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Salvator Mundi - Leonardo DaVinci


Globe in left hand

- Brittany, Charles, Douglas (234).


New Webb image reveals mysterious planet-like objects in the Orion Nebula
October 5, 2023

New images from the James Webb Space Telescope have revealed surprising pairs of planet-like objects in the Orion Nebula that have never been detected before.

They're called JuMBOs (Jupiter Mass Binary Objects) because they're similar in mass to the planet Jupiter but since they're free floating and don't orbit planets, they can't be called a planet and they're too small to be a star (below about 13 Jupiter masses, however, it is thought that the lower boundary for star formation is 3 to 7 Jupiter masses).

An infrared image of the Orion Nebula shows 'bright fingers' of gas racing away from an explosion (possibly from stars colliding) that occurred roughly 500 to 1000 years ago.

Upending the rules of astronomy

The Orion Nebula is located 1,344 light years away. The Webb Telescope has identified 40 pairs and 2 triple systems of these mysterious objects. 
Many consider the JuMBOs to be like rogue planets which begin by orbiting stars before being ejected although it is hard for scientists to understand how pairs of them were kicked out (at the same time) while remaining connected to each other.

They are possibly ejected planets, but how their binary relationship survived being spat out from their solar system is not clear. Alternatively, they could be a new category of failed stars, but how they became so small is a mystery.

Because this phenomenon is so unexpected, scientists are rethinking their fundamental understanding of planet and star formation.

Glow up

“We are halfway through the life of the sun, so these objects in Orion are 3-day-old babies,” said Mark J. McCaughrean, senior adviser for science and exploration at the European Space Agency. “They’re still quite luminous and warm because the energy they have when they get created still allows them to glow, which is how we can see these things in the first place.”

The JuMBOs are about 1million years with infernal surface temperatures of roughly 1,000C. It is very unlikely that they contain alien life!

War in the heavens

The Orion Nebula can be seen with the naked eye as the fuzzy middle 'star' in the 'sword' of Orion (hunter) constellation who is in direct opposition to Ophiuchus (serpent bearer) constellation also named (Asclepius the healer) which is 13th in Sidereal astrology.

Signed by Leonardo DaVinci

Self-portrait - age 24



A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black,
because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light

Leonardo DaVinci


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