Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




Leonardo DaVinci - via Wikipedia Commons
De Ganay version, around 1512

- Oil on walnut (Milan).
- There are over 30 extant paintings based on the Salvator Mundi or on the related Christ the Redeemer.
- The background is repainted and was originally blue; there was once a gold halo; and the blue drapery over the proper left shoulder is a somewhat later addition.
- The folds of the red drapery include the omega sign.

To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. (John 10:3)

Our Current Timeline

- What if we've been taught something about the time we live in that's just not true.
- According to the Hebrew calendar we're living in the year AM 5785 which began on October 2, 2024 and ends on September 22, 2025.
- The Hebrew calendar is lunisolar and based on the positions of the sun and moon and is used to determine the dates of Jewish holidays and other observances.

To adjust the average lunar year to the solar year, leap years are added every 19 years. Leap years have 13 months, while common years have 12.  (Wikipedia)

Creation of the world

- The Gregorian calendar places year 0 as the year Jesus Christ was born, however, the Hebrew calendar's year 0 is when 12th century Jewish philosopher Maimonides calculated the creation of the world.
- By Maimonides' calculations, the new Jewish year was 5784 (2024).

And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. (Revelation 3:7-8)


- The significance of 2024 in the Hebrew calendar is this is the year of the voice of the Doorkeeper.
- Doors begin to open for many with heavenly encounters and signs showing the way.
- Borders open between new partnering nations, regions and houses.

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. (Revelation 3:9-10)


- There's supposed to be 6 days in a week according to the apocryphal text that says that Christ returns on the 7th day which only about 215 years, assuming this is accurate.
- However, it's not accurate because this is the Hebrew AM3 calendar but it's treated like it's the AM1 calendar, which is impossible to find now.
- If you look at all the ancient writings from historians such as Flavius Josephus or writings like the Greek Septuagint, they all agree on the timeline, and it's not the same one we're taught today.

Godrules2 fires coal

- The problem is, you will not be able to find the original timeline anywhere.
- If you try searching on Hebrew calender year, the search results will show you the Masoretic calendar which is problematic because it contains an error.
- The calendar that's shown to the world indicates that the son's all died before their fathers, straight down the line of early Bible prophets.
- These are the generations coming down to Jacob and Melchizedek lived all the way to Abraham's generation.

The system attempts to calculate the number of years since the creation of the world according to the creation narrative. (Wikipedia)


DNA re-creation

- The Masoretic text chronology from Abraham to Adam was corrupted by Jews in 160 AD at Zippori for anti-Christian theological reasons.
- If you look at the Greek Septuagint calendar, you can see that it is correct because the sons all outlive the fathers.
- This is because they removed a number of years in the Hebrew Masoretic calendar on purpose and neglected to tell anyone.
- Most people have no clue about this.
- Even more frustrating, if you search for the Septuagint calendar, you will only find the Mazoretic calendar.


- The calendar shown for the Septuagint shows AM 5785 which is not actually correct because it would be something like AM 7500, which is 1,700 years later.
- Anywhere in the AM 7300 to AM 7500 range according to historian Flavius Josephus and the Greek Septuagint.
- The truth is, any historian from that period would tell you that timeline and they would all be in agreement.
- It would not match what they tell us today.

And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. (Daniel 7:25)

Reset calendar button

- No one 2,000 years ago would agree with the Mazoritic calendar, because there was no such thing as the Mazorite's then, they didn't exist.
- The Hebrew Masorite's were created between the 6th and 9th century.
- So our timeline has been changed and it even says in scripture that this would occur.
- He would even think to change times and laws and this is the lawless one.

And He rested on the seventh day. this He meaneth; when His Son shall come, and shall abolish the time of the Lawless One, and shall judge the ungodly, and shall change the sun and the moon and the stars, then shall he truly rest on the seventh day. (Barnabas 15:5)

Ancient text timeline

- What if the 7th day already came and went because it was the Middle Ages.
- If you use the original timeline, which is impossible to find, yet if you go back anywhere from 1,500 to 2,300 years, the historians and writers were all in agreement with the timeline.
- We seem to have a different timeline then they had back in that era.
- Our timeline today, according to the Mazoretic's is we are living in 5784 from the beginning of creation.
- Yet Flavius Josephus will tell you that's not correct and if he were living today, he would consider this period about 7500 years since the creation.

Invisible timeline changer

- So why did the ancients have a different timeline than us?
- If you go back to the Encylopedia Britannica, they have several entries you won't find in the more modern Wikipedia.
- It talks about a patristic and medieval millennialism and how people during the Roman Empire knew the end was coming.
- At the beginning of the 5th-century AD (5900 AM), Augustine and Jerome who were trying to convince everyone that wasn't the case, were so set on it, that Jerome even tried to change the times and laws.

End of the world

- Daniel tells us that Jerome introduced a new set of calculations called AM2 that moved Christ's incarnation roughly 300 years earlier.
- This allowed the Latin chronographers to ignore the advent of the year 6000 AM1.
- Jerome literally tried to change the date of the King of kings birth just to make everyone stop talking about the end of the world.
- He wanted to change everyone's opinion by lying to them to get them to shut up.

Lawless One

- This isn't a story you'll find much about, it's been pretty much erased, although there has always been so much confusion about the changed dates it's amazing everyone seemed to ignore it.
- The original AM1 calendar is not easy to find anywhere, it takes a lot of work to dig it out; AM refers to the first creation.
- The Roman Empire faltered just as the year 6000 approached and now we find the Masoretic calendar telling us we're currently in 5784.
- The Roman Empire that we know as about 400 AD, or 1,600 years ago, they're telling us that it was at 6000 AM since the creation.

Pope Sixtus III was the bishop of Rome from 31 July 432 to his death on 18 August 440. His ascension to the papacy is associated with a period of increased construction in the city of Rome. (Wikipedia)

Pope Sixtus III

- Could the fall of the Roman Empire be when the Lawless One presented himself as Pope Sixtus III (66 and another 6).
- He existed around 400 AD and no one seems to know much about him, but everything is being revealed now.
- The stories in the Book of Revelation have already been partially carried out.
- Pope Sixtus was installed and received his 'power' as the little horn from three Germanic leaders who conquered Rome.
- This could be the Lawless One.

Elephant in the temple

- The Germanic Goths and Khazarians turned the moral fabric and the history and beliefs of the true Christians who followed Jesus Christ, into the carnal commandments about 400 AD when they defeated the Roman Empire.
- This came with all the genocide and hate and all of this because they were working hard to stamp out all this grace and love from Christ.
- The Holy Roman Empire was the Pope and became the line of the Popes who were ruled over by lineal descendants of Jews from Babylon in Baghdad.

Storm warning

- This also explains why the German Lombard family who controlled Italy, had all the Renaissance painters depicting the kings and queens as the Holy Families.
- St. Theophilus, who was bishop from 169 to 182 AD, predicted the fall of Rome as AM 6000 when he wrote to Autolycus.
- This shows the original timeline that no one seems to know about today.
- If you add all the dates and what Theophilus would say the year we are living in now would be; 2024 - 169 + 5698 = 7553.

All the years from the creation of the world amount to a total of 5698 years, and the odd months and days. (Theophilus of Antioch, 169 AD)

Creation spark

- According to Theophilus, we are living 7553 (AM) years after the creation and when you try searching for it, you will never get that search result, it always gives you the wrong date.
- This isn't the first AM but if you search Google they will tell you it's the first AM when it's not, however, the Encylopedia Britannica will tell you it's clearly not the first AM (creation).
- Currently we're living in AM3 and now they use that for all calculations and completely scrapped AM1 and AM2.
- The AM2 timeline was created by St. Jerome when he tried to claim that the King of kings (Christ) was born 300 years earlier than he was really born.
- AM1 was the original calendar that everyone was using.

Loosed for a little season

- So we are proving that the Middle Ages, a period of 1,000 years, was the Millennial kingdom and now 500 years have passed since then.
- We're in that 'little season' when the devil's released in Revelation and we're in bondage.
- And this little season is probably less than 1,000 years because that's an entire eon.
- According to the Dead Sea Scrolls, a 500-year timeframe is called an Ona and we are coming to the end of one, in fact, it just ended on October 31, 2024.

And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. (Revelation 20:3)

King of kings returning

- Definitely this year, 2024, the devil's time has ended which means we will see the King of kings return.
- Things will begin to change now.

Chariots and Soldiers in the Sky
Judaea 66 AD

- Did you know that the Son of Man was seen in the clouds about 66 AD.
- Jesus declared that the High Priest Caiaphas and the Apostle John would live to see his second coming.
- In Mark 14, Jesus declares that the High Priest who delivered him over to the Romans for execution will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven.
- In John 21, Jesus says that John will remain alive until His return and he also promised to return within His generation.

Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” Because of this, the rumor spread among the believers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?” (John 21:22-23)

King of kings returned

- How come no one seems to know the story of Pope Sixtus III and the Goths and Khazarians that took over the Roman Empire and their church.
- And how come no one ever heard about Jesus returning in 66 AD which was written about at that time by three professional historians.
- It's hard to find anything about these instances online.
- Jesus told his disciples, behold, I come quickly, which seems a lot sooner than 2,000 years like people today believe.
- Jesus declared 'If John is still around when I return' that sounds like he meant to come back pretty soon.

A certain figure appeared

- As a matter of fact, John of Patmos did write Revelation pretty late in his life, perhaps Jesus did come back at some time during his life.
- Jewish historian Flavius Josephus wrote an account about the event which is also hard to find online, everything appears to be scrubbed.
- He described a heavenly army in the clouds much like the army Jesus led in Revelation 19.
- Pagan historian Tacitus also mentioned the event; 'in the sky appeared a vision of armies in conflict, of glittering armour.'

The island of Patmos is mentioned in the Bible's Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament. The book's introduction states that the author, John, was on Patmos when he received a vision from Jesus. The book of Revelation is the only book in the New Testament that identifies its place of writing. (Wikipedia)

A great force flying across the sky

- Pseudo-Hegesippus also described the coming of Christ on the clouds when he wrote 'A certain figure appeared of tremendous size, which many saw' and he also talks about chariots.
- The medieval Jewish historian Sepher Yosippon wrote about 'chariots of fire and horsemen, a great force flying across the sky, horses of fire and riders of fire.'
- The parallels between all three of these ancient accounts and Revelation 19 are striking.

Also after many days a certain figure appeared of tremendous size, which many saw, just as the books of the Jews have disclosed, and before the setting of the sun there were suddenly seen in the clouds chariots and armed battle arrays, by which cities of all Judaea and its territories were invaded.  (Pseudo-Hegesippus)

Great red dragon

- Could he have come back for his own, Apostles like John early on and taken up his followers or whoever was there at that time?
- It's very possible, because it also talks about an angel or spirit in the temple from God announcing they were going to leave the temple.
- Since nobody knows about any of these things that occurred in the past, perhaps we are in the period where he deceives the nations.
- This is all in the history books, but nobody studies history now, they do other things like watch videos or read things online. 

And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems.  (Revelation 12:1-3)

Middle Ages

- The Scientific Revolution happened right after the Millennial or Medieval ages as we call it, which was a series of events that marked the beginning of modern science.
- Like we read earlier, the sun and the moon and the stars may change, but what if they really did change.
- Perhaps that's why the science changed after the Middle Ages.
- Next there was the Age of Enlightenment, ye shall become Gods.
- Something a lot of people don't think about is that during the Millennial Kingdom, assuming it happened between 500 and 1500 AD, we also read that the devil is locked up during this 1,000 year period.
- But then he's released right after this period ends.

Wandering planets

- If the sun and moon and stars changed, that would mean that the science changed.
- Could this be why all our physics is wrong and quantam mechanics arrived?
- Perhaps this confusing period, where things are changing, could be used as a tool to separate science and spirtuality and Barnabas did speak about this.
- Think about biblical events like the wandering stars, which we call planets, and how they changed their course.
- Then there was the Galileo affair where he was prosecuted in the Roman Catholic Inquisition in 1633 for new ideas about the sun.

And He rested on the seventh day. this He meaneth; when His Son shall come, and shall abolish the time of the Lawless One, and shall judge the ungodly, and shall change the sun and the moon and the stars, then shall he truly rest on the seventh day. (Barnabas 15:5)


- In our more recent history, we've had strange occurences like Project Paperclip where we brought in certain scientists from Germany during World War II.
- That was the beginning of NASA.
- So if we're at the end of the 'little season' the Book of Revelation tells us what's next.
- It's called the Gog Magog war which would pretty much be World War III.
- All the nations seem to be aligning perfectly for this and the stars have been lining up as well.

Woe to the earth and to the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great rage, knowing he has a short time to deceive the entire inhabited earth. (Revelation 12:12)

Project Paperclip

- It is curious that they brought these scientists in from Germany for Project Paperclip.
- These scientists were known not for building rockets, but instead, they were known for moving their mouths and making people believe certain things.
- Mental manipulators like psychiatrists and psychologists.
- They weren't all rocket scientists, some were, some weren't, but there were also others who concentrated on building atomic bombs.

Dino masses truth extinction

- And we're certainly looking forward to an awakening and there are some things going on, but how can it be a true awakening if the masses aren't awakening to truth.
- Because an awakening of truth would mean that people finally realize that for thousands of years we've been materialists.
- We're thinking our salvation comes from a better government, and many do believe every time there's an election, that we will somehow make a better government this time around.
- We're going to have better police, and somehow reform the welfare, prison and judicial systems, and somehow this will reform the prison planet.

Government waves

- That's not the kind of awakening that we need, the reform, because the only way we're going to get true reform is if Jesus Christ comes with the truth in the light and he's shining bright in the darkness.
- The darkness is government itself, the demiurge.
- When Jesus arrives there will be the waves of the sea foaming out their shame and people's hearts failing them for fear about what's coming on the inhabited earth.
- Unfortunately, it will not be an awakening, and that's what the Bible tells us.

I looked at the earth, and it was formless and empty; and at the heavens, and their light was gone. I looked at the mountains, and they were quaking; all the hills were swaying. I looked, and there were no people; every bird in the sky had flown away. I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert; all its towns lay in ruins before the Lord, before his fierce anger. (Jeremiah 4:23-26)

Not a good awakening

- This is in the scriptures and this is what is prophesied and it is not an awakening, but a rude awakening, but it will be a true awakening for a select few.
- Jesus doesn't call it a awakening but said that the deception will be so bad that it's a sleeping, or stupor.
- People clamoring for evil, and for justice and riots and wars and races against races and food shortages and pestilence and famine.
- That's what the Bible says.
- The deception will be so bad, that if it weren't for the elect, nobody would be saved, but even the elect might be deceived.
- But it's not possible for the elect to be deceived because they're the predestined so it's been predetermined they get the victory over the beast, false prophet and the dragon.

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. (Matthew 24:24-25)


- But who are the ones that get the victory, well it's only the 144,000 which is symbolized by Elijah when the word Israel was being taken over by Satanism and there was this false prophet raging and a famine.
- Who caused the famine, the evil of the people was causing the famine because that is how the universal laws work and it's not superstition.
- You might say the Lord caused the famine, in other words, the truth must be recognized because if you follow the false, you'll have famine and consequences.
- But all you need is the love of the truth that you might be saved.

He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. (2 Thessalonians 2:10)

The old double-talk

- For those who refuse to love and accept the truth, they'll get the strong delusion which is more government reform.
- We've got to make some concessions, and enact some reforms, and wipe out Gaza, and then we'll talk.
- The only awakening that will happen is the 120 at Pentecost who went up to the upper room which represents the top of the astrological wheel in the Kingdom of Heaven (Uranus).
- Uranus is the father of the deities and he reigns over heaven.

Upside-down Aquarius

- Down at the bottom of the wheel Saturn (Satan) rules.
- And he rules over the Aquarian Age and we don't really want to go back to the Aquarian Age because these modern occultists are always doing everything upside down.
- Christ is coming from the East and shines all the way into the West.
- When the Bible says we're going to be changed in the twinkling of an eye that is an astrological expression, the twinkle is mis-translated because most think it means you blink your eye.
- They think it means something like 'quickly' but that's not what it means; instead, it means a twinkle in your eye, a sparkle of light from a ray of light.


In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. (1 Corinthians 15:52)

Twilights early light

- The ray of light that's going to twinkle in your eye, is the morning sun when it comes over the horizon on the Spring Equinox which is the astrological spring, day or dawn.
- If you're wondering why some of our earliest songs say things like 'By the dawn's early light' and the star-spangled banner way back in 1776.
- The star-spangled banner that we call a flag today and its got red, white and blue stripes.
- Red represents the sun's rays and there's stars on one side and sun rays on the other because it's the twilights early light.

Morning sun over the horizon

- Everything changes in the twinkle of an eye because according to Jeremiah 4, the world's gone, this is a reset.
- The light comes and the people couldn't receive the light so they simply perished.
- Just like the days of Noah when there were 8 people left and they had to start over.
- Now we're going to have 144,000 that are going to be enlightened in the upper room as we go through astrological changes.
- The upper rooms are located in the Spring Equinox and the lower regions that Jesus descended into are the lower rooms of the earth.

Top of the wheel

- But now that he's reached the bottom of the wheel, Jesus is going to ascend and he began this journey about 2,000 years ago.
- We're all slowly ascending now, going towards the top of the wheel.
- When we reach the Spring Equinox, when that light ray shines over the horizon, the first glimmer of dawn, then we know everything has changed we're in a new age.
- Jesus promised a place for us in his father Uranus' house, the heavens, which is the top of the wheel where Uranus reigns.

My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? (John 14:2)

Great multitude

- There are many mansions and there are six houses at the top of the wheel and Jesus went to prepare a place for thee that where I am you may be also.
- This is what all this story is about, we're going into the daylight and we see a twinkle by the dawn's early light and on Mount Zion are the 144,000 who learned to play a song on their 10-string harp.
- They've harmonized themselves and they're enlightened and their twin flame is lit upon their head.
- Crown chakra, the flame that was split in twain on Pentecost.
- They've got their crown, and their white robes, and now a great multitude is coming to meet them in the air, meaning the top of the world.

 Lamb shall lay down

- They're coming by being incarnated back into the world, into a better world, into a new school or classroom because the devil reigned in that old dispensation.
- Now we've got the reign of Christ established by the 144,000 and Jesus himself will be here with his brethren, and his two lieutenants, James and John.
- And all the way down through the 144,000, they'll sit on thrones and reign over the earth and upon the earth and the lamb shall lay down with the wolf and the lion.
- This change will not happen suddenly, in a moment's time, and it won't be in a way where we're unrecognizable, like spiritual beings, flying through the air or anything like that.

The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. (Isaiah 35:1)

Age of light

- Instead, the world will change because the light, or the truth, will definitively be recognized when you see the first ray.
- We're going into the age of light and we're the children of day and let's go forward, the night is far spent, the day is at hand.
- At that point, the day will be here and the change will be from darkness to light.
- This happens because the darkness is dispelled by the light and the fire will burn up the material things that we've worshipped.
- The anxiety, the fears, the anger and demonic, the law which is the curse, all that is evil in the world, the devil and his hordes which are figments of your imagination.

Devils and demons

- The Lord never created the devils and demons, but they're there in your mind because you created them.
- When humans are under the bondage of their own demonic creation, and they refuse the love of the truth that they might be saved, then they will get the strong delusion and they will receive the judgment of the wrath that's coming.
- There are consequences to those who don't wake up but it doesn't mean forever.
- They go through the age of fire, a period of time, and some will not be forgiven in this age or the age to come, but they will be forgiven in ages after.
- Because for humans it's a long process through a school, a tutor that leads to Christ.

Eternal progression progress

- We're the first born and no one else has been born yet but that's alright because it's an eternal progression progress.
- In the advancement of the human race, this is the harvest of the world, the end of the age.
- When you have a harvest you have the first fruits, and then you have the rest of the harvest.
- You take out the weeds and the shaft and burn that, and you take the wheat and the harvest of the fruit into the barn.
- This is all just another way of saying there is evil in the world that's got to be removed.
- It doesn't mean that Jesus and the angels are coming down with sickles and they're going to start killing people.


- Light itself will extinquish the darkness when it rises on the horizon.
- We're going through the down cycle before we go into the up cycle and there's an end cycle and this harvest in the end of the age is going to be the stars rolled up like a scroll.
- They'll roll past, we're going into the next age, and some stars will fall and other stars will rise.
- This means that they'll be other stars reigning and the stars that were reigning will fall down over the horizon.
- This is symbolic of the cycles that the earth goes through and when you have a cycle filled with people who were evil, and evil was in their hearts all the time, then te flood comes and wipes them all away.

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matthew 24:37-39)


- So shall it be in our day, some people are going to be living their lives in ignorance, this is all they know.
- They've been deceived by the system, the beast, and the monsters in their own mind.
- The only way the Lord can save them is by organizing the first born, those who were wise to awaken, the elders.
- That way we can have a seed so that the whole earth doesn't come to an end, we've got to have a seed.
- We need a good seed, the best of the seed, so we plant them so that the next age we have a better crop.

Burnt cave

- The others, the ignorant, we have to somehow save from this government and these fears and irrational beliefs and materialistic addictions.
- We've got to quarantine these people and get them off the dope!
- They're addicted to their comforts, we've got to grab them and they're going to be hiding themselves in the holes in the caves in the rocks.
- Just like they did in the desert, they will be saying; save us from the one who is coming and his brightness because they don't want the light.
- Then the outer part, the material world, all the addictions, the things we don't want, the dross, will be burned up.

And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God. (Zechariah 13:9)


- Their souls will survive and they'll go to heaven and look down and see this mess that they were in.
- A beastial, deformed, grotesque world that they needed salvation from, is gone now and they're saved, they've been delivered.
- The group that were in the upper room, the house they were in shook on Pentacost, there's going to be a great shaking.
- All the earthquakes that Jesus was talking about, the shaking off of all the material.
- Things will fall, and those who cling to them will fall with them and die in Armageddon.
- But their spirit shall be saved unto the day of the Lord.

To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. (1 Corinthians 5:5)

Beast and dragon

- That's a good thing, because up to this point the suffering the people went through, they learned by the things they were suffering.
- It was a classroom and they were having consequences and it was a way that they were advancing.
- But it got to the point where the classroom wasn't a good teacher, that's not saying they haven't learned multitudes of things through all the suffering and the wars, they've learned.
- Most people on earth today don't want to go to war, don't like hurting anyone, but they're weak yet.
- They can't let go, they need a little nudge to be corrected, the Lord disciplines those whom he loves, and these are his children.

Ripped away

- The material will be taken away, but not the people will be crying for the material that's being ripped away, like a pacifier taken out of their mouth.
- They'll be in a delusion, they may die of fear, their hearts failing them, but that's the flesh that's got to be destroyed.
- Destruction of the flesh and the material world we're in to get us out of this cycle so we can go into a new cycle and they'll be incarnated now into the world in a better way.
- We'll have a kingdom established by those who were in the upper room that received the Holy Spirit, and got their crowns and wisdom.
- The ones who learned enough to overcome the beast and the dragon and the false prophet.

Men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (Luke 21:26)

Elect flesh

- There's only going to be the elect who are gaining the victory who sing the song of victory, the song of the lamb on their 10-string harp they harmonized the truth.
- They realized they had to get out of the world because if you don't get out of Babylon, you're going to share in her sins.
- If you don't get out of this world, or the current arrangement of things, beliefs and traditions, the cosmos that the devil and the lies and everything has made.
- The law of Moses (Mosaic) has made this system and it's going down.
- And your flesh will go down with it if you're holding onto fleshly things then your flesh will die, and people have been dying for thousands of years.

Classroom learning

- People die, but your soul and your spirit doesn't die so this death will actually be a good thing.
- But the only reason it hasn't happened until now is because we're going through a classroom and all the pain and suffering teaches us lessons.
- Learning, knowing, experiencing, building, planting, growing and receiving the consequences, this helps us grow our ability to be better humans.
- At some point, when people advance, their intellect advances, however, something can happen where they become addicted to material things and it gets out of control.


- Somebody has gotten this idea that they have freedom where in the past they were under law and now we've got freedom and people running around wanting liberty.
- They've become addicted to pleasures, and even though they're intellectual and their heart is more pure than it's ever been before, but their bodies are in bondage now to some terrible ignorance that swept the world like a drug addiction.
- It's materialism, it's this technology, it's the beast that raised his ugly head, and when the Lord comes to cut the head of the beast off, if you want to survive and remain until he comes and go through the change which doesn't mean a moment.

Herbs and real food

- It means in that moment where the world changes from dark to light now you'll be in the Kingdom of Light and at that point we'll go back to eating herbs, and we'll no longer eat poisons.
- How long will we live? Human beings were made to live forever and our bodies know how to repair itself.
- Scientists don't know why we die, because they know about these self-healing properties.
- You need certain vitamins and nutrients to repair your body, and unfortunately, people aren't eating the right things now.
- We think we're eating food, but most of what we're eating is not food, just look at the junk on the grocery shelves now.


- Modern societies have never eaten real food, even back in the 1800s they had 50lb bags of processed white flour and white sugar, cured bacon, whiskey and gin.
- About the only real food that humans have eaten consistently in the past 1,000 years and probably longer, are beans, but they don't have the complete balanced nutrients that we need in our diet.
- If you don't go back to the wild and eat the fish, the nuts, the coconuts, and get this oil-based food you're not getting the proper nutriments.
- Our bodies need more fat than protein or carbohydrates and we've been conditioned to overlook natural foods like pine nuts and acorns.

Nicotine smoke in your lungs

- All around the world what grows naturally, we no longer eat.
- And the herbs we no longer eat, they've been banned, we think they're poison now.
- We need the herbs, and we even have nicotine and THC receptors in or bodies.
- Nicotine is a plant, but that's not what's killing people, it's these asbestos filters and the tar, and the hundreds of chemicals they add that does the killing.
- We've forgotten how to live in nature but we can build a society that's a natural one, a village.
- With parents and grandparents and cousins, aunts and uncles, a community of love.


- All around the world, everyone just wants to love and that's coming very soon for those who can receive it, but you've got to leave the world, you've got to leave Babylon in order to survive this.
- What is happening in our current political state, they are working very hard to get people to just submit to the beast.
- So everyone will stop protesting and flip sides and try to get that going where everyone's on the same page, and we go into the one-world government.
- The odd men out will be the ones who go into the wilderness and hide because they don't believe in any of this.
- So they won't believe in, or take, certain government sponsered things or get a mark in their head or hand.

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. (1 John 2:15-17)

One-world government

- Many Christians will not take the mark, and those are the ones that are going to be considered the enemy.
- But we don't protest, we just escape to the woods, and we don't really know what's about to happen.
- Remember, the whole time of the tribulation might be nation against nation and wars, and all of the things that Jesus said.
- But at the same time, anti-Christ is coming in as a savior, so all the bad things going on in the world, their answer will be to come into the one-world government.
- More than likely, the vast amount of the population will accept it and receive the mark of the beast, or something like that.

43 Monkeys Happening Now, keep your windows closed and do not panic. (Official government word)

Refuge of the Lord

- Many are thinking about leaving Babylon now, probably a lot more than the elect, but more than likely you won't do ever it.
- You'll put it off, although you're not opposed to going into the woods, you don't like the city and this world and you don't want to send your children to this propaganda school.
- And you don't want to get put on the welfare rolls and put in a 9x6 prison with white walls and police on the street.
- You wouldn't mind coming out and enjoying the refuge of the Lord and a lot of Christians believe that Jesus is indeed coming.
- But most of them won't do anything before it's too late, because if you wait until something happens, you might be stuck in a city, we all know the story there.

And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.” (Revelation 18:4)

Oil in the lamp

- That's why the Bible says you must have oil in your lamp, you must be prepared.
- The Lord has perfect premonition and he knows, but he said their will be 144,000 that will be saved.
- It looks like the great multitude will be saved, but they may have to die in Armageddon first.
- And we know the souls under the altar kept asking how long Lord and he gave them white robes and he said, wait a little longer until your fellow brothers are killed.
- So these individuals with white robes have been killed, murdered, they died and they're in heaven, they were murdered.
- But there's a group who remains until he comes and not one hair on their head will be harmed.

After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. (Revelation 7:9-10)

Go north (node) and get out of Babylon

- They survive because they endured until the end and remained until he came.
- These are the ones who followed the lamb wherever he goes and they played on their 10-string harp and lit their chakras and they got out of the world because they left Babylon.
- They didn't partake in the plagues and they overcame the beast and the false prophet and the dragon, they didn't partake of her sins.
- For those who are in Christ, there is no condemnation and that wrath that's coming we're not appointed unto it.
- He'll keep us from the hour of test, the 10 days of trial, and many will not suffer through the tribulation, we're going to be kept from the trouble, but the great multitude do go through the trouble.

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.  For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:1)

Take action cocoon

- This is what Jesus was referring to when he talked about the 10 virgins, 5 were foolish and 5 were wise, don't be the ones who are foolish.
- Do it now, don't put it off until tomorrow, because you might not have time tomorrow, this is not going to get better, do not put your hope in man to whom no trust belongs.
- Put your faith and your hope in the Lord, and he told you to be no part of the world.
- And he told those in Jerusalem to get out of there, and go into the wilderness.


- We see that the church is in the wilderness during the 3.5 years, and all the prophecies tell us thousands will fall by the right hand and thousands that are left.
- There in the wilderness, he will prepare a table for us and our cup runneth over.
- This is what the great holy day of the Festival of Tabernacles means, because they would make a tent, or booth, or tabernacle in the wilderness.
- And scripture says come into my tent, my sanctuary, for a moment until the indignation be passed, the tribulation be done, come into the wilderness.
- The saints will be in the mountains on Mount Zion which could be many refuges around the world.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. (Psalm 23:5)


- There is another verse in the Bible that talks about 20,000 sanctuaries and there will be many all around the world for those trying to get out of Babylon.
- And there will be some point when everyone will be fleeing to Mount Zion.
- There will be a beacon and all the nations shall flee unto it during the millennial.
- The rising of the ancient Mount Zion where Adam lived where the true Israel, represented by Joseph and his coat of many colors that's supposed to be fruitful by a watering place.
- And all the nations are here in America, and the constitution, and the eternal mountains.

The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills; they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren. (Genesis 49:26)

Signed by Leonardo DaVinci

DaVinci - Salvator Mundi De Ganay - Page 2



People reveal themselves completely only when
they are thrown out of the customary conditions of their life.

Leonardo DaVinci


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