Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




By Leonardo Da Vinci (Verrocchio) - via Wikimedia Commons.

- Davinci first professional work at age 20.
- Wing's repainted by unknown artist (likely named William).
- Angel Gabriel announcing the conception to Virgin Mary.
- "The most perfect representation of the visual world" (Vittorio Storaro).
- A Nun Cia shun.

"Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. (Luke 1:26-80)


Storm Clouds in Woods

- Answering the call in the Fool's Journey.
- Norway Spruce, Cedar, Fir, Cypress.


He will blossom like the lily,
And he will take root like the cedars of Lebanon
. (Hosea 14:4-5)


Elizabeth Woodville

- Palace garden.
- Cornerstone.
- E.W. - Elizabeth Woodville (Dame Elizabeth Grey).
- The Woodville family gained enormous influence and were granted large estates in Wales.
- Secret marriage to King Edward IV (1442-1483) of England (1st Yorkist and champion of the Wars of the Roses).


King Edward IV was reprimanded by his mother, the Duchess of York, for marrying Elizabeth Grey, a widowed commoner. As the king and his lords attempt to reassure the duchess and to tell her that it is better to marry for love than out of dynastic necessity (and that she will soon have grandchildren out of the marriage), the duchess laments on how many people, particularly the nobles, will oppose the marriage.

Queen Elizabeth further reassures the duchess by informing her that she does have some noble blood within her and that she is virtuous nonetheless.  (


Hispanic-Arabic embroidery

- The veil is decorated with geometric motifs made up of alternated horizontal bands with a design of interlaced lozenges of Hispanic-Arabic origin.
- This was a style that the Florentine fabric makers incorporated in their patterns starting in the mid-13th-century. 
- Is said to allude to the shroud that the Body of Christ was wrapped in and is an example of religious secretism.

An acolyte, dating to the second half of the 13th-century and attributed to Arnolfo di Cambio, is shown holding in his hand a bottle of Islamic workmanship with a rare legend in Arabic; "The prosperity of the kingdom is imminent, Good luck." In iconographic terms, this represents a significant novelty in Florentine 15th-century painting since it successfully combines Arabic and Hebrew culture, even in a symbolic sense. (Diego Crociani and Caterina Marrone)

- Draped in royal blue and gold coronation robe.
- Sitting in front of stone sarcophagus.


Edward of York was born the eldest surviving son of Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York, and his wife, Cecily Neville, on April 28, 1442, while the family was stationed in the Norman capital of Rouen, where York was serving as lieutenant of France for King Henry VI.  


White Queen Lily


- White Queen.
- Edward IV was a usurper of the English throne.
- Before they married he had been betrothed to another lady.
- It was claimed that the priest who performed their marriage ceremony was in fact, a fraudster.
- The Earl of Warwick (The Kingmaker) was outraged by the marriage and he began to support Edward's enemies.
- Edward had numerous mistresses.


If someone today married one person while engaged to another it might put a few noses out of joint but that's about all. However, things were quite different in the 15th century. An engagement had almost the same legally binding status as a marriage. In a technical sense, an officially engaged person was already married.

So if Edward was already legally married through his engagement, then the marriage to Elizabeth was null and void. And, of course, any children born after the marriage would be illegitimate. That would mean that Edward, Prince of Wales, and Richard, Duke of York, children of Edward and Elizabeth, were bastards. (



- Oil and tempera (water-based, egg yolk) on poplar panel.
- Hellman's Mayonnaise (oil, egg, vinegar).
- Hell is 234 (or 1134) that's all it is.
- March 25 marks the Annunciation, Orthodoxy and Hellenism (Greek).
- March 25 was New Year's Day in many pre-modern Christian countries using Gregorian calendar.

- Biblical Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist.

And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God. And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. (Luke 1:26-80)


- Mayon Volcano, Phillippines.
- Mayon naise (woman).
- Everything is inside out and upside down.
- Mayon volcano myth is a legend about the origin of the volcano in the Philippines.


by photojournalist Ciriaco Santiago III 

Mythical Couple that ‘Created’ Mayon Volcano in The Philippines Makes a Dazzling Appearance in the clouds

- The myth tells the story of Daragang Magayon (the lovely one), a beautiful princess who fell in love with Panganoron (the proud one), a brave warrior from another tribe.
- Her father, Makusog (the strong one), chief of the tribe, couldn't allow them to marry because tribal law forbade marriage outside of the clan.
- Their love was also opposed by Pagtuga (the eruptive one), a rival chieftain who wanted to marry her. A war ensued, and both Magayon and Panganoron were attacked.
- As the couple made their escape from her father and his tribesmen, a poisoned arrow struck Magayon. Then, as Pangaronon was kneeling over the dying Magayon, a warrior stabbed him from behind.

Magayon's father buried them together, and their grave turned into a volcano. The myth says that the eruptions of Mayon are signs of their eternal love or Pagtuga's disturbance.

- It is said that even in death and in another form, she is still haunted by the men who loved her.
- When Mayon is said to erupt, this is Patuga challenging Panganoron. But when Mayon is calm, Panganoron is embracing her. The tears of Panganoron are shed as rain at times in his grief.

Mayon volcano legend COMES TRUE as faces seen kissing in lava eruption



Order of the Golden Fleece

- Before he became the king of England, Edward IV was the 4th Duke of York and he earned the title of Earl of March.
- Order of the Golden Fleece, he was known as the 65th knight.
- The Golden Fleece is a metaphor to describe something impossible to achieve.
- The order was founded in Bruges, Flanders, on January 10, 1430, by Philip III (the Good), the Duke of Burgundy, in honor of his marriage to Isabella of Portugal.
- Isabella's grandfather was Edward III and he founded Order of the Garter in 1348.


Turn him to any cause of policy,
The Gordian Knot of it he will unloose,
Familiar as his garter
. (Shakespeare, Henry V)

Ancient city of Lille, France

- The first meeting of the Golden Fleece was held in Lille on November 30, 1431, which is the feast day of Saint Andrew, patron saint of the House of Normandy.
- The new order was dedicated to Virgin Mary and Saint Andrew.
- Philip III sought to use the order to strengthen his ties with the nobility, thereby increasing his own power and prestige.


The creation of the Order of the Golden Fleece was also aimed at upholding a chivalric standard amongst its members. Moreover, there was a religious dimension to the order, as its knights were to promote the glory of God, and to defend the Christian faith.

It is rather intriguing to consider that whilst Christianity and chivalry are supposed to be at the core of the Order of the Golden Fleece, its name, ironically, appears to refer to the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece, a pagan myth centered around a hero with questionable morals. (


Golden Fleece


- Jason and the Golden Fleece is an ancient Greek myth that came from Apollonius of Rhode's Argonautica, 3rd Century AD.
- The fleece is a symbol of authority, wealth, and kingship. It was coveted by royalty.
- The Golden Fleece was a ram that had hair that was made of spun gold anyone who possessed it was considered to be a true ruler.
- Chrysomallos - golden-woolled, winged ram.



- The main protagonist is Jason, age 20, son of Aeson, King of Iolcus in Thessaly, who was the son of the god Crethaus.
- As an infant, he was sent to the centaur Chiron in Mount Pelion to be raised.
- He returned to Iolcus as an adult and by that time, he was the rightful king, however, the throne had been usurped by Pelias, son of the god Poseidon, his father's half-brother.
- Pelias was worried he would lose the stolen throne so he consulted an oracle at Delphi, Apollo, who warned him a man wearing one sandal would cause his downfall.
- Unknown to Pelias, this was Goddess Hera's revenge for killing his stepmother, Sidero, at her alter years earlier and prohibiting people to worship Hera.
- Jason had been chosen by Hera (Queen of the Gods) to carry out the task and his birth had been hidden from both Pelius and Aeson when his mother died at his birth.

Jason, whilst on his way back to Iolcus, met an old woman, and carried her across the Anauros River. This old woman was supposed to have been the goddess Hera in disguise.

Jason lost a sandal whilst crossing the river. Therefore, when he arrived in Iolcus, Pelias recognized him as the man with one sandal foretold by the oracle, and became alarmed. (


Colchian Dragon


- The king was alarmed at Jason's arrival and realized the prophecy about one sandal was true and Jason was a dangerous stranger.
- Pelias sent Jason on an impossible mission to find the Golden Fleece to remove a curse from the family, hoping Jason would perish in the process.
- Goddess Hera knew about Jason's impossible task but he did not know of the Gods involvement in it.

The Golden Fleece belonged to Aeëtes, the King of Colchis, and was hung on an oak in a grove sacred to Ares.

Although the fleece was guarded by a dragon that never sleeps, the myth would demonstrate that Aeëtes was an even greater obstacle to Jason’s quest than this beast. In any event, Jason assembled a group of heroes to aid him on his quest. (


Argo, constructed under Athena's orders

- Jason and his companions, a group of over 50 heroes, became known as the Argonauts and included the likes of Hercules, Orpheus, the Gemini twins Castor and Pollux, and Asclepius.
- The Argo was a 50-oar ship designed by the Goddess Athena, built by Argus, navigated by Tiphis, under the orders of Hera, more powerful than any ship the Greeks had ever built.
- The ship was built so that the mast, rudder, anchor and oars could be removed and the ship then pulled ashore on rolling logs. This would prevent the ship from being destroyed or stolen and it could be easily hidden away.


Ship figurehead

- The ship was built with a sacred piece of wood from the oak at Dodona, God's enchanted forest, and was a gift from Zeus. It was supernatural and had the ability to cry, shout and talk.
- Some believe the wood was a plank and others claim it was the ship's figurehead.


Colchis Bull with bronze mouth


- The Argonauts set off on their voyage and encountered many adventures along the way including visiting island of Lemnos, land of Doliones, Amycus, Pineaus, the Symlpegades and Stymphalian Birds.
- Finally, upon arriving in Colchis, Jason asked Aeëtes for the priceless Golden Fleece and the king told him he would do so, but he was not in favor of it.
- Aeëtes, who planned on being king forever, was so angry, gave Jason two impossible tasks to do; the first was to yoke the Khalkotauroi (Colchis Bulls, a pair of huge bulls with bronze hooves and mouths), and to plough a field with them.
- The second was to sow in the field ploughed by the bulls the teeth of the dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece.


Ferocious warriors sprout from teeth

- The bulls breathed fire and were impossible to yoke which made the second task impossible.
- Ferocious warriors would sprout from the teeth once they were sown, and Jason had to defeat them.

Goddess Hera

- Despite the difficulty, Jason, however, was favored by the goddess Hera, who helped him by causing Medea, the daughter of Aeëtes, to fall in love with him by allowing Eros to strike Medea with one of his arrows.
- Hera knew that Jason would need Medea to weave her magic.

Medea was a sorceress, and a high priestess of Hecate, so she knew how to accomplish the tasks set by her father. She agreed to help Jason, on the condition that he marry her once he obtained the Golden Fleece.

Jason agreed to Medea’s condition, and was given a magic salve that would protect him from the Khalkotauroi’s fire. For the second task, Medea told Jason to throw a stone amongst the warriors once they sprouted. This would throw them into confusion, and cause them to fight one other. (

Sacred Grove

- Despite Jason accomplishing the tasks, King Aeëtes refused to hand over the the Golden Fleece and plotted to murder Jason and the Argonauts.
- Medea discovered her father's evil plot and led Jason to a sacred grove where he was able to recover the fleece which was nailed to a tree in a small garden.


Sleepless Dragon protecting Golden Fleece

- The fleece was protected by the Sleepless Dragon and Orpheus, the great music player, and Medea lulled the dragon to sleep clearing the path.
- Jason and Medea, along with the Argonauts, escaped to Colchis.
- Aeëtes and his son, Medea's brother Apsyrtus, chased them across the seas.


Medea uses magic to murder

- Medea killed her brother and then cut him into pieces and threw his body into the water.
- Aeëtes, in despair, gave up the chase and asked Zeus to punish Medea and Jason for his son's death.
- Zeus prayed and drove the Argonauts ship off course and they landed on the island of Aeaea, were Circe, Medea's aunt lived.
- Circe was distraught and asked the Argonauts to leave.
- The Argonauts set off again and found themselves seduced by the Sirens who were beautiful women who sat on rocks and played enchanting music causing the sailors to run their ships aground and perish.
- Orpheus, with his lute, saved the Argonauts from the Sirens by playing a song more captivating thus breaking their enchanting spell.
- They traveled safely past Scylla, a six-headed monster, and Charybdis, the deadly whirlpool.
- The Argo was guided to the island of Drepane and it was there that Jason and Medea were married.



- As they neared Crete, the exhausted Argonauts were fended off by a large bronze man named Talos who Medea killed with magic.
- Next they traveled to the island of Anaphe where Theras threw a clod of clay into the sea and it created an island he named Calliste.

Golden Fleece

This four-tiered cult stand found at Tanaach is thought to represent Yahweh and Asherah

- On finally returning to Iolcus and as Jason hands the Golden Fleece to Pelias, he discovers that Pelias already murdered his father, Aeson.
- He asks for Medea's help in exacting revenge against Pelias who dies after she tricks his daughters into murdering him.


- The myth does not end with Jason and Medea living happily ever after, instead, the residents of Iolcus didn't want a sorceress for their queen.
- So, Jason, after so many adventures to obtain the Golden Fleece and become a king, relinquished the kingdom to Pelias' son, Acastus.
- Hera avenged herself through Jason by having him obtain the Golden Fleece and kill Pelius but she no longer had any need for Jason who went into exile with Medea in Corinth where he falls in love with the princess.
- Medea was inconsoluble at his deceit and murders the princess and their three children and escapes to Athens.

Argo crashes down on him

- Jason  ended his life as a lonely man and dies a tragic figure after he asks Zeus to show mercy on him and a lashing on the dilapitated Argo snapped causing a beam to fall on him and turns him into a legend.

Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city. (Proverbs 16:32)

Moral of the myth!

Jason, the righteous young king and legal heir to the throne went to work for crooks who had him performing dangerous jobs to steal the crown back from another crook that rightfully belonged to him (not them).

The real truth is, they were too weak to get it for themselves and they knew Jason was strong so they were harvesting his energy.

He thought he was being a hero but he wasted a lot of time and energy. They didn't care what happened to him and threw him away when they were done with him and they played on his youth and ignorance.

Don't work for crooks, dispose them instead and take your crown back.

Don't marry anyone who was conjured up by Eros because it's not real love, it's black magic and the spell will break. Short term.


The use of such a pagan myth involving an arguably less-than-chivalrous protagonist would no doubt be at odds with the core values of Philips’s Order of the Golden Fleece. Yet, an ingenious solution was concocted, allegedly by the Bishop of Nevers, to square this circle.

The bishop proclaimed that the Golden Fleece was in fact was fleece of Gideon, an Israelite leader mentioned in the Old Testament’s Book of Judges. Thus, the order was given a Christian story to lay its foundations on. (


Punished for 7 years

- The children of Israel ‘did evil in the sight of the Lord’ (Judges 6:1) and from that God caused them to be taken over by Midian for 7 years (Could this be due to Mose's rampage against the Midianite women and children?).
- During that time the Midianites, Amalekites and those from the East went against Israel and pillaged their lands; leaving nothing to salvage. From this, the children of Israel were grieved and prayed to the Lord.
- The Midianites and Amalekites burned their homes to the ground, rampaged their villages, and confiscated their crops and livestock till the Israelites had no hope of survival.


The first thing to know is that Gideon was communicating with a lower interdimensional spirit, Yahweh, who is not the Most High (Source), but rather, a local God (of Israel). 

The Gnostics knew this and called him the Demiurge (Yaldabaoth). Gnosticism presents a distinction between the highest, unknowable God or Supreme Being and the demiurgic "creator" of the material, identified in some traditions with Yahweh, the God of the Hebrew Bible.

Yahweh was the replacement for the storm god, BaalHe is in control of the material world and uses law (Moses) to control us.

The scribe who penned the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and much other narrative in the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible (Pentateuch, aka Torah) had a distinctly anti-Canaanite agenda although current day Israel resides in the exact location of the ancient Canaan. They're the same place on the map.

Once you understand this, you'll look at the Old Testament in a whole different way. Remember, the Bible is not a religious book, it's a book about metaphysics and astrology. It shows us stories that are good and others that are bad because they are all life lessons (and warnings to avoid the bad ones).


Yaldaboath abuses Asherah and silences her

-  In Jewish scripture, it was Khokhmah, 'Wisdom,' who personified the Divine feminine. She was understood as an emanation of God, and resonated with the Hebrew Goddess who is otherwise assailed in the Bible, Sophia and Asherah (sacred tree).
- My throne was in the pillar of cloud,” she declares in Ben Sirach (24:4).
- The Hebrews revered Sophia and King Solomon put her in the Temple, as the Goddess Asherah. However, after the brutal 'reforms' of King Josiah described in 1st and 2nd Kings in the Bible, the veneration of Sophia went underground.
- Sophia rebukes Yaldaboath (Yahweh) as a liar and fool when he, unaware of her role in creation, claimed sole divinity over the earth.
- Yahweh is threatened by Sophia (Eve) and she leaves a likeness of herself in the Garden of Eden which he rapes and she gives birth to Cain's children (which despite Yahweh/Cain are blessed by Eve).
- Wisdom of Solomon, a book in the apocrypha says clearly that Sophia is the Holy Spirit.
- As time passed, the male patriarchial religions gradually stripped Sophia and Asherah of their divinity and turned them into 'fallen goddesses.'


Moses said to God, “When I come to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers’ [house] has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is [God’s] name?’ what shall I say to them?” (Exodus 3:13)




-  Gideon (driver), also called JerubBaal (Baal will contend), was an Israelite military leader, judge and prophet who conquered the Midianites.
- He was chosen by God to free the people of Israel and stop their idolatry after they began following the customs of their 'evil' neighbors.
- Gideon was the son of Joash, from the Abiezrite clan in the weakest tribe of Manasseh and lived in Ephra (Ophrah).
- Gideon was so afraid of the murderous band of tormentors at large, that he chose to thresh his wheat in a winepress, for fear he might be ambushed in the field.


Pottery shard Leeon

Pottery shard from jug

- A 3,100-year-old fragment of a jug with his name written in ink was found in southern Israel.
- His name was also known as Jerubbesheth and the 'sheth' meant 'shame' and was used by Saul to name a son and grandson.

Terebinth (turpentine) tree hides the Angel of the Lord


- The Angel of the Lord (messenger) came to Gideon in the form of a traveler and sat down in the shade of a terebinth (turpentine) tree for a repose.
- The angel greeted Gideon: "The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!"
- Gideon, the fifth major judge, was very suspicious and he asked for proof of God's will by three miracles.


Fire shooting out of rock


- The first miracle was a sign from the Angel by fire shooting out of a rock.


Fleece wet and land dry
Rain - Baal storm God

Fleece dry and land wet
River - Comes from rain

- The next two miracles performed on two consecutive nights involved fleece and were the opposite of each other; First Gideon woke up to his fleece covered in dew, but the surrounding ground dry; then the next morning, his fleece was dry but the surrounding ground covered in dew.


Then Gideon said to God, “If you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said, behold, I am laying a fleece of wool on the threshing floor. If there is dew on the fleece alone, and it is dry on all the ground, then I shall know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said.”

And it was so. When he rose early next morning and squeezed the fleece, he wrung enough dew from the fleece to fill a bowl with water. Then Gideon said to God, “Let not your anger burn against me; let me speak just once more. Please let me test just once more with the fleece. Please let it be dry on the fleece only, and on all the ground let there be dew.”

And God did so that night; and it was dry on the fleece only, and on all the ground there was dew. (Judges 6:36–40)





- Gideon led a troop of 300 valiant men after God reduced his troops from 32,000.


The Lord said to Gideon, “You have too many men for me to hand Midian over to you. Israel might brag, ‘Our own strength has delivered us.’ Now, announce to the men, ‘Whoever is shaking with fear may turn around and leave Mount Gilead.’” Twenty-two thousand men went home; ten thousand remained. (Judges 7:2-3)


Sheep lapping water



- Gideon separated the men who lapped the water with their tongues as a dog laps from those who knelt down to drink. The Lord said to Gideon, "With the 300 men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands. Let all the others go home." 


If you read this carefully you begin to know that God told Gideon the battle had already been won and that is the reason he told him to turn back so many men.

Also, he never ordered Gideon to call for troops.

The troops that lapped the water in their hands were the Obsessive Compulsive's. Those who are more inclined to controlling and perfectionism. Lacking flexibility. Adherence to rules in an inflexible, rigid way. Problems with self-identity and/or self-direction.

Behind the scenes, the Most High is controlling the show and he put all them in the boat with Jason and Gideon for a reason, yes he did.

Think of them as the 'macho men' of the world running over you with their truck (because you have different core values than them).

The troops who initially were sent home are "the meek who shall inherit the earth."


Asherah (Mistress of Lions) hidden


- On God's instruction, Gideon destroyed the town's altar to Baal and the symbol of the goddess Asherah who were the 'pagan' idols of his clan.
- Asherah (Queen of Heaven) was the wife of Baal and later on (subsequent generations of worshippers) with El and later with Yahweh, who is the ancestral God of Israel in the Bible.
- Apparently this was Yahweh's way of divorcing Asherah.
- Gideon then erected an alter to the Lord (Yahweh) and sacrificed a bull upon it.
- Note, pagan means anyone who didn't like the same things as the early patriarchial Jews (namely females). It wasn't just Magdalene they managed to turn into an inconsequential prostitute (with their lies and smear).
- This endeavor went against a long line of feminine Divines such as Lilith (who was completely demonized), Eve, Magdalene, Virgin Mary, Sophia, Asherah, Isis, Cleopatra, Astarte, Ishtar... Many of their traits were confused and conglomerated into a total fabrication.


J. Edward Wright, president of The Arizona Center for Judaic Studies and The Albright Institute for Archaeological Research, talked about how several Hebrew inscriptions mention "Yahweh and his Asherah." 

Asherah was not entirely edited out of the Bible by its male editors, traces of her remain, and based on those traces, archaeological evidence and references to her in texts from nations bordering Israel and Judah, we can reconstruct her role in the religions of the Southern Levant. 

Asherah -- known across the ancient Near East by various other names, such as Astarte and Ishtar -- was "an important deity, one who was both mighty and nurturing, Many English translations prefer to translate 'Asherah' as 'Sacred Tree,' This seems to be in part driven by a modern desire, clearly inspired by the Biblical narratives, to hide Asherah behind a veil once again.

Asherah as a tree symbol was even said to have been "chopped down and burned outside the Temple in acts of certain rulers who were trying to 'purify' the cult, and focus on the worship of a single male god, Yahweh. (NBCNews)


Irate clan members


- The next morning, his fellow clan members were irate when they discovered whar he had done so his father, Joash, told them if Baal was a real God, he could defend himself when someone tore down his altar.
- Joash, was evidently a high priest and had welcomed the worship of Baal and Asherah to his home.


When the destruction was discovered, the men demanded to know who had committed the heinous crime. When they discovered it was Gideon, they marched to his father's house and demanded, “Bring out your son. He must die, because he has broken down Baal's altar and cut down the Asherah pole beside it” (Judges 6:30). It is only through the intercession of Joash, Gideon's father and chieftain, that his life was spared. (The Hidden Goddess, Laurie Martin-Gardner)


Divine Mother Asherah hidden and in bondage


- The Tree of Life is the ephihany of Goddess Asherah (grove or wood).
- What was called 'pagans' was actually early Christians (Gnostics and such).
- Mother Earth and Father Time and time purposely forgot about her.
- Represented by Date Palm (grapevines, pomegranates, walnuts, myrtles, and willow).
- Female pillar figurines.
- The only goddess whose name is well attested in the Hebrew Bible is Asherah.
- When church patriarchs selected the books that became the canonical christian bible, they rejected some of the earliest texts, Gnostic scriptures. Among these excluded scriptures were writings that pictured Wisdom as a divine, creative female presence.


The variant picture of the Gnostic scriptures reflects an intense campaign to beat down goddess veneration and to split body and spirit. The tension is more open in the Gnostic gospels precisely because the female divinity is still powerful, in contrast to the christian canon. It was in Egypt and other centers of the Mysteries that the last stand for open Goddess worship was fought -- and ultimately lost -- on the battleground of Gnosticism.

 Eradicating the Goddess proved to be an impossible task. She survived in myriads of forms in popular belief, veiled as Mary or christian saints. The Virgin Mary occupied a much less powerful position in church doctrine and scriptures than the old pagan Goddess. Folk tradition is another story; there devotion shifted to Mary from the old goddesses and persisted over centuries as new ethnicities entered christendom. Due to this popular pressure and the role it played in the clergy's conversion strategy, Mary escaped the degradation that Gnostic christians ended up heaping on Sophia, and the stigma that theologians cast over Eve. Catholicism ended up absorbing goddess traditions over the centuries, through progressive engorgements, while Gnosticism gradually shed them. (Khokhmah and Sophia, Max Dashú)


Triple Goddess


- The Handmaid's Tale.
- Qetesh together with hieroglyphs taken from a separate Egyptian relief (the "Triple Goddess stone").
- In the Ugaritic tales she is known as Athirat and is the consort to the great father god, El. She walked on water 1,400 years before Christ (1440-1300 BCE).
- Known as “Lady Asherah of the Sea” and “She who walks on the sea.” As Athirat, a cognate name for Asherah, she is mother of 70 children (this relates to the Jewish idea of the 70 guardian angels of the nations).


From the Vulgate, the King James translation of the Bible uses grove or groves instead of Asherah's name. Non-scholarly English language readers of the Bible would not have read her name for more than 400 years afterward. (Wikipedia)

Midian Mountain


- Khirbet el-Qom and Kuntillet Ajrud ("Yahweh of Samaria and his Asherah" and "Yahweh of Teman and his Asherah"). Two small states, not the universe.
- Yahweh was an ancient Levantine deity, and national god of the Israelite kingdoms of Israel and Judah (Wikipedia).
- He is the God of the Old Testament (law).
- Demonized and turned the Divine Feminine into a beast.
- The origins of his worship reach at least to the early Iron Age, and likely to the Late Bronze Age, if not somewhat earlier.
- Bacchus–Dionysus.
- Golden Calf sits on the hill.


The Hebrew Bible frequently and graphically associates goddess worship with prostitution ("whoredom") in material written after the reforms of Josiah. Jeremiah, and Ezekiel blame the goddess religion for making Yahweh "jealous", and cite his jealousy as the reason Yahweh allowed the destruction of Jerusalem.

The Hebrew term qadishtu, formerly translated as "temple prostitutes" or "shrine prostitutes", literally means "priestesses" or "consecrated women" from qds meaning "holy". However, there is a growing scholarly consensus that sacred prostitution never existed, and that sex acts within the temple were strictly limited to yearly sacred fertility rites aimed at assuring an abundant harvest. (Wikipedia)




- Meanwhile, the harassing clans and rebels joined forces and they marched to the valley of Jezreel to annihilate God's people.
- Gideon, struggling with fear and doubt, blew his trumpet to rally the neighboring Israelites to war.
- Once again, Gideon asked God for a sign.
- Armed only with trumpets and torch jars the Israelites went to war.
- On Gideon's command, they blew their trumpets and smashed the jars.


As a result of these events, by the end of the story Yahweh is supreme and in control of all divine powers and functions formerly in the hands of the Goddess, and Canaanite religion in general has been discredited.

Yahweh is in charge of the garden (formerly the Goddess’ province), from which chaos has been removed. Sacred tree veneration has been prohibited and discredited, while Yahweh appropriates and identifies himself with the Tree of Life (see also Hosea 14:8, where Yahweh claims, “I am like an evergreen cypress, from me comes your fruit.”).

The serpent has been vanquished, flattened, and deprived of divine qualities, and thus is not worthy of veneration, and enmity has been established between snakes and humans. The Goddess has been discredited, rendered powerless, and is eliminated from the picture and sent into oblivion. Yahweh’s divorce from her has been made final, at least in the author’s mind. But in fact she persisted, and her equivalents in the psyche inevitably have persisted to this day, as they must. (Arthur George, Yahweh's divorce from Asherah)



- God caused much confusion and those who didn't turn a sword against each other fled for their lives.
- Gideon captured two Midianite kings, Zebah and Zalmunna, and killed them. The Israelites then enjoyed peace for 40 years.
- Gideon, youngest in his family and from the smallest tribe in Israel obeyed God. Yes, he certainly did. He worked very admirably for his fellow citizens.

- Torches in left hands, and holding the trumpets in their right hands, they shouted, 'A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!'


Live by the sword, die by the sword. (Matthew 26:52)


Gideon's troops


- If “All’s well that ends well,” then all is not well with either Gideon or Israel.
- God limited Gideon's troops and let him know the battle was already won but Gideon went into battle headstrong and neglected to give the Most High credit for the win (he turned it into 'Gideon's sword.'
- Gideon’s “ephod” becomes an idol that the Israelites worship and ironically, it's set up in his home town of Ophrah, the very place where he tore down the altar of Baal and the sacred Asherah pole.
- Gideon had a harem. The average Israelite did not have “many wives” and “seventy sons,” along with a concubine (8:30-31). Even David did not match Gideon to this extent.

- Watch: Is Yahweh NOTHING More Than A Copy of The God BAAL?
- Watch: The Moon Matrix (The Technology Of The Fallen World)
- God's Wife Edited Out of the Bible -- Almost


Moral of the story!

Gideon was tapping into lower dimensional spirit, Yahweh, who was a jealous earth god (Ancestral God of Israel). In other words, he wasn't the Most High (aka Source). He represents Moses law (which Christ was trying to eliminate).

He was a demigod. He called himself all the same identical names as the Most High so he could confuse everyone and garner respect and obedience he didn't deserve (Lord, God, Adonai, Jehovah, etc.)

Gideon was used the same way that Jason and the Golden Fleece was used, for building of a king's  personal kingdom or goals.

Asherah was once Yahweh's wife. He kicked her out and trashed her name. She was considered the Goddess of Fertility but had hundreds of representations throughout ancient religions. She represented the divine feminine aspect which has been relegated to the garbage heap by male patriarchial religions.

The apparent disposal of Asherah occurred when the Jewish religion changed to monotheistic (one god).

Also, this discard occurs when one age ends and a new age begins. The Age of Pisces (fish) went after the Age of Aries (ram) and Age of Taurus (bull). It was common for the priests of a new age to demonize the icons/representations of an older, previous age.

As above, so below, apparently not that way any longer, the females were deleted from the ranks (below), but still exist above. This is an abomination.

It is quite easy today, in a world ruled by monotheistic faiths, to forget that the foundations of those religions sprang from a world absolutely teeming with gods and goddesses.

We now know that much of the Bible was written sometimes hundreds of years after the events it recalls. By that time, monotheism was well on its way to dominance, and the writers could mold the stories in a way that reflected their own beliefs.

The Israelites had not always been monotheistic, but the authors of the Bible wanted them to appear as such. Hints of other deities and beliefs among the people were often downplayed, manipulated, or downright ignored. (The Hidden Goddess, Laurie Martin-Gardner)


Doubting Thomas Research
Jabal Maqla, Saudi Arabia

- Golden Calf worship.

Ships that skim clouds

What are these ships that skim along like clouds, Like doves returning home? They are ships coming from distant lands, Bringing God's people home. They bring with them silver and gold To honor the name of the Lord, The holy God of Israel, Who has made all nations honor his people. (Isaiah 60:8-9)

Red vestments

- Members of the Order of the Golden Fleece wear red vestments and can be seen in family portraits and paintings from the order.
- The symbol of the order is ram's fleece (with head and feet) hung on a gold chain with a ring.
- The Austrian branch of the order passed to House of Habsburg after Philip IIIs son, Charles the Bold, died and the order passed from the male to his daughter, Mary of Burgundy, who married the future Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I.
- Charles V, the grandson of Maximilian, who controlled several countries in Europe; Spain, Netherlands, Austria, Germany and parts of Italy, abdicated from several of his thrones at the end of his life and left the order in Austria and with the Spanish Habsburgs including Burgundy.
- In 1700, the Spanish Habsburg went extinct under the rule of Charles II after he died without an heir.
- The Order of the Golden Fleece still continues today with Queen Elizabeth II as one of the more current members.


Edward IV Coin

- After the death of his father, Richard of York in 1460, Edward took over leadership of the Yorkist faction. His father had been declared the king's heir by parliament, but Edward took the further step of proclaiming himself king in March 1461.
- He later forced Henry VI into exile in Scotland after defeating Lancastrian forces in the Wars of the Roses.


You starvelling, you eel-skin, you dried neat’s-tongue, you bull’s-pizzle, you stock-fish – O for breath to utter what is like thee! – you tailor’s-yard, you sheath, you bow-case, you vile standing tuck!  (Shakespeare, Henry IV)

Edward V missing


- Elizabeth was the mother of the two missing Princes in the Tower who were never seen again.
- Richard III and Henry VII both wanted the crown of Prince Edward V who was supposed to be coronated in 1483.


Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. (Henry IV, Shakespeare)


Elizabeth of York

- Daughter, Elizabeth of York married Henry VII.
- Grandmother of Henry VIII.
- Shakespeare veiled Edward IV in Henry IV then he moved on to the next generation, Henry VI and Richard III.


A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse! (King Richard III, Shakespeare)



- King Lear (Shakespeare) and the Fool.
- All in the family.

- Norman Conquest.
- English language.
- It's not the words, it's the quest.

When we are born, we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools. (King Lear, Shakespeare)


- Leonardo made reference to a personal failed flight attempt in the Annunciation referring to a failed mission when he jumped off a hilltop with one of his inventions and landed in a tree.
- Angel Gabriel’s extended wax wing is also a pointer to the embedded narrative of the Greek mythology figure, Icarus, who flew too close to the sun and fell to earth.

Norman Castle in England

- Everything is reversed.

That England, that was wont to conquer others, Hath made a shameful conquest of itself. Ah, would the scandal vanish with my life, How happy then were my ensuing death. (Richard III, Shakespeare)













Morning Glory

Passion Flower


Star of

Straw Flower

- New garden.
- Boline (sickle) for harvesting herbs.

Let our sons in their youth be as grown-up plants, And our daughters as corner pillars fashioned as for a palace. (Psalm 144:12)

Antarctica - A23a

- Icy.

Antarctica - A23a

- It's all in the angles.

Antarctica - A23a

- The Virgin's skirt.
- It's an inversion.

Antarctica - A23a

- Ice skirt.

Antarctica - A23a - August 2022

- Missing head arrives.


- Slippage.


- No longer a mountain.

Leonardo - Penguin

Emperor Penguin

- Antarctica Deep Lake is salty.

Emperor Penguin chick by Sue Flood

Deep Inner Knowing

- Removing the veil shards one by one.
- Not easy, takes a lot of time and patience.
- Needs to be done, mental, spiritual and physical.
- Kundalini, awaken feminine energy that has been buried and hidden.
- Love yourself and everyone (with dignity, honor and respect).
- Third eye revealed.
- Payload.
- Kartika, hook of compassion (cutting through the ego).
- Crowned with Varja (king).

Not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what was being brought to an end. But their minds were hardened. For to this day, when they read the old covenant, that same veil remains unlifted, because only through Christ is it taken away. Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts. But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. (2 Corinthians 3:13-16)

Lotus Flower

- Stupa jar.
- Enlightenment.

Mussel Byssus Fibers

Silk in hand

- Sea silk, byssus.
- Raw material is the saliva of a large clam, known in Latin as Pinna nobilis.
- Mussel beards.
- Noble pen shell (nacre - mother of pearl).
- Mediterranean.
- Form the crown of certain mossy shells (Tertullian - 3rd century AD).
- Pliny and Aelian, described the mussel, attributing it with great predatory abilities and a certain intelligence.

Each filament of keratin is about 25 centimetres long. To get 300 grams of raw you need to dive one hundred times." Respecting the habitat means collecting only filaments of at least 12 years old Pinna nobilis. "If only the tips of the flocks are taken with caution and method, the animal survives; if it is torn off from the sea bottom, the mollusc dies.” 

”The byssus cannot be sold or bought; it is given.” (Chiara Vigo, the last Byssus Master)


- Silk spinner.
- What a web we weave.
- Gloves on.
- Spindle whorls (another gossipy whore-her story).
- Whorl foot.


The filaments produced by the shell - a sort of burr - are keratin (the same substance as hair and nails). They solidify in contact with water and produce a brownish scale encrusted with shells, algae, and small corals that, once worked and bleached, becomes a golden, soft, and resistant thread.

In Rome byssus was considered so valuable that it was sold for gold, as confirmed by the edict of Diocletian. It mainly came from Egypt, Scythopolis near Damascus in Syria, from Tarsus in Cilicia, and from Apulia and Sardinia in Italy, but not in large quantities. (


- Extremely light and shines like gold.
- In Egyptian hieroglyphs it was called “royal linen.”
- Egyptians used to wrap corpses with bandages cut from byssus cloth and coated with rubber.
- Lifting a golden fleece that so far none of the dyers has been able to imitate (Basil the Great - 4th century AD).


“Soon I had put on my byssus clothes… I informed him that they were made from the smooth, silken filaments with which the fan mussel, a type of seashell quite abundant along Mediterranean beaches, attaches itself to rocks. In olden times, fine fabrics, stockings, and gloves were made from such filaments, because they were both very soft and very warm.” (Jules Verne - 20000 Leagues Under the Seas 1870)


Tarantinids, diaphanous, soft, light, golden-colored
feminine dress typical of Taranto

- Cleopatra was dressed in byssus on the day of the Battle of Actium (31 BC).
- Cloak made of wool, not such as is produced by sheep, but gathered from the sea (Procopius (6th century AD).
- Byssus and pure linen – The burial cloths of Christ.


Thus wast thou decked with gold and silver, and thy raiment was byssus, and silk, and embroidered work. Thou didst eat fine flour, and honey, and oil; and thou becamest exceedingly beautiful, and thou didst prosper into a kingdom. (Ezekiel 16:13)

Chinese Dragon Boat

- Silk shipment.
- The finest fabric known to ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
- Knitted sea-silk glove from Taranto, Italy, 1880.
- One of the most valuable goods ever traded.


Beginning in the Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD), Chinese histories document importing sea silk. Chinese language names include "cloth from the west of the sea" and "mermaid silk." (Wikipedia)

Silkworm cocoons

- The decline of byssus yarns began 500 AD during Emperor Justinian reign, when mulberry moss, better known as silkworm, was introduced to Europe.
- The production of silk then spread to Europe, mainly Italy, but required more refined techniques to produce and higher costs.
- Towards the end of the 19th century the textile use of byssus was completely abandoned.
- Over time, many other linens (from the land) were confused with sea silk or byssus such as fine linens made from flax.
- Leonardo thought it was a big deal in Italy.


The barge she sat in, like a burnish’d throne,
Burnt on the water. The poop was beaten gold;
Purple the sails, and so perfumed that
The winds were love-sick with them; the oars were silver,
Which to the tune of flutes kept stroke, and made
The water which they beat to follow faster,
As amorous of their strokes. For her own person,
It beggar’d all description: she did lie
In her pavilion – cloth-of-gold of tissue –O’erpicturing that Venus where we see
The fancy outwork nature.
(Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra)

Silk Stockings

- Special order for the Order of the Golden Fleece.


The spinning of byssus remained only a local tradition in small individual production centers, especially in Italy (Puglia, Calabria, Sicily, Sardinia), France (Corsica), Greece, and Turkey.

 They mainly produced garments to wear under armor, to reduce weight and heat (like linen under the famous iron crown of Charlemagne), or small items such as gloves, socks, caps, etc. (



Seastex mussel waste wool

- 'Seawool' a breakthrough in textile innovation.
- A new process that combines highly polluted mussel waste into a cloud-like substance that can be used for insulation and construction purposes.
- Fire retardant, water resistant, mouldable, recyclable, no micro-plastic (

Murex snail

- The most precious dye used was purpura, the Tyrian purple (also known as Phoenician red).
- Extracting this dye involved tens of thousands of snails and substantial labor, and as a result, the dye was highly valued.
- Rams there were, well-fed and thick of fleece, fine beasts and large, with wool dark as the violet. (Homer, Odyssey 9.425)

Semiramis florished before Jacob, and in her reign byssus was invented; this, which afforded materials for the richest garments, has often been used to designate silk.

The royal apparel, which Mordecai received from King Ahasuerus, was, without doubt, says Dr. H. a Medic garment [...] Jason then conceived the design of seeking in Asia the famous golden fleece; in his time lived Medea, princess of Colchis, to whom the Medic habit has been ascribed.

Jason went into Colchis and into Media, and it appears that the golden fleece was the Medic habit. [...] it may be said, that [Jason] went to seek a fleece and not silk, now the ancients called silk a fleece. [...] Silk, therefore, might have been this fleece; in its natural color it resembles gold; the raw silk often appears like threads of gold; and if ears of corn, if light colored ringlets, are denominated golden, surely the poets might give to silk the title of a golden fleece.

In the time of Aurelian silk was equal in price to gold; and the epithet derived from gold seems highly applicable to silk, when we consider the admirable union of both in the brocades of Persia, manufactured in very early ages. (Review of Pantheon Chinois by J. Hager, The Classical Journal 1, no. 2 (June 1810): 179-181.)

Golden and Tyrian purple


- Ancient text.
- In Exodus, byssus is represented with a different name than in Chronicles, indicating textiles from separate sources as time passed which were all known as 'fine linen.'
- Watch: Biblical Proof of the Narcissists Bleak Future.
- Leonardo's text consists of 13 lines in red and black ink of which the 13th line is touched by the tip of Mary's finger which is deliberately separated from her other fingers, indicating its importance.
- Red ink was commonly used in headings, and black ink was used in the text.
- The lettering itself, so far has not been deciphered because it represents a complex mix and intermingled composition of both known and unknown characters.
- It is very distinct, and well delineated, not blurred to give the impression of text, but suggesting the script of an unknown language or perhaps the contrived action of Leonardo to take the viewer back and forth between the known and unknown, which is something he was famous for.
- This book was the only example of text that he ever painted in any of his work.

According to Jewish tradition of Kabbalah which was spread during the Renaissance period and through the work of philosopher and alchemist Henricus Cornelius Agippa, the number 13 symbolized the birth of the Messiah foretold by prophecies, since it was 13 days after the birth of Christ that the guiding star or comet appeared, bearing witness to a transformation and spiritual rebirth for the whole of humanity. (Diego Crociani and Caterina Marrone)



This four-tiered cult stand found at Tanaach is thought to represent Yahweh and Asherah

Flowers in the garden, in ‘The Annunuciation’ (1437-46) by Fra Angelico. Source Wikimedia Commons 
Pillar and cap  

- We have a pillar cap (capital) with a missing pillar!
- Roman Composite capital.
- Mary Magdalene is in the pillar.
- Mary Magdalene is in the lip (ral-lip).
- The middle pillar of three pillars.
- Virgin Mary of the Pillar.
- Support, backbone, strength.
- Djed, Egyptian hieroglyph represents stability, Osiris spine.
- Egypt is pretty much treeless.
- Paw feet.
- Acanthus leaves, Abacus flowers, Pomegranates.
- Cassone, placed in the bridal suite.

Byssus was first woven into cloth in the Kingdom of Colchis on the Black Sea. Jason and the Argonauts called the elusive golden fleece "Colchis," giving rise to the modern theory that the fleece was made from byssus. (Jacques Cousteau)


Lippi Dove

- Filippo Lippi and his version of Annunciation.
- The broken column.




- Tarot High Priestess.



- Divine feminine crown.
- Pearl-bearing scallop shell signifies Virgin Mary.
- Dhvaja ('victory banner').


Modern wheel - rail lip



- Is that a missing tire or tyre?
- Spikes in tires of new vehicle (both sides on backend) resulted in tire blow-outs at same intersection (a month apart), caused by company striking workers. Had the rest x-rayed.
- Ken-tuc-key.
- Since then the manufacturer has suffered complete withdrawal from the US market.
- Great product though, really sad what your employees can do. You see the result every day, everywhere.
- Watch the rubber too.


Leonardo checks the tire



- Perhaps we should x-ray tires instead of taking airline passengers (nude shots).
- Or maybe we should fire the bad employees.
- Strike with no retribution, you only harm yourself.

Railroad track - rail lip


Railroad t-piece

- Track circuits for the railroad signaling system.
- You get the drift.
- Rail end lipping is the largest single cause of insulated joint failure during the summer months.

- Temporary fix for 'end rail batter.'
- Key.
- Separate lingo.

Energy vampire



- High Priestess has energy stolen.
- Using their mouth.

And as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came! 
(Lewis Carroll, Jabberwocky)


signed by Leonardo DaVinci

DaVinci Annunciation - Page 2

The smallest feline is a masterpiece.

Leonardo DaVinci


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