upheld the Jewish law, which was even more confusing because he firmly believed that Jesus' two commandments fulfilled the Jewish law.
- However, at the same time, he felt that the Gentiles should not be excluded from circumcision and he believed that the Jewish Christians were still required to follow Mose's law.
- His views on circumcision did change over time from accepting it to eventually condemning it.

The temple and laws

- Paul also insisted that law was a gift from God to the people of Israel so because of that, he felt the Jews still needed to follow Mosaic Law.
- Paul never mentioned anything that Jesus said, but concerned himself with the law, that does not mean that he was a bad guy, and he did have changes in his beliefs as time passed.

Sentenced to who knows where

- Paul had that moment at Damascus, but the problem is, he helped Apostle Peter bring in the physical church, the temple.
- Therefore, the God that Christians are now worshipping, they think of as a 'Jesus' God, but it's not that.
- It's not the same God that Jesus was talking about and you can type this into AI and get that answer.

- Temple God: distant, requires rituals and sacrifices.

- Jesus' God: near, relational, focused on inner change, forgiveness.

- Modern Church: mix of the relational aspects of Jesus' God with temple-like rituals emphasizing salvation and sacrifice more than the personal connection Jesus taught. (Your Higher Self)

Paul changed Jesus' direction

- So you see, they're not the same Gods.
- In the Bible we had a man who went from the Hebrew God in the Old Testament who taught the law, punishment, fear and war, and all that, to a man in the New Testament who walked around telling us to 'love your enemy and if he slaps you turn the other cheek.'
- Prior to Paul's teachings, Gnostic groups like the Essenes, which Jesus was a member of, had a good message that the people had placed a lot of faith in and were following.
- Paul changed all that with his writings and the church grew extensively.

Since we have heard that some who went out from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your souls, saying, “You must be circumcised and keep the law”—to whom we gave no such commandment—it seemed good to us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation)

Two sets of criteria

- Paul's beliefs created a list of requirements for gentiles, different than those for Jewish followers.
- Thus, creating two sets of criteria; those for Jewish Christians and those for Gentile Christians.
- And Paul's beliefs about 'abstain from sexual immorality' during a time when men like Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero and Pliny the Elder were commonplace.
- But, in all fairness, Paul was not charged with teaching the Jewish Christians, but the Gentiles, so he stayed away from ministering to Jews.
- Paul was not against the Mosaic law for Jews, however, he was opposed to forcing these restrictions on new Christians who had no Jewish heritage.

Controversy heating up

- The epistles of James and Paul were widely divergent.
- James believed in faith and works required for justification, which was favored by the 'works-righteousness' crowd (Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Adventists, Roman Catholics).
- Paul taught us about justification by grace alone through faith alone.

You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone. (James 2:24)

Salvation through faith in Christ

- Next, there is the controversy between Paul and Matthew's teachings.
- Paul believed in salvation solely based on faith in Christ and Matthew believed in strict Mosaic law.
- Jesus did not come to earth to enforce Mosaic law, that's the Old Covenant, he wanted to replace it with the New Covenant, grace.

The main controversy between Paul and Matthew's teachings centers around the interpretation of Jewish Law, with Matthew emphasizing the importance of following the Law closely while Paul argues that salvation comes solely through faith in Christ, rendering the Law obsolete for believers, leading to accusations that Paul was undermining Jewish traditions established by Jesus. (Wikipedia)

Peter gives Paul the deuces

- Before we blame everything on Paul, we need to understand what Apostle Peter (Cephas) was up to.
- It appears that St. Peter is the first one to baptize the gentiles, and then at the Council of Jerusalem 48-50 AD, he decided not to burden the gentiles with the Jewish laws.
- In Galatians, Paul is pretty blunt about letting Peter know he thinks he's going off the track.
- Today we have the Catholic Peter apologists versus the Protestant Paul devotees to emphasize the split.

When Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. (Galatians 2:11)

Christian initiation

- Peter was preaching to Cornelius, who was a gentile, and he decided that the entire household needed to be baptized in a 'Christian initiation.'
- When Peter returned to Jerusalem, he received criticism for this.
- Later on, some people from Jerusalem went down to Antioch in Syria where Paul was ministering, and they insisted that without circumcision you can’t be saved.
- Implying that everyone who wants to be a Christian, must be a Jew first.

And they said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by an holy angel to send for thee into his house, and to hear words of thee. (Acts 10:22)

No circumcision required

- This caused an argument between Paul and Barnabas and so they went to Jerusalem to consult with the Apostles and elders.
- That is when Peter defended the idea that the gentiles don’t need to be circumcised, and they don’t need to keep the Mosaic law in order to be saved and be a Christian.
- By this time, Paul was receiving serious backlash from Christians who felt he was teaching a watered down version which meant it was no longer God's gospel, therefore, no longer divine.
- In order to keep the peace, Peter stopped having table fellowship and he stopped eating with Gentile Christians and only ate with Jewish Christians because of the difference regarding the need to keep the Jewish kosher laws.

And so apparently after Acts 15, Peter came down to Antioch in Syria where Paul was ministering. And at first, things were fine. At first, everybody was getting along. But then some people came from the Jerusalem Church who were within the orbit of James the Just and who favored the idea of separation between Jews and Gentiles. (


- All the Jews agreed with Peter's rude table manners, and Barnabas, Paul's companion also agreed while Paul thought this sent an entirely wrong message to the gentiles and that's why he rebuked Peter.
- And there are many, even today, who believe that Paul lost the argument, but on the other hand, it's even easier to see that Peter was very wrong in dividing the church this way.
- But the craziest thing, is they both agreed that gentiles didn't need to follow Jewish law or need to be circumsised, it was a split on the belief in kosher laws (types of food consumed and holy days).
- Paul harshly rebuked Peter, and Peter damned Paul with faint praise, while criticizing him as 'hard to understand.'


- But the problem with this whole story is, although they were both Jesus loving men, they were still propping up the ancient Jewish Mosaic law that Jesus came to earth to do away with.
- The church at this point wasn't worshipping the same God that Jesus was, they were once again, chained to the law.
- Plus when you consider this whole 'church' business is not what Jesus planned, he wanted home worship and he didn't believe in 'religion,' especially when it is just veiled Jewish law and also harsh (eye for an eye).

Whole new church

- Many today still believe that Paul created a entirely new religion for the gentiles.
- However, that is what he was supposed to do for all Christians.
- In fact, the Gnostic Christians certainly didn't believe in Hebrew law but have you noticed it's always the Jews who think their ideals are more important, and notice that became the focus of the Bible.
- Some felt the ethics of the Christian faith became focused more on faith than works and the debate between faith and works between Paul and James has been debated ever since.


- Both Peter and Paul emphasized that we should strive to keep the moral law diligently (golden rule) so that we are spotless and sinless, but count on grace for salvation.
- By Jesus removing the Mosaic law, it doesn't give you permission to go around killing anyone.
- Everyone can pretty much agree on this, we should never go around intentionally hurting anyone else, and once we find Jesus, it's even easier to accomplish this. 
- Jesus' two commandments essentially cover all 613 Hebrew laws because by loving him, and yourself and your neighbor as much as yourself, and making that your priority, you won't need the laws but instinctively follow them.

Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. (1 John 3:4)

Tasered by the establishment to keep you 'safe'

- If you consider that if each of us followed a higher moral code, we wouldn't require earthly laws and all the monitoring and policing that goes along with it.
- We wouldn't need someone to tell us to drive 15mph outside a school, or stop at a stop sign.
- Which is also a libertarian view.
- We do not keep the law to be saved, but strive to not sin so that we may be saved.
- If you do not follow the law by your own decision, you are a slave to the devil.

For by Grace you have been saved, through Faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of Elohim, it is not by works, so that no one should boast. (Ephesians 2: 8)

El-vis Burning down the house

- A few hundred years pass and then came the Roman alignment which was the joining of the church and state together.
- Christianity became the state religion under Emperor Theodosius I in 380 AD, solidifying the alignment between the Roman Empire and the Christian Church.
- This was the final nail and after this, everything in the church changed.
- Churches today, whether Catholic or Protestant, are the exact same thing as temple; they're based on Jewish Mosaic law.

Hold tight
Wait 'til the party's over
Hold tight
We're in for nasty weather
There has got to be a way
Burning down the house.
(Talking Heads)

Jesus' New Age movement subverted

- The Catholic Church had their laws and they include things like tithing, baptism and Purgatory.
- But while the Protestants claim they don't do the same thing, they also have their own differences.
- Then there is the problem of a parable can have more than one meaning depending on where you place the punctuation, and the Greek Septuagint did not have any puncuation so it's all very subjective.
- The Jesus that the church is celebrating now is not the same Jesus that was walking around Galilee.
- Accept the fact that Christianity is a new age movement, it's one of the newest religions around.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:34-35)

Jesus followers

- By definition, Christianity is new age, and Jesus was teaching new age and the pre-Christian Gnostics were also practicing new age spirtualism.
- Awakening, going within, realizing that we are all divine.
- Until the temple church began to realize they were losing control because there were a few thousand Jesus followers walking around.
- They weren't rebelling or anything, but the Roman's didn't want that, nor does anyone in power seem to want such a thing.
- None of them wanted an independent movement running around because that could possibly lead to trouble, or not.

Temple God

- Although it didn't make a difference, the Roman's had to get rid of them and they accomplished this by killing them.
- When that didn't work, they switched plans and decided to join forces with the early Christians under the rule of Constantine.
- Ever since 325 AD it's been a hard-core temple church system, and that is the same exact system that existed before Jesus came to earth.
- The God of Jesus, is not the God of Hebrew tradition, and the God that Christianity is preaching, is not the God of Jesus.
- Christianity is worshipping the God of the Hebrews and what has happened is the God of the Christians is now the God of the Hebrews.

Jesus the black sheep

- All you have to do is read between the lines, and the line was going straight, and then it took a dip.
- This dip in the line was Jesus (blip), and when he departed you see the line go back to straight again.
- That's when the temple church became the Christian church and Jesus' true teachings were a small blip in between the same old Mosaic establishment.
- A true Christian is someone who follows Jesus' teachings, not some church or temple's made up stories.

Don't blame me, I'm only the war horse

- The entire Book of Zechariah appears to have been copy and pasted into the Book of Revelation.
- Both books contain the two witnesses, or annointed ones.
- In Zechariah, the four horsemen were the horsemen of YHWH who is the man of war with the bow (Apollo).
- El Gibbor is the mighty one or mighty warrior, the man of war in the Old Testament.
- YHWH is often described as YHWH of hosts or as host of armies, and if you look that up in Strong's Concordance it means 'one who wages war.'
- And many would more or less brush off the 'war' and turn YHWH into the 'hosts of heaven.'

Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. (Psalm 24:8)

Gibborim Nephilim

- Now we are seeing a lot of the interpretations bringing a more defined meaning to weak biblical translations.
- However, Strong's are still saying 'host of army' instead of interpreting it as YHWH of war.
- If you notice in Genesis it mentions the Gibborim Nephilim who are described in the Bible as giants and warriors who were the offspring of human women and divine beings, also known as 'sons of God' and is also translated as 'giants' or 'the fallen ones.'
- They never knew what 'fallen' really meant but now they understand that it means the 'fallen angels.'

But they do not lie with the fallen warriors of old, who went down to the realm of the dead with their weapons of war—their swords placed under their heads and their shields resting on their bones—though these warriors also had terrorized the land of the living. (Ezekiel 32:27)


- As a result, in previous days, this was all translated as the 'Mighty Ones' they never told us it really meant 'Mighty Warriors.'
- It turned the whole connotation into they were the powerful and strong but we weren't told that it really meant strong in battle.
- If you go back into Greek mythology, you can find all the same elements and Zeus was battling with the Hecatoncheires also called Hundred-Handers in hell with the Titans and this was some kind of war.
- So obviously, we're finding that all the real meanings of these words have been hidden from us.

Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. (Revelation 19:15)

Satan is Apollo is YHWH

Flaming tin man

- Satan is linked with the Greco-Roman God Apollo (called Apollyon and Abaddon by the Jews).
- Another epithet of Apollo was Apollo Luciferus and his twin sister Diana Lucifera.
- Lucifer disobeyed and fell to earth and YHWH entrapped him in hell.


- Apollo is linked with Mercury or Wednesday (Miercoles).
- Equivalent of Apollo (Mercury) in Celtic mythology would be Lugh and in Germanic (Norse) mythology would be Wodanaz (Wotan or Odin) and his day is Wednesday.

Apollo hand

- In the early Christian Church the Roman Apollo, Celtic Lugh and Germanic Wotan were all considered manifestations of Satan known as the 'The Devil.'
- According to O9A system (Order of Nine Angles), Mercury is the planet linked with Satan and not Venus or Saturn as many believe.
- The Hail is for Apollo, Lugh, Wotan, Odin, Shiva, Satan.
- The early pagan's who followed Odin, did not believe in the devil.

The Four Horsemen 

Apollo has a bow

- The rider of the white horse in Genesis 6 has a bow and Apollo has a bow.
- In Zechariah, YHWH is really angry with Israel and especially with Judah.
- This is more than likely indicated by the name Zechari-AH rather than names such as Dani-EL who were the prophets of El.
- Indicating different gods and houses of worship.
- No one really knows where the Bible came from but we know that the Elohist northern tribes and Judean Yahwist souhern tribes are two sources that contributed to the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible.

10 Lost tribes

- There were the 10 tribes in the land those days and the Judeans didn't like them and called them Samaritans, but they were the 10 tribes of Israel.
- The Samaritans ended up making their own temple and place of worship up in Mount Gerizim.
- Mount Gerizim is sacred to the Samaritans, who regard it, rather than Jerusalem's Temple Mount, as the location chosen by God for a holy temple.
- From that point forward, the Judeans hated the Samaritans and it is because they weren't Israel, they were Canaanites and that's very disingenuous because they were Israelites married to Canaanites.

Israelites screening workers

- Joseph was the leader of the 10 tribes and he was married to a Canaanite, so they were always joined together with Israelites who worshipped at Bethel.
- From the time the Judeans came out of captivity in Babylon, it was only the Judeans who went to Babylon, but the Israelites went to Assyria, but not all of them went.
- Some of the people who came back were Assyrians, and they weren't allowed to go back to Israel with the Judeans and they wouldn't allow them to work on their Temple of Herod, who was an Edomite from Esau, which is very odd.
- King Herod was a descendant of Esau who was from the south.
- Jacob was patriarch of the northern kingdom of Israel.

Esau was the oldest son of Isaac and Rebekah and the twin brother of Jacob in the biblical Book of Genesis. Esau is considered to be the father of the Edomites, a Semitic people living south and east of the southern kingdom of Judah. (


- The Edomites were a Semitic people who were traditional enemies of the Israelites; they lived in southeast Palestine, which included some of Israel's most fertile land.
- The Edomites, Canaanites and Israelites all mixed with each other and Judah himself married Tamar, the Canaanite.
- It was this kind of crazy mentality, like an illness, that the Pharisees had that made them hate Samaritans because they might have mixed with Canaanites and was a form of hypocritical racial bias.
- All their kings were married to Canannites!

Following the laws of Moses

- What upset the Israelites the most was they had their own belief systems where they believed in the literal translation of the laws of Moses.
- You had to be circumcised and worship YHWH, the war god of Israel.
- The other group, the Elohists, never talked about YHWH, they always focused on El and El Elyon and Elohim and they worshipped at Bethel.

Mary's well

- Next we see Jesus and he stops to talk with the Samaritan woman at the well.
- Jesus apostles, who were Judeans reminded him that he wasn't supposed to talk to her because she was an unclean Samaritan.
- And the woman asked he they should worship in this mountain or in that mountain because they had their own worship and Jesus didn't tell her where she should worship.
- He didn't tell her that she shouldn't worship at Mount Gerizim but in Jerusalem instead.
- What he told her was neither in this mountain or that mountain, but in the spirit of truth.


When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” (John 4:7-10)

Throwing stones at Mary

- This is the woman who had five husbands (religions) and she was living with one who was not her own, and she was an adulterous and the Judeans wanted to stone her.
- Jesus told his disciples that he didn't condemn her and this was Mary Magdalene who he married at the Wedding in Cana.
- In the Book of Psalms you find the documents gathered from the northern tribes, the Elohists, and half of it's talking about El, El Elyon, Elohim.
- But there's another half of the book that talks about YHWH.

“Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now.” This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him. (John 2:10-11)

Yahwist or Elohist?

- The next question is whether the Book of Psalms is part Yahwist and part Elohist.
- Because it does look clearly like Zechariah was a prophet of YHWH as he talks primarily to the Judeans ans it does mention in the Book of Zechariah that YHWHs portion was Judah, the southern portion.
- They had their own religion, as we already pointed out, very strict law observers.
- People like the Pharisees but also Jesus, who was born in Bethlehem, which is located in the southern kingdom of Judah.

Zechariah sees a flying scroll

- The Book of Zechariah has two witnesses and four horses that are riding, although the first horse isn't white like it is in Revelation, but instead, it's a red horse.
- All four of the horses are mentioned but it tells you more about what they are and it tells us that Zechariah saw a flying scroll, or roll, like a book.
- And the book went forth and it was curses and it cursed the whole world.
- That was the Jewish Torah, which was the curse of the law on the land.

Zechariah stays behind with his scroll

- Zechariah was the prophet who had been prophesying to Judean and they had been captured and taken to Babylon.
- This is where the phrase 'Get out of Babylon my people' comes from because they never got out of Babylon.
- They were still holding onto this materialistic view of sin and the deity of vengeance, war and hate, YHWH.
- This scroll that Zechariah had, said that when they were scattered into all the nations, they built this woman, which was their covenant of death, a house in Shinar, which is Babylon.

He said to me, “To the land of Shinar, to build a house for it. And when this is prepared, they will set the basket down there on its base. (Zechariah 5:11)

Basket of the Holy Roman Empire

- Babylon was where the Talmudic Jews made their headquarters and from this place, the Judeans began to influence the world in many ways.
- They became an influencer of the Holy Roman Empire and Christianity began to go back to the law and became apostate from Jesus' beliefs.
- When you look at the Book of Revelation you see the two witnesses and the horses and you're not aware who are the players are or what team they're on.
- Most view the white horse in Revelation 6 as Jesus, and he's coming to make war but not in a bad way, in a good way.

White horse with a sword

- He's going to get rid of sin and darkness in the world and there is reason to believe that Jesus is going to come to make war in righteousness.
- However, Jesus its the rider of the white horse with a sword in his mouth that comes after the four horsemen in Revelation in chapter 19.
- And he doesn't have a bow like Apollo does, and Revelation tells us he has a sword of the spirit which is the word of the Divine Being.
- He's called the Pantocrator, or the Almighty, but it really means something more like the 'all perfect' or sustainer, and even to imply someone holding up the stars.
- Some even compare it to a pattern, complete and fulfilled and like the stars, in a pattern of perfection.

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:17)


- The New Testament refers to Pantocrator 10 times and one time it is used by Apostle Paul who uses it to translate 'the Lord of hosts' which is odd.
- Another time, Paul says whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved and he's referring to Jesus, but he's quoting from a place in the Bible that concerns YHWH.
- Could this be the Temple Jesus that Paul helped Peter build, yes it is.
- The temple church version of Jesus or doppelganger and there's also the problem of the Masoretic scribes changing all the names of 'God' in the Bible, so everything's totally confused and jumbled.

Heavenly Father

- The original Greek Septuagint that was written before Christ uses the word Kyrios all the way through, it doesn't use the word YHWH.
- It wasn't until the 1st-century that the Septuagint was reworked by the Judeans and the word YHWH and all his other names appeared in place of Kyrios.
- Kyrios was the name of our Heavenly Father but it was also used to refer to some false deities.

The mighty hunter

- Then we're not sure who the white horse is in Revelation, but then we see the Gibbor, the mighty hunter.
- So much like the mighty Osiris and his son Horus, who resurrected him, and we've talked about the connections with Osiris and the empty tomb in the Great Pyramid and how it was Osiris who built the pyramid, that's what the story is all about.
- There is some connection there with YHWH as the mighty hunter.

Osiris or Nimrod!

- When the Old Testament talks about the mighty hunter Nimrod, it's obviously talking about Osiris.
- Later on Esau beheads Nimrod and takes his cloak and he becomes the mighty hunter.
- So we see it's a title and there's more than one 'mighty hunter' in the Bible and this goes as far back as the Nephilim who were also called that.

Powerful people

- You can see how the Bible now interchanges the word Gibberim, Nephilim, Anakim and different words that it uses to talk about them.
- Whoever these people are, they're mighty hunters, and they're usually hairy, and they've got these hairy robes that they pass on to others.
- So there's a lot of confusion and bluriness because no one has been able to figure out what this all means.

But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there. (Numbers 13:28)


- If the white horse in Revelation 19 is Jesus and he's coming with the saints at the end of Tribulation, and Zechariah says that the Judeans are going to be murdered and half of them destroyed.
- About a third of the city of Jerusalem, a remnant of the Judeans, will be saved.
- In the Septuagint it says Kyrios which is really 'hosts' but it never says YHWH, but Kyrios Sabaoth and it's translated in our Bible's as Almighty.
- So now Almighty is the same as warrior.

Sabaoth of war

- Most of the Book of Zechariah it uses YHWH of hosts, or Sabaoth of war and he's talking about killing people and bloody things going on and violence and hatred.
- It's really kind of disgusting and it began because he was angry and so he sent them away where they're scattered into the world, and this law of theirs is like a curse.
- A curse that spreads over the world and it's what breeds the four horsemen and pestilence and famine.


- Now the warrior in Zechariah riding the white horse, which is not the first horse, seems to be YHWH himself.
- And this would make sense because he is the man of war or Apollo.
- Apostle Paul talked in Galatians about the Destroyer that destroyed thousands of Israelites when they were leaving Egypt and they were complaining.
- In fact, it was YHWH who destroyed Israel in his anger and wrath and he killed thousands at a time, something like 3,000 one day and 20,000 another.


- So there's quite a few references that show it's YHWH riding the first horse in Revelation and he is Apollyon.
- Revelation 9 talks about how a beast, angel, came up out of the bottomless pit and gives him the name Apollyon.
- Then it gives him the Hebrew name Adonai or Abaddon and all the way through Jeremiah it uses the name Adonai for YHWH.
- That's the Masoretic scribe version of the Bible, not the original Septuagint.
- Now in the Septuagint, the name Adonai is used with Kyrios but as a definite article, showing it's not our Heavenly Father.
- This is what we're seeing so far!

My Lord or their Lord

- YHWH is the man of wrath and he comes riding and it begins when Judea separated from Israel.
- The split results in places in the Bible where it talks about 'my Lord' and 'their Lord.'
- Then Zechariah talks about 'our deity' and then tells little prophecies about Jesus; and they shall mourn for the one they've pierced and our deity shall come.
- This is at the time of the end and Jerusalem's going to be destroyed and all the nations will surround Jerusalem and the deity of wrath destroys most of Israel, except for a small remnant.

And I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and of supplication; and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for Him as one who is in bitterness for his firstborn. (Zechariah 12:10)


- Most of the world will come up against Israel and at the last moment he's coming, their deity, riding on a white horse with all the saints following him.
- Sometimes they call the saints the angels and this is all through the Bible.
- Nobody understands this because they don't know that the angels are the saints because after the saints die, they turn into angels.
- If they're not reincarnated back on earth for some mission, then they're in heaven and they've got their crowns and their white robes and wings.



- The angels are ministers for salvation for those who have salvation, they're ministering to us because they're our brothers.
- In the Book of Revelation, John met an angel and was going to worship him and the angel denyed that.
- The angels are exalted beings, the Lord didn't make angels, he made humans, he didn't make demons either, he made humans.
- But from humans, we're the ones who created the monster spirits, they're fears and anxieties and the great big dragon.
- It's lower conciousness, we made that and the Lord didn't make that.

But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God!” (Revelation 22:9)


Fear and hate

- The angels, we made them too, because once we get to heaven and attained our wings then we're the angels.
- This is what Jesus said, those who inherit the resurrection become as angels.
- When the Lord returns with his saints, he's returning with the angels and the Bible says the angels are the reapers, so this is the battle.
- It's a spiritual battle, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal.
- When Jesus comes in battle with the saints it's not going to be carnal, we'll be speaking and preaching the gospels.
- We'll be the ones reaping and ridding the world of the demons, which is the fears, depression, guilt, shame, hate and violence.

Neither can they die any more; for they are equal unto the angels and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection. (Luke 20:36)

Worshipping the curse

- Zechariah was talking to the Judeans about all the war, pestilence and famine all because of the curse they were worshipping, which is their religion, the law.
- And every now and then, Zechariah will inject something about 'Jesus is coming' and you have to wonder who was he writing this for?
- Because it seems like he's a YHWH fan but every now and then he interrupts his little violence story and praises Jesus.
- And Zechariah tells how only a small remnant of Judeans will be saved and they will look up and see the one whom they pierced.


Behold, a day is coming for the Lord when the spoils taken from you will be divided among you. For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city will be taken, the houses plundered, the women raped, and half of the city exiled, but the rest of the people will not be eliminated from the city. Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fights on a day of battle. (Zechariah 14:1-3)

The one who pierced repenting

- The Judeans will wail for him, crying out to him and they'll receive him, and they'll repent.
- Even the ones who pierced him will repent, they'll bow down to Christ when he returns.
- That is why Jesus said 'you will not see me henceforth until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.'
- This prophecy was given by Zechariah in the middle of all his other ideas about war and pestilence.


And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son. (Zechariah 12:10)

Weeping and singing Hosanna

- Then there is another prophecy thrown into Zechariah with all these end time warnings that says he's coming for them and they'll be weeping and singing Hosanna, Hosanna. 
- And the Judeans will have repented and Jesus is coming with his saints, and they're looking for a Messiah, but it won't necessarily be a man.
- Because he's coming with all the angels and we'll be changed in the twinkling of an eye and will meet them in the air.

Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your King comes to you, righteous and victorious, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. (Zechariah 9:9)

End time warrior

- This is what Christianity teaches about the Messiah but the Judeans haven't figured that out yet, they're still waiting for their mighty warrior.
- The whole world is found guilty and sinners under that wrath and if you don't receive the love of the truth that you might be saved, then you get the strong delusion.
- Zechariah also talks about the shepherd who abandons his flock and he gets struck in his arm and his right eye with a sword.
- This is very similar to what Daniel says about 'he'll get the wound by a sword in the head and yet be revived.'


Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

Anti-Christ with a head wound

- The Book of Revelation talks about the anti-Christ that is wounded and dies, then comes to life again, resurrected, and all the world worshipped the beast.
- So the question that begs is Zechariah talking about the worthless shepherd, the anti-Christ.
- The worthless shepherd abandons them, he's a coward or something, and it describes the wound in his head with a little more detail and it says it's in his right eye.
- Remember 'God' comes from Woden or Goden, who is Odin who has a patch over his right eye.
- And the occult cult will always cover one eye, the all-seeing eye and the eye in the pyramid.

Deity of war

- Who is that all-seeing eye, it's not our Heavenly Father, it's this deity of war and vengeance, Apollo and he's got the bow.
- This is why they had their Apollo 'mission' designed not to go to the moon, but instead, to destroy us because that's what Apollo means, the Destroyer.
- Whoever this anti-Christ is, they're going to be struck in their right eye and their eye will be taken out.
- That's very symbolic too because the left eye is your conscious mind and the right eye is your spiritual, higher mind.

Not looking for the spiritual

- Which means that the anti-Christ is not going to have a spiritual side, he's not going to be looking for the spiritual coming of the kingdom of Christ, he's blind.
- What he's looking for instead, is the kingdom of wrath, violence and war.
- But he will also fall in violence because whoever lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
- This is also mentioned in the Book of Revelation and it seems almost like a pun.


“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. (Matthew 26:52)


Fighting for the wrong team

- Those who will take up arms to battle in Jerusalem, plus any who are conscripted or willingly go into battle because they want to fight for Israel, are fighting for a material kingdom, they're not fighting for Christ.
- But those who pick up swords or guns will die by swords and guns.
- This is what we see all over our world today, the right eye is gone, they're fighting wars and worshipping Goden, instead of following our Heavenly Father, Theos.


Finding life

- We're trying to figure out why this one person called Lord seemed to be coming in such violence and yet Jesus said to put your sword away and love instead.
- It's not Jesus who's the Lord of vengeance because he's only love and there is only light and no darkness in him.
- Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, so there is no possible way that he could be this deity of vengeance.
- Obviously, Jesus is the 'I am' in the New Testament, the resurrection.
- In the Old Testament, YHWH said 'I am vengeance and my name is Jealous that is my name.'

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)

Moses was too bright

- There are allusions to the good 'I am' in the Old Testament when YHWH says 'I am your healer, protector and savior' and he does say many good things.
- When the children of Israel were standing before Mount Horeb and it was called the 'true deity.'
- Moses went up the mountain and saw a blinding light and when he came down, the Israelites couldn't even look at him he was so bright.
- They rejected his message and Horeb sounds like orb and it has the 'ore' for light so it is the mountain of light, and it is Jesus' covenant and the Israelites rejected it.



- Instead, they told Moses they wanted a priesthood and they wanted him to be the one to talk to God, not them.
- Paul said they put a veil over their minds when they read the words of the Bible and they take it literally and think it's an actual deity of war.
- It doesn't matter what book you're reading, the Bible, Psalms, the Torah, Solomon's wisdom and it could be any of the prophets of YHWH, the 'ah' like Zechariah, Isaiah, any of them.
- Their stories are always full of violence and war and YHWHs coming to destroy everything with vengeance.

Old kingdom and the new kingdom

- Prophets like Isaiah will talk about the mighty deity the Prince of Peace Emmanuel and prophecies about the coming of Christ, intermingled in all the war and violence.
- It appears the entire Bible, from beginning to end, is about Israel, the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom.
- The 10 tribes in the north that worship in Bethel, the higher consciousness, El, which is the top of the elemental chart, Heliopolis, the Olympians.
- The Olympians fought with the Titans, and threw them down into the pit at the bottom where the lower kingdom of Judea, and they go by the lower commandments, the carnal.
- And the 2 tribes in the south in Judea, worship at Jerusalem with the Pharisees.

Under the law, the curse

- That is why Apostle Paul said that we don't go by the letter of the law, because those who go by the letter of the law are under a curse which is death.
- What does 'letter' mean, it means literal, and when you read the Old Testament literally, you're under the law, the curse.
- However, if you take the Bible and interpret it spiritually, now you're under the blessing, the esoteric wisdom shines through and you find out that this is not about death, but salvation.


Old Testament prophecy fulfilled

- Every prophet in the Old Testament, is in the Book of Revelation, but none as much as Zechariah.
- But all the things the prophets said in the Old Testament were fulfilled, up to the days of Jesus.
- Babylon's already been destroyed so we're waiting for the Great Babylon, because Babylon doesn't exist.
- The only thing that you can say exists any longer is Jerusalem because it's there all over again, after being destroyed.
- And it was destroyed in Jesus' day, but here it is again, which has to do with Daniel's 70th week and this period that's divided off.

Followed the deity of war

- That is why Jesus says he will cut it short because if he didn't, nothing would survive, because if he had brought the end in the days around 70 AD, no one would have been saved, because they hadn't attained salvation yet.
- The Gentiles hadn't come in yet, and all the Judean's, except for a small group of Christ disciples, had all followed the deity of war, the lower ego, so they wouldn't have been saved either.
- It says that at 70 AD, Paul tells us he cut the days and divided so that the Gentiles 'become in' and once that happens, then all of Israel will be saved.
- And then we'll commence Daniel's 70th week which we haven't experienced yet.

Spiritual city

- The final part of the story is when Christ returns and here is the rest of the world looking at Jerusalem and thinking we're going to go back to this earthly law, the king and warriors.
- But the Apostles told us we're never going to do that again because we now have a spiritual kingdom.
- The Book of Hebrews tells us that men who died and were wandering in the earth, and they were vagabonds, but they had a place where they could return, but they refused because they saw something better, a spiritual city.


Temple within

- This is why Jesus said the kingdom is within you, the spiritual kingdom that we're waiting for.
- And meanwhile, the world is under a strong delusion thinking that we're going to fulfill the Bible literally.
- Apollo is the Christ, but he's the anti-Christ, and that is what the first white horse represents, the entire literalness of the material world, war, and making America great again.
- Somehow going back to less taxes and government, and some kind of solution politically.

The hoax

- We're supposed to honor Jerusalem and rebuild it too, and build up the walls, and battle the nations, literally.
- And we need a world war to bring in this final 'righteousness' the war to end all wars, but it's never worked, and it never will.
- This is the great hoax, it's only spiritual.
- Nothing needs to be done in these next 3.5 years, except what the prophecy said would be done.
- That Jerusalem will remain desolute because of the abominations and it will be trampled on by the nations until its' time be ended.


- This is why you see in Zechariah and Revelation he says he's measuring the temple and those who worship there, and they measure the altar, but that's in heaven, and there's people worshipping there in heaven.
- But the courtyard, which is outside the temple, or outside the sanctuary or holy place, which is now been sanctified and cleansed by Christ in his blood.
- He cleansed that when he died on the cross, but that's been cleansed for a long time, and the only place that's cleansed and righteous is in the sanctuary which is in heaven.

Outer courts

- Because Christ went away before the Lord and sprinkled his blood which is our hearts in the center of the physical material, the source of the material, the spiritual, the light.
- The outer courts, or the walls, that's the earthly that's still not cleansed because woe to the earth and sea because the devil's come down unto you, so it's still being trampled.
- We're waiting for this moment when Christ returns and this prophecy in Daniel which is this final, last tribulation due to the fact that we've got to bring down the walls and remove them.


- That's because Judeans and Gentiles are One now, male and female, there is none, Jew or Greek, it doesn't matter, we're all One in Christ.
- Except the division on earth caused by many thinking we have some 'chosen' race here and we need some of their laws and some judgments.
- This was all done away with in Christ, but the strong delusion is still going to be allowed in this fleshly world, because so many are still under the delusion and they haven't yet received the truth that they may be saved.


- Because they were blinded due to their lack of faith, and because they want to take it literal, they didn't get salvation so they couldn't be saved.
- However, this was the Lord's plan, because through their fall, salvation comes to the Gentiles and now since the end of the Jewish system, the gospel and the grace went under the Gentiles.
- We've been preaching the gospel of Christ for 2,000 years and now the Gentiles will come in and there will be no more time any longer as it says in the Book of Revelation.
- Those who pierced him, will have to come through bitter tribulation to Christ.

So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:10-11)

Clingling to this delusion

- Those who come out victorious from the beast, or the monster, or the delusion, those are the ones who are not looking for the material world.
- They're not looking for government, or some kind of earthly temple or establishment, rituals or ceremonies.



- Not that the physical world needs to be destroyed, but the system of law must be destroyed and perish.
- The men who are clingling to this delusion must let go, and come to their knees; those that were under that covenant and those who were following after them.

 Living Deity

- Those who will get the mark of the beast on their hand or forehead which is the law of Moses and that is found in Deuteronomy and Exodus.
- It tells you that you must write the mark of Moses on your hand or forehead.
- Notice how this parallels the saints getting the seal of the Living Deity in their forehead, which is the Holy Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit is the holy mind, it means love, we're no longer under law, but we're under grace, and those who receive this grace are the ones with the seal of the Living Deity and they are the elect.
- They've come off victorious from the beast and his image.

Thinking about abomination of desolation

- The rest of the world sees this beast rising from the bottomless pit and it was already rising, the law, and Jesus threw it down and conquered it in hell.
- But now here it is again, raising it's ugly head, and they all want to go back to law, the red heifer.
- Once they do that red heifer and once you see that abomination of desolation, the tribulation begins, and that is them trying to cleanse the literal temple, it's a blasphemy.
- It's an abomination because they rejected the blood of Christ.

Wrath and judgment

- As soon as they sacrifice that red heifer, and all the ignorant Christians around the world praying for Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the temple and bringing back the law, that's when then you'll get the wrath, the judgment.
- But you must receive the love of the truth, not just the truth, and most people aren't receiving the love of the truth.
- They're hanging on to illusions and delusions when all they have to do is read their Bible to see that we're not under law.
- We're under grace, and we must have all things in common and we must receive the kingdom, which is within us, instead of looking for an outer material world.

They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. (John 17:16)

Always lacking and in poverty

- They want a material salvation, to make America great again, and the world great again, but to what 'greatness' do they want it to return since we live in an imperfect, material world.
- A world where you will never find complete fulfillment or satisfaction because there is always something missing, or something that needs to be done, or not enough.
- And that is because our gas tank will always need refilling, and we're always hungry, and we never have enough of anything, especially time and money.
- We all have to pay taxes and burdened with this law and prisons and war.


- The days of capitalism where we're buying and selling the earth, you get that piece and someone else gets another piece, but really we don't get anything because the beast swallows us up.
- This is all the beast, and it's the curse of the Talmudic law.
- The only people who come out of this curse, are those who receive the grace of the Lord freely, you don't earn it, but simply wait for his coming.

Peter the pied piper

- Christ's coming is not going to happen because of the Jews starting sacrifices in Israel, that's the kingdom of the anti-Christ.
- He's going to be the one who left the flock and he will betray you and renig on his covenant with you.
- A great delusion is coming upon the earth and you must understand that the Lord loves you and you must receive grace.
- We have to go in his presence in boldness, you have to go boldly before his throne because it's impossible to please the divine without faith, trusting.

Faith rising

- The Lord Jesus has commanded us to love one another, to love ourselves, to forgive ourselves, and to come boldy to his Father's throne of grace.
- And that is not the same as El-vis in Grace-land.
- We have to believe, if we don't believe we are free and have all the blessings that we need, and we feel like we deserve it because we already are heirs to this salvation, then you can't have it.
- So when you think of the word doubt, understand that it means reasoning, to parse things up and start thinking and questioning and you must not do that.
- Because you cannot have anything without faith so you must not doubt.

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. (James 1:6)

Omnipresence (all)

- Pagans had the belief that the divine presence was imbued within the sacred landscape, but Christians have problems seeing this.
- This is due to their belief in duality, that the earth is bad and heaven is good.
- Most equate things around them as solid objects, incapable of containing spirit, even though science shows us that things aren't as solid as we think they are.
- Everything has spirit contained within.

It’s a story in which the promise of new creation is sweet enough that “as we in the churches see our old social order slipping away, we may also discover something grace-full about relinquishing our privilege” (Preaching in the New Creation: The Promise of New Testament Apocalyptic Texts) and so learn to speak the gospel again. (David Schnasa Jacobsen)

New age pillar

- Lately we heard that St. Peter was hit by a lightning bolt that removed his halo and keys in his right hand on December 17, 2023, on Pope Francis' birthday in his homeland, Argentina.
- Paul was standing next to Peter at the same cathedral and he was not harmed.
- Not a very good omen for Peter's church.

Signed by Leonardo DaVinci




Love shows itself more in adversity than in prosperity;
as light does, which shines most where the place is darkest.

Leonardo DaVinci


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