Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
1495–1508 from the National Gallery in London

- Oil on wood panel, 2nd version.
- The original version is located in the Louvre in Paris.
- Leonardo's disagreement with the monks happened because it was hard to tell who each of the characters was in the original so the monks rejected it and refused to pay him.
- In this version, he gave John the Baptist a shepherd's staff to make it easier to distinquish them.
- Also, the babies are switched, and they both play both roles as a result; Jesus here was John in the Louvre version.

Zechariah the Prophet 

Son of Berechiah, grandson of Iddo

- Zechariah was the father of John the Baptist in the New Testament.
- In Zechariah chapter 4 is a little known parabolic prophecy which is quite odd, similar to Revelation and the beast.
- The prophecies that we dwell on the majority of the time would have to be Revelation 11 through 13.
- The chapters about the beast and false prophet and the latter days and tribulation, everything we're so concerned with these days.

Olive tree

- Beginning in Revelation chapter 11, there are two witnesses who are symbolized by two candlesticks and two olive trees.
- The story of the 1,260 days, is very closely related to a story we find in Zechariah chapter 4 where there are two annointed ones and the two olive trees.
- Which is obviously refering to the prophecy of the Great Tribulation and something very important for Christians today.

The flying scroll

- There have been countless books written about the subject but Zechariah has another scene we don't find in Revelation and that is the flying scroll (roll).
- The story is about a woman named Wickedness, who is the woman riding the beast in Book of Revelation.
- It's not the same story, and very unlike Revelation, although it is the same woman.


- No one writes about Zechariah chapter 5 because they don't know what it means.
- In spite of the fact that they don't know what it means, many commentators have usually guessed sufficiently.
- Except they haven't gotten to the bottom, about what the deeper meaning of the story is, and this is also true of the Book of Revelation.

Musky Babylon the Great

- The woman is known as the 'Mother of Harlots' and on her forehead is written a name 'Babylon the Great.'
- Of course everyone assumes that this woman is Babylon, and as it was a kingdom with a city, they assume she's the city of Babylon.
- And because it states that she had a great kingdom over the kings of the world.
- So it's a city, and she dwells on 7 mountains and she sits as a queen who says, I'm no widow and will see no sorrow.

World rulers

- When you read the first part of Revelation 18, where it talks about her a lot, you get the impression that they're talking about the same world rulers we have today.
- They think they're gods and deities and can do whatever they want to us.
- They're reigning over us, and we're their slaves, and there's nothing we can do about it.
- So we will learn about this group who rules over us, and who this mother of harlots really is.

Babylon in flames

- It says that the beast which has 10 horns will kill the harlot and burn her with fire.
- The real truth though, this is not the city of Babylon, but Jerusalem instead.
- And it shows that Jerusalem is actually the mother of harlots, but perhaps the story is not about an actual city.

Babylon ruler

- A woman, or a city, symbolizes something political, which is policy, which is not a kingdom, but the rule.
- You don't normally have a city without a kingdom, but it is a symbolic city and it reigns over the kings of the earth.
- Because it's a woman, we understand that it's a policy that rules, or a covenant with YHWH.
- That's why it's considered idolatrous whore, because she's supposed to be submissive and obedient to her husband YHWH and do everything he says.

Babylon ruler with no kingdom

- Because she doesn't obey YHWH the way he commands, she's called Wickedness in the prophecy.
- Then YHWH says that he will destroy you but in the end he's going to restore you, refering to Babylon.
- But meanwhile, you're going to spend all this time exiled, and even while you're exiled you're going to be sitting like an arrogant queen proclaiming that you're reigning over the world.
- And they're reigning over the kings of the world, but they don't even have their own kingdom.

Jerusalem at sunset

- Instead, they're riding the kingdom of the beast, and who do you suppose that would be?
- The proof for that comes from Hosea where he speaks of the mother of harlots as Jerusalem.
- The daughters are Judea and Samaria, the northern and southern tribes and they went into the world and they were sent as captives.

I know Ephraim, and Israel is not hidden from me; for now, O Ephraim, you have played the whore; Israel is defiled. (Hosea 5:3)

Tribe members

- So most of the biblical prophecy is talking about Jerusalem that would then be destroyed and exiled into the world.
- There would be two groups, the northern tribes of Israel, and the southern tribes of Judea.
- They then took on two separate identities, they were no longer the same group, the whole Israel.
- Instead, they split, and became two daughters.

Mother of Harlots

- Why this woman now is called a mystery, Babylon the Great, we have discovered the truth.
- And why the Bible calls her the Mother of Harlots and she has this mystery Babylon on her head.
- Many have said this must be Rome because the woman sits on 7 mountains, and they then say that Jerusalem also sits on 7 mountains.


- It's all debateable but, Babylon was also said to sit on 7 mountains and others say that Constantinople, among others, also sat on 7 mountains.
- Which makes using this symbology as identification of the location impossible.
- Plus, the prophecy says it means 7 mountains in 7 kingdoms, meaing it's not one kingdom, but 7 different kingdoms and she reigns over the kings of the earth.

Cyclical sine

- This is a city or policy that reigns, and guides the beast, like reins you put on a horse.
- She reigns over the entire world, and the mountains cyclically represent all the mountains from the beginning to the end of time.
- Until the end, that's what 7 represents, at the end of the week it's finished.
- We can see that it's cyclical because we know that 5 have fallen, 1 is the other's yet to come, and 8 is the one who was and is not and shall ascend.
- And of course, 8 has to do with the infinite of the cycle.
- A whale of a tale.

Go forth and ride

- Zechariah has a prophecy very similar to Revelation wedged in between the two witnesses (annointed ones) and the four horsemen that go forth and ride.
- And all the wickedness that goes forth in the world and all the abominations.
- It is the curse of YHWH.

I looked again, and there before me was a flying scroll. He asked me, “What do you see?” I answered, “I see a flying scroll, twenty cubits long and ten cubits wide. And he said to me, “This is the curse that is going out over the whole land; for according to what it says on one side, every thief will be banished, and according to what it says on the other, everyone who swears falsely will be banished.  (Zechariah 5:1-3)

Bondage and a curse

- So if you steal, you're cursed, as Apostle Paul said 'the law was a bondage and a curse.'
- We're all under the curse because YHWH cursed Adam and Eve and drove them out of the garden.
- The entire law of Moses (Mosaic) is the curse; whoever steals, lies, speaks falsely, or whatever you do wrong according to the book or the scroll.
- Now we know a little bit more about what this woman is, and it's this covenant of a curse.

Earth curse

- We're going to be cursed because of this scroll, this book, this Torah.
- And it will be taken up on the wings of a stork and the whole world shall be under her reign, under the curse.
- So it is the idea that goes forth that Jerusalem had sinned and they're going to go into exile, and when they go into exile there's going to be prophecies of terrible things taking place in the world.

The Lord Almighty declares, ‘I will send it out, and it will enter the house of the thief and the house of anyone who swears falsely by my name. It will remain in that house and destroy it completely, both its timbers and its stones.’ (Zechariah 5:4)


-Then the angel that talked with me went forth, and said unto me, lift up now thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth.
- And I said, what is it? And he said, this is an ephah that goeth forth, moreover, this is their resemblance through all the earth.
- And behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead; and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah.
- And he said, this is wickedness, and he cast it into the midst of the ephah; and he cast the weight of lead upon the outh thereof.


Flying scroll in the heavens

- There was a flying scroll in the heavens and this was a curse that was going forth over the face of the entire land.
- And the angel said 'What do you see?"
- 20 cubits is about 37' and its width/circumference is about 10 cubits which is about 6' diameter.
- Which happen to have very similar dimensions to various nuclear missiles such as submarine missiles, but you could also scale up or down to intercontinental missiles.


Thief in the night

- I will bring it forth says the Lord, and it will enter like a thief in the night.
- And the angel asked what is this that goes forth, and it is an ephah (22 liter container) that goeth forth and this is their resemblance through all the earth.
- Very similar to a W80 nuclear warhead at about 20 liters.
- And behold was lifted up a talent, which is about 60 pounds of lead (uranium decays to lead) and this is a fire offering to be fully consumed.
- Amazing how the original translation of 'fire offering burnt' was somehow changed to 'woman' in later translations.
- And really, how is lead and fire related except by nuclear war.

Stork wing

-Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork; and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven.
- Then I said to the angel that talked with me, whither do these bear the ephah?
- And he said unto me, to build it a house in the land of Shinar; and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base. (Zechariah 5)

Jerusalem new day

- There have been many explanations for these verses because the first thing that people think of when they see this woman, Wickedness, it's very obvious that Zechariah's talking about Jerusalem.
- She's going to be scattered into all the winds of heaven and go into the wind in exile.
- Jerusalem had become defiled and the Holy Temple which is the very center of their temple was defiled.


YHWH covenant with Israel

- Usually in prophecy, a  woman is a covenant, a man makes a covenant with a woman.
- This is what the Old Testament law of YHWH was, a covenant and it YHWH marrying Israel, the nation was his wife.
- Right down the line, most scholars agree that the woman is Jerusalem (or Israel).
- But very few people understand why now there are two women, and the ephah which is a measure (like a bushel) is not even a symbol most people recognize today (it's outdated).

Woman's neck

- Christians hear the word ephah all the time and they don't know what it means.
-  The translators will say that the women is thrown into the ephah and therefore it's not full.
- It's like a measure or basket the size of an ephah.
- The connotation is that when the measure or ephah is full, her iniquity is full.
- So obviously it's not the measure that's wickedness, it's the woman who's wickedness and she's thrown into the ephah perhaps to measure her wickedness.

Heavy lid

- When the measure is full, they cover it with a lead lid because if you have a really heavy lid, someone can't get out.
- So here's the woman stuck in the basket, sitting in the middle, and it's filling up, and once it's full, she's done.
- This is wickedness and he cast it into the midst of the ephah, well there's nothing there except the woman; for the word 'it' is feminine and should be translated as 'her.'
- Then they cast the weight of lead upon her mouth thereof, so evidently she can't get out.

Set there upon her own base

- Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings.
- So once you've gotten rid of Jerusalem, and Judea and Israel are scattered, now you're left with the two women.
- That's why Hosea said there's a mother of the harlots, and two harlots.


Leonardo's ephah
Altar design for mother and daughters

- The interesting thing, is the women are going to take the basket up in the air, between the heavens and the earth.
- Then they will come down into the land of Shinar and build her a house, and it will be established and set there upon her own base.
- Well now we've got two women there so it should be plural, hers?
- No, because the woman's in the basket and her other two daughters are carrying her covenant between heaven and earth and land in Shinar, which is Jerusalem, and build a house.

Babylon at nightfall

- This is the covenant of YHWH which is just one woman, but that covenant's going to have a new house, not in Jerusalem anymore but Babylon.
- What confuses most scholars is they believe that Jerusalem was never rebuilt, and that no temple was built for the mother of harlots, Jerusalem, in Babylon.


- The woman is having a house built for her in Shinar because that's where Babel (Babylon) was originally where the nations began.
- The rabbis say that when YHWH confused the languages at Babel, all the world scattered from there.



- So what temple could have been built in Shinar, some believe this is referring to Mecca and their Kaaba Black Stone idol because it's on a pedestal.
- The actual translation is she'll be established on her own base which could be translated as pedestal.
- Because of this, some say this is Mecca and the false religion that came of it.

Saudi Arabia

- But this makes no sense because the Muslim religion, though they do believe in Moses and his Mosaic law, it wouldn't make any sense that they're one of these women that was dropped there and started a religion.
- Because they're so similiar to another religion, that cannot be considered anything new.
- Also, that's not the land of Shinar, that's Saudi Arabia, it's not Mesopotamia.
- Once you understand this, that Jerusalem was the mother of harlots and why she's called Babylon, you begin to understand Revelation.

Cedar tree

- Jerusalem was destroyed, but she gets another place to live in Babylon, now when did that ever happen?
- The Judeans were taken captive into Babylon and 70 years later they were told they would return to Jerusalem by the Persian king Cyrus II.
- Isaiah talks about an eagle that will take one of the tender branches from the cedar tree, which is a high Royal bloodline, and taking it to a 'land of traffic,' even to the land of Babylon.


He cropped off the top of his young twigs, and carried it into a land of traffick; he set it in a city of merchants. (Ezekiel 17:4)

Fallen angel

- All these parables are talking about the transfer of Jerusalem and the authority of 'YHWHism' to Babylon.
- So few seem to understand any of this and you have to ask, why, at this juncture so many are still blind.
- The answer, because it's about to be fulfilled and until now we haven't been able to understand the entire scenario that's been going on for 2,000 years.
- All the prophets seem to have the same story in the Bible, but it appears no one really understands or pays attention to these things.

Tender branch of olive tree

- The tender little branch was Christ because he was a branch of the Royal bloodline, that is what Isaiah was referring to.
- And the two annointed ones that Zechariah points out are two branches of the olive tree.
- This is the Holy Branch, the lineal descendants of the kings and priests, and Ezekial said that an eagle takes a branch to the land of traffic, which is Babylon.
- But it will not succeed and he will take another branch to the mountains of Israel.


I will put in the desert the cedar and the acacia, the myrtle and the olive. I will set junipers in the wasteland, the fir and the cypress together. (Isaiah 41:19)

Nations of the world

- Well there's more than one mountain in Israel, because at this point, Israel had been scattered all over the world and there are different places where each of the 12 tribes settled.
- This is all the nations, and something that's been oblivious to most biblical commentators and intepreters.
- No one seems to understand that Israel is in all the world and they became the rulers of the world.
- Branches went to Europe, and branches went to Africa and Asia and settled all over the world and they are all of us.

Mountain range

-The Babylonian captivity (exile) was the period in Jewish history during which a large number of Judeans from the ancient Kingdom of Judah were forcibly relocated to Babylonia by the Neo-Babylonian Empire.
- During the exile, a significant portion of the population was taken to Babylon, where the prophets told them to make their homes.
- In 539 BC after almost 60 years, Cyrus the Great, issued a decree that the Israelites could return to their land and only a very few thousand went back.

The deportations occurred in multiple waves: After the siege of Jerusalem in 597 BCE, around 7,000 individuals were deported to Mesopotamia. Further deportations followed the destruction of Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple in 587 BCE. (Wikipedia)

King Herod

- These few thousand were the children of the exiled and they came and settled in Jerusalem again.
- In the days of Jesus, we hear the story about King Herod's Temple and about the fact they built another Jerusalem at Heliopolis was recorded by Josephus and other historians.
- This is where the Zadokite priesthood was located and where John the Baptist was preaching.
- But we're talking about Herod's Temple, where Jesus did go and they accused him by their law which was Talmudic law.
- The Talmud, which is the Hebrew Bible, was written in Babylon.


- Christians today are very unfamiliar with all of this; they don't realize that the Talmud is the law, and the Jews also follow the Torah, which is the compilation of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, namely the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
- Plus, nobody can understand or interpret the Torah except their powerful rabbis (who they look up to almost like gods).
- What the rabbis say stands, you can have your own interpretation, however, the rabbis will always defer to the intepretation of the law found in the Talmud.

In Christianity, the Torah is also known as the Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses. (Wikipedia)

Harod's Temple

- There was a council of men who were rabbis that were the authority that ruled and controlled not only the law, but the priesthood.
- One of them eventually ended up in Jerusalem at Harod's Temple and there was another group in Babylon.
- The majority of the exiled Jews didn't return to Jerusalem, they stayed in Babylon and the Baghdad area where they were treated very fairly.

Babylon and Jerusalem joined

- By that point, they had more than 1 million people in their society and they had gained more respect and they began to govern all of Judaism, all around the world.
- The Jews in Baghdad also retained authority over Harod's Temple in Jerusalem, something Christians do not understand.
- The Babylonian Talmud is the authority for all Jews around the world and has been since the days of Christ.
- So they did as a result, build a house in Babylon and they had their administrative center there.

Mother of Harlots

- So we discover, that the land of Shinar that the Bible is talking about, is really Babylon in Baghdad.
- She's a strange woman or covenant, and she reigns over the kings of the earth, she's wickedness, but she's not the kings of the earth.
- She didn't rule the world, there wasn't a worldwide Jewish empire that reigned from Babylon, but effectively there was.
- It wasn't a kingdom that was another beast that reigned over the other beasts, it was a woman or a covenant, and to the Judeans, a harlot, and that'a what they believed her to be.


Silk trade

- There was a group of Jews who never left Babylonia after the exile in 6th-century BC, who thrived, living since 129 BC under Parthian rule, in a loosely knit semi-feudal state.
- They were able to develop autonomous institutions with little interference from the royal government.
- The Parthians feared Roman intervention and welcomed Jewish opposition to Rome, at least until the time of Hadrian.
- The Jewish community was comprised of 800,000 to 1,200,000 citizens and had a well run economy where many profited from the silk trade between the Roman Empire and China which passed through Babylonia.


The Parthian Empire, also known as the Arsacid Empire, was a major Iranian political and cultural power centered in ancient Iran from 247 BC to 224 AD. At its height, the Parthian Empire stretched from the northern reaches of the Euphrates, in what is now central-eastern Turkey, to present-day Afghanistan and western Pakistan. (Wikipedia)


Jewish markets

- The Jews enjoyed freedom of worship and the right to their own markets.
- In 226 AD, the Sassanids, who were devote Zoroastrians, conquered the Parthians and there was tension between the Jewish community and the new political leadership.
- However, connections were gradually established with the king which led to better relations.
- During this period, the Babylonian Talmud was mixed with Zoroastrianism which brought the concepts of heaven and hell, which some say Jews didn't believe in although that is debatable.


The Sasanian Empire, officially Ērānšahr (Middle Persian), was the last pre-Islamic Iranian empire. Named after the House of Sasan, it endured for over four centuries, from 224 BC to 651 AD, making it the second longest-lived Persian imperial dynasty of Parthia. (Wikipedia)


Harmful law

- Many Judean's believed that the Judean people became corrupt because of the Zoroastrian influence, although that is also debatable.
- It's more likely that they were influenced and corrupted by the Babylonian Hammurabi and then insisted on this law and this court.
- It would have probably been better if they became more involved with Zoroastrian ideas because instead, they got involved with this law, war and the carnal commandments which caused the world great harm.


The Code of Hammurabi is a Babylonian legal text composed during 1755–1750 BC. It is the longest, best-organized, and best-preserved legal text from the ancient Near East. It is written in the Old Babylonian dialect of Akkadian, purportedly by Hammurabi, sixth king of the First Dynasty of Babylon. The primary copy of the text is inscribed on a basalt stele 2.25 m (7 ft 4+1⁄2 in) tall. (Wikipedia)


Jewish law

- Next they created a covenant to reign over all the kings of the earth and all the kings began to be ruled by these ideas coming from Babylon, which were really Judean at the core.
- If you research the legal academies that came out of that area of Babylon in Baghdad, you will discover that from the 4th-6th centuries, these academies (Geonic academies) were the center of Jewish scholarship and the authoritative centers of Judaism in the Jewish world.
- It was here that they developed Halakhah from roughly 589-1038 AD which is the legal part of the Talmud and has supplemented the scriptures since biblical times by regulating Jewish conduct and daily life.


Halakhah is the body of Jewish law that governs the religious, civil, and criminal aspects of Jewish life. It is derived from the Written and Oral Torah, and is distinct from the Pentateuch, or the first five books of the Bible. The word halakhah comes from the Hebrew word hălākhāh, which literally means "way". (Wikipedia)



- That Halakhah existed from ancient times is confirmed from passages of the Bible, where, for example, servitude is mentioned as a legitimate penalty for unpaid debts.
- Oral traditions concerning Jewish law passed from generation to generation, and eventually it became apparent that they required organization.
- This resulted in the written version, or compiltation, called the Mishna in the 3rd-century.

The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the LORD. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.” (2 Kings 4:1)



- So this developed for centuries, Zechariah and Revelation is a prophecy that the Jews would take over the world, reigning over the kings of the earth and their headquarters would be the Babylon area.
- This is exactly what happened.
- The presidents of the academies were known as Geonim, which is the plural of Gaon, meaning 'pride' or 'splendor' in Hebrew.
- The Geonim were considered the highest authorities on religious matters in the Jewish world.


Heavy rocks

- The Babylonian Talmud is the second version of the Talmud produced with Rabbinic Judaism and it is the most authoritative of the two.
- It was completed around 600 AD and served as the constitution and bylaws of Rabbinic Judaism.
- This isn't a religion, it's a constitution, and this was a kingdom and these were civil laws.
- This is what became contract law and the basis of all law that is now headquartered in London.

Barrister bald-headed man with a wig

- This Babylonian Talmudic constitution, which is the Old Covenant, is what rules the world.
- It's all based on the Torah and all of its 613 laws (commandments).
- 6 + 1 + 3 = 10 Commandments and no matter how many laws they make, from 10 to 613, to a billion, or even gazillion, they are all precedent (law) based on the Torah.

The Torah is the compilation of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, namely the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. In Christianity, the Torah is also known as the Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses. In Rabbinical Jewish tradition it is also known as the Written Torah. If meant for liturgic purposes, it takes the form of a Torah scroll. If in bound book form, it is called Chumash, and is usually printed with the rabbinic commentaries (perushim). (Wikipedia)



- Today, Judaism in Israel, and any place else in the world, is run by this Babylonian Talmudic law.
- Also, there are still vast numbers of Judeans who still live in Baghdad.
- This all spread not only through their literature and their laws and their Babylonian Talmud, but these concepts of 'an eye for an eye' and non-stop war, all of this spread around the world.
- But even more than that, the literal king of Jehoiachin (King of Judah) was taken prisoner.
- Jehoiachin, son of Jehoiakim and Nehushta, was also called Jeconiah, and Coniah, became king at age 18, but only reigned for three months.


At that time the officers of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon advanced on Jerusalem and laid siege to it, and Nebuchadnezzar himself came up to the city while his officers were besieging it. Jehoiachin king of Judah, his mother, his attendants, his nobles and his officials all surrendered to him. In the eighth year of the reign of the king of Babylon, he took Jehoiachin prisoner. (2 Kings 24:10-12)

Jehoiachin imprisoned

- Jehoiachin's surrender was accepted, and he was imprisoned in Babylon during the 8th year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign where he remained locked up for 37 years.
- Once released, he found favor with the King of Babylon who gave him new clothing and then clothed and fed him for the rest of his life.
- To the Jews, Jehoiachin was God's prisoner and he was imprisoned and turned over to Babylonians for the wickedness and folly of his nation.
- His release signified God's forgiveness of Israel and the restoration of the nation presaged.


Line of David

- Not only that, but the prince of Jehoiachin was taken to various places in Europe and all the Royal blood of Europe is from the line of David.
- One development of concern was that the Talmud diverted away from the Torah to the thoughts of 'great men.'
- However, the Talmud is diametrically opposed to the spirit of the Torah and appears to be the basis of the conversion of the Khazar empire to the north of Persia, next to the Black Sea, whose descendants make up 80-90% of those regarded as Jews today.

The Khazars were a nomadic Turkic people that, in the late 6th century CE, established a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea, and Kazakhstan. Astride a major artery of commerce between Eastern Europe and Southwestern Asia, Khazaria became one of the foremost trading empires of the early medieval world, commanding the western marches of the Silk Road and playing a key commercial role as a crossroad between China, the Middle East and Kievan Rus'. (Wikipedia)

Khazar Jews of the Black Sea

- It appears that these Khazar Jews dominate the state of Israel which was not founded according to Torah or based on what any prophets said.
- This seems to have occurred after the Khazars came in contact with Talmudic Jews from Persia.
- Charlemagne (742-814), who was well disposed toward the Jews, was the king of the Franks beginning in 768 and Emperor of the West in 800 AD.
- Charlesmagne, who started the Holy Roman Empire, brought a prince of the line of Jehoiachin from Baghdad to Europe.
- The Khazar's have been considered as the 13th tribe as opposed to the 12 tribes of Israel.


Khazarian heraldry

- The prince of the line of Jehoiachin had 13 children that became all these different bloodlines that circled the world and ended up ruling the papacy as well as the French, British and Spanish.
- In turn, they mixed with some other Khazarians who were more Gothic (Germanic).
- All of them in this area of the world were descendants of Israel in one way or another.
- A Jew named Isaac, probably an interpreter of the delegation of Charlemagne, was sent to the caliph Harun al-Rashid's Royal court in 797 AD.

Elephant from Baghdad

- Isaac was the only one to return from Baghdad, and he brought back an elephant, Rashid's gift to the emperor.
- Charlemagne also had dealings with Jewish merchants, especially with an expert in jewelry.
- Some of Charlemagne's legal provisions were clearly influenced by the theological issues of his day.
- He forbade the Jews to employ Christians to work on Sundays and Christian festivals and warned against the sale of church property to the Jews.
- Additionally, when a Jew brought a charge against a Christian, he was required to have more witnesses than a Christian.
- Charlemagne did supposedly love the Jews.


Narbonne sandy beach Nazi

- Legendary tales flourished immediately after Charlemagne's death and gained greater acceptance from the 12th century onward about Charlemagne's friendship for the Jews.
- These tales make special mention of his appointment of a nasi, a 'Jewish king,' in Narbonne in southern France.
- They credit Charlemagne with giving the Jews of that city special rights in recognition of their support when Narbonne was taken from the Muslims.


Covered up and hidden

- What was hidden about this tale for 1,000 years has been talked about in more modern times with authors like Dan Brown in the DaVinci Code who focused on the Merovingian bloodline, the line of Clovis and the House of Plantagenet and so forth.
- Brown traces this back to the lineal descent of King David and what other modern scholars have discovered is that this has all been covered up and hidden.
- A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France is a book about medieval history by Arthur J. Zuckerman, published in 1972.
- The Zuckerman who wrote the book is a little like the Zuckerberg's that run Facebook.


Merovingian line

- By the time of Pippin II of Herstal (French Héristal), who became mayor of the palace in 679, they had reduced their nominal Merovingian kings to mere figureheads.
- According to Zuckerman's thesis, a vassal Jewish princedom was established in Narbonne (Septimania) by the Carolingian king Pepin (Pippin III).
- This was a reward for Jewish cooperation in the Frankish conquest of the city in 759 AD from Muslim Al-Andalus.


Carolingian dynasty, family of Frankish aristocrats and the dynasty (750–887 ce) that they established to rule western Europe. The dynasty’s name derives from the large number of family members who bore the name Charles, most notably Charlemagne. (

Lineal descendants of Jesus Christ

- The Merovingian line can be found all over the entire world and ended up in Britain but there's several branches.
- One branch was reigning in Italy, another in Germany with the Khazars, and there's another branch that's down in the area around France and Spain.
- The line of Jesus and Mary Magdalene settled in the area of southern France which is called the Languedoc and they had a large kingdom there.
- They had lineal descendants of Jesus Christ and the Holy Roman Empire didn't like that because they didn't really believe in Judaism, they believed in Christianity.


It is confusing, the Holy Roman Empire was the 'new' Christianity but was really pushing Jewish Talmudic law and this was the Khazarians who were faking their royal bloodline.  Whereas the real true Jews from Jerusalem were the earliest Christians such as Peter Waldo and of course, Jesus Christ.


Holy Roman Empire

- When the Holy Roman Empire was becoming the ruling power, they had to defeat this concept that we had a line of Jesus who could reign over the world.
- This resulted in a lot of wars with these individuals down in Languedoc which was the reason for the Inquisition of the Waldensians and the Spanish Inquisition.
- Both occurred because the Holy Roman Empire pushed them out of Spain and all the way to the Northwestern tip of France which became Breton (Brittany).
- When the Waldensians were eventually driven out, we have Christopher Columbus sailing to America as well as the Scottish and British who sailed to America.


The Waldensians, also known as Waldenses, Vallenses, Valdesi, or Vaudois, are adherents of a church tradition that began as an ascetic movement within Western Christianity before the Reformation. Originally known as the Poor of Lyon in the late twelfth century, the movement spread to the Cottian Alps in what is today France and Italy. The founding of the Waldensians is attributed to Peter Waldo, a wealthy merchant who gave away his property around 1173, preaching apostolic poverty as the way to perfection. (Wikipedia)


Invented Hebrew

- The Waldensians were individuals that were rooted out and murdered by an opposing side (Roman Empire) who hated them because they were the Christian individuals from Israel.
- Although, we're all from Israel, everybody in the world is one of the 12 tribes of Israel.
- So that knowledge was removed from the minds of the world and they even hid the idea that they were the Judeans.
- Many of the Khazar Jews began to teach more of a hidden message and they began to teach a doctrine against Christianity and it was their rabbis who invented a language that they called Hebrew.
- A language that was invented thousands of years after it was ever spoken; it was a dead language which scholars don't even think existed.

Fun fact: Hebrew is a language that was extinct for 2000 years but was revived when the fake state was made, originally the Hebrew language only had 7,000 words and now it has 33,000 words- 26,000 words were taken from the arabic language. (

Khazarian weasels

- The Khazarian Jews did all this because they wanted to create proof that they were the true Judean line and the world should follow them.
- What they wanted is for Christians to go back to Judean Talmudic law, they didn't want Jesus and didn't like him because he came to get rid of their law.
- Other than the Greek Septuagint, the majority of our Bible translations today are Khazarian based.
- They threw out ideas of the Virgin birth and that Jesus was divine and obscured the prophecies in the Old Testament with their fake language and this is the lying pen of the scribes.


How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? (Jeremiah 8:8-9)


Christian expansion

- These are the two individual groups that were fighting, we've got the Christians who were protecting the Holy Grail, or the Holy Bloodline of Christ, as well as the holy textus receptus, which is the Septuagint.
- The same group that were creating the charities, libraries and constitutions of freedom and justice for all that eventually came to America.
- Then we've got the opposing group who were very militaristic and constantly at war and murdering.
- They eventually quit using the military as the sole means of destruction because they saw that all their negative actions were just seeds for a new Christian Protestant movement.

Septuagint, the earliest extant Greek translation of the Old Testament from the original Hebrew. The Septuagint was presumably made for the Jewish community in Egypt when Greek was the common language throughout the region. Analysis of the language has established that the Torah, or Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament), was translated near the middle of the 3rd century bce and that the rest of the Old Testament was translated in the 2nd century bce. (


Christopher Columbus discovering the new world

- What the Holy Roman Empire did instead, was infiltrate the Christian organizations and once they took over, they would drive all the Christians out and start teaching the opposite and divert everything back to Judaism and their Talmudic law.
- Obscuring the lines of love and grace and law and order.
- This was done in France and Spain and Christopher Columbus, who was one of the Goth Jews that was sent down to destroy the Languedoc.
- So Charlemagne went to Baghdad and got a Royal bloodline from Jehoiachin who married his aunt and they created the lineal descendants that ruled after he died.


Classical Hebrew as a native spoken language died sometime after 200 CE and was supplanted by Western Aramaic. It survived as a lingua franca between different diasporas. It was revived already during the 19th century. (



- Charlemagne more than likely married into Jehoiachin's line, although it's very difficult to sort this all out.
- But as Charlemagne was so good to the Judeans, and he named all his children Judean names, we can determine that the lineage from Charlemagne down, was from King David.
- In fact, Charlemagne always wanted to be called David, that was his title, and his son was called Isaac and they always use these particular code names.
- For example, a family where the father is named David Charles and his brother named Frank and a son named David.
- This is a tradition of people born in that area of Europe.


Tarnished rock

- So this was attempt in world history that's been successful for a long time, but it won't be successful in the end.
- What they tried to do was obscure the idea of the lineage of Christ and the true Judeans, and secretly take over the world.
- They accomplished this by introducing the Goths from the northern area of Europe, which were the Holy Roman Germanic tribes.
- They believed in Judaism too, the Khazarian and so forth, but it was this law, this vengeance, it wasn't believing in the Lord, it was the belief in this devil.


Holy Roman Germanic toad

- The Goths and Khazarians turned the moral fabric and the history and beliefs of the true Christians who followed Jesus Christ, into the carnal commandments.
- This came with all the genocide and hate and all of this because they were working hard to stamp out all this grace and love from Christ.
- The Holy Roman Empire was the Pope and became the line of the Popes who were ruled over by lineal descendants of Jews from Babylon in Baghdad.


Perennial veil

- The Holy Roman Empire placed their descendants throughout the world.
- It seems that they brought another lineal descendant, or possibly the same one, but there's discrepancies as to who actually married who, because they tried to hide all the history for years.
- For their cooperation in ending the 7-year-long siege of Narbonne in 759 AD, Pepin the Short promised the local Jews formal recognition and a prince (nasi) of their own.
- This was implemented in 768 AD when Makhir of the Davidic lineage was received from Baghdad by Pepin and his son Charlemagne.

Obsured and watery

- Zuckerman argues that Makhir was accepted into the Frankish nobility under the name Theodoric, identifying him with the documented Frankish count with that name.
- Theodoric was granted by the Carolingian dynasty broad authority over Jews and Christians, extensive hereditary territories and a 'great possession,' including former church property lost decades earlier to the Umayyad Caliphate.
- Makhir, therefore, became a vassal of the Carolingian dynasty, who in turn received overlordship of the Jews as to provide evidence of legitimate biblical succession.



- So the Holy Roman Empire created many kingdoms around the world, including the Frankish lineage headed by Theodoric (Makhir), and another was the Plantagenet line, and Pepin the Bald, etc.
- All this flows down to Henry VIII (I am, I am) and the world empire created in Britain.
- The British empire that became Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth and today, King Charles, who has lineal descent back to Vlad the Impaler.



- Vlad the Impaler, who is known today as Count Dracula, a vampire, was a lineal descendant of the House of David.
- When kings from Royal lines come along, the highest of them would be one of the kings who had the most bloodlines, meaning he could trace his lineage back through more family lines.
- The Royal bloodlines were all around the world; Czars, Tzars, Khazars, Caesars, the Nebuchadnezzars.
- There's a lot more that we don't know about, but we do know the European bloodlines, the Merovingian line, all this was Judean but it wasn't from Christ because they stamped that line out.


Percival knight

- The line that was stamped out was Peter Waldo, Pierre Valdez, some translations call him Percival who's come down to us with different names but it is the same person.
- That was the lineage that eventually came to America and these were the 'good guys.'
- They had a priesthood of love and grace and they didn't care about ruling, or about making a name, instead, they cared about spreading the Gospel to the world.


Commander YHWH

- This kingdom, or covenant, this woman is the Covenant of Judea which is this scroll that's flying around and the curse is landing on all of us.
- From which the four horses begin to go forth, war, death, famine, pestilence this all comes from the law of Moses.
- YHWH brought the plagues and this is wickedness; the house that was built for it was Babylon which is confusion; not Babel which is the House of El (Gate of El).
- Babel was trying to find knowledge and wisdom when YHWH, who is confusion, came along and confused the language.


Cycles and curves and loops

- This has been going on in cycles, back and forth, because humanity keeps going back to the law.
- We don't try to define the Divine Being, or we are in the process of trying to define him, in order to have knowledge to become like deity.
- We've got to go through the duality and we've got to learn by the things we suffer.
- You can use this to understand a little more about Europe; most people when they're reading history, or even the Bible, they don't realize why all this is going on.


Mount Horeb is sandy

- Were these people evil, what were they trying to do?
- They are completely deceived, Satan has deceived the entire inhabited world and they literally believe in this Old Covenant.
- Wanting 'an eye for an eye' because they're blinded according to Apostle Paul.
- They went up to Mount Horeb where YHWH (God of Israel) gave them the 10 Commandments and placed them into bondage.
- When the light shone, they were frightened and told Moses he needed to veil that, and talk to God instead of them because they were too afraid, and they needed a priesthood.
- They couldn't handle love and light, that was too much, they wanted vengeance.


Chemtrail bondage

- Moses was not the one who gave them vengeance, they gave that to themselves.
- They demanded it, they wanted to go back to Egypt and eat meat, they were lusting and didn't like the milk and honey.
- What we got was the curse, bondage, death and wrath or the judgment that's coming.
- For anyone who is in Christ there is no condemnation because we're not appointed under this wrath.


Woman in the goblet

- Going back to the Greek word orgy, which is a little more indepth than the word wrath itself.
- The orgy is some kind of ceremony that the 10 tribes (northern tribes) would carry out in remembrance and the Judeans have their own festivals.
- But we know that this particular holy day didn't come as much from Judea, as it did from the Greeks, because we've got the woman in the goblet, and it's the wine of her wrath.
- And it's the orgy goblet where they drank the wine which caused the ecstatic behavior and there was a simple ceremony that they would use.


Heavenly battle

- This ceremony had to do with remembering the Great War where Zeus and the Olympians went down and battled the Titans and they were slashed and it was wrathful.
- The great battle between light and dark and the Essenes talked about the war of the sons of light and darkness.
- So the wrath is a war, and it's a spiritual war because the truth or the light fights the darkness, who use weapons, cannons, missiles, deception and lies and they might bring fire down from heaven.
- But the good guys don't do that because they don't know what kind of spirit they are from who does real fire, that's not the kind of spirit we are.


- Our fire, like Elijah, is asking the Lord to answer us and accept our love and our offering as a living sacrifice to all around us, even to the fact that we will go into battle to save our loved ones.
- It was a great sacrifice that Jesus gave, he came and battled Satan and all the dominions, principalities, lords and thrones in hell.
- Jesus died and then he overcame death and he said to his 144,000 which was the Remnant at that time, and he said take up your cross and follow me.

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done. Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” (Matthew 16:24-28)

First fruits

- You who drink this cup of wrath with me will reign with me.
- We were all there in that 1st-century and we all followed him and we were the first fruits, the congregation and will come back with Jesus riding white horses.
- This great time of wrath is literally the battle and for the people fighting for the darkness they are blind and unaware they are following darkness.
- It's not something you choose, it's something you have and darkness comes because of your blindness.


- Light is enlightenment and it's something you have when you receive the Gospel with love.
- Those who receive the love of the truth that they might be saved is the salvation from the wrath that is coming.
- The Book of Revelation is about this, the mark of the beast on your hand or forehead, which is the law of Moses (10 Commandments) which is spoken about in Exodus.
- The whole Book of Revelation is a combination of the Judean laws and rituals and the Nations, because the Nations are the 10 lost tribes that went into the nations and were sown like seeds.

and with all the deceit of unrighteousness in those who perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. (2 Thessalonians 2:10)

Cherry pie

- They became a great multitude who will come out of the Great Tribulation and have washed their robes in the blood of the lamb and they hunger and thirst no more.
- These are the ones that Daniel's 70th week gets cut short or separated, a space in between so that the Gospel could go into the Gentiles when they come in, Israel will be saved.
- This is all exactly what the Book of Revelation, Zechariah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel; are all talking about, the two covenants.

Picking up your cross

- The Old Covenant (Mosaic law) which brings bondage in a curse, and where the woman is in bondage with her children, Hagar.
- And the New Covenant which is Sarah who is the free woman, and that is Christ and all of us.
- Zechariah and Revelation and everything else is talking about the Old Covenant that must go.
- We're not killing people, they're blind and ignorant they don't know, they're little children who came out into the wilderness to see a prophet.

Gentiles are 10 tribes and John

- They came out to see the prophet John, there's never been born of woman, a man greater than John.
- John the Baptist was the leader of the worldwide 10 tribes who worshiped at Bethel, the Gate of El.
- Elijah (John) was up there in Syria which is why Jesus asked the Pharisees if there were any widows in Israel (because the Jews were taking credit for John's work).
- The widow's son died and she is a covenant relationship who had no more covenant since her son died, the Jews priesthood was gone.
- Elijah had to go to the widow of Zarephath, which is Beth, House of Zarah when the famine happened, and that wasn't anywhere close to Israel, it was Syria.

Melchizedek Priesthood

- Elijah went up to Baalbek in Syria and raised the priesthood up, the same as Jesus went to Naim and raised that priesthood up.
- He built the Temple of Dionysius there, which is the Greek way of saying El Isa (Elisha) his disciple who is Jesus.
- Elisha was the Eleusinian Mysteries and the Temple of Artemis and where they had the Essene, the sacrament, and the glossolalia.
- That's the other line of Judah; Samson who married Delilah, the Canaanite, and that became the priesthood in Mount Carmel of Alexander the Great, the priesthood of the Caesar's and ended up in Britain.
- They had another priesthood that was the Nazarites Melchizedek Priesthood which is the highest of all.

Water bowl

- That was the Christians who were called the Greeks, but there were others in Japan called Shinntoism, in India called Hinduism, Taoism is China, Zoroastrian in Persia, and all around the world.
- The lost tribes and their prophets who went to them, they'll be restored and their scriptures.
- We'll be able to see what the truth is when the restoration comes and we'll all see 'eye to eye' when he brings back Zion.

Joseph coat of many colors

- Then that fulfills his prophecy to Joseph, that he should become a father of a multitude of nations that no man can number, every tribe, tongue and people.
- Joseph had a coat of many of colors, and it will switch from Leah, the unfavored wife (slave), to Rachel (Rah-el), the favorite wife, whose firstborn son was Joseph who received the promise.
- But Judah, the lastborn of Leah, the Old Covenant that we got first, but we had already rejected the true first covenant, we rejected it.
- As a result, Jacob didn't get Rachel, he got Leah.


- We had to go through the lessons first, the carnal commandments before we got to the Covenant of Love.
- The child that would be born of that union, which is spoken about in Revelation 12, is the Kingdom of Christ, which is the promised seed of the true covenant of grace and love which is the covenant we're going to receive soon.
- Mystery Babylon written on the Mother of Harlots, which is Jerusalem, who's gone forth into all the world and she has a city which reigns over the kings of the earth, and that is Judaism, a religion, not a race.

Son of destruction

- We're all Jews, we're all Jews in heart; one who is on the inside circumcised on the inside, and we're all going to be saved.
- Jesus said, I've not lost a one except the son of destruction that scripture might be fulfilled.
- And that son of destruction is certainly the flesh is that Esau that the Lord hated so that is the carnal nature that has to be redeemed and we all have that.
- We've got to redeem this body of flesh and give it wings and Jesus did that by raising that body up in 3 days.

Spiritual battle

- This war that we're seeing, according to the scripture, will be a Great Tribulation on the whole earth and it will be a battle, and there will be battles in heaven and on earth.
- The angels are getting ready to throw Satan out and when the devil comes down, woe on the earth for the devil has come down on you having great wrath.
- He goes after the woman into the wilderness which is where we need to be, we need to get out of Babylon (spiritually mainly) if you don't want to share with her in her plagues.


Israel Was Built on Myth, Part II: Modern Hebrew is a Made-Up Language The official language of the State of Israel is an artificial invention that did not even exist before 1900. (

No part of her plagues

- This is something we've never gotten out of, because you see Babylon, we're in it, a remnant of Israel, or Judah, went into Babylon and never came out.
- They are the covenant that we're all following and we've got to come out of that now.
- In order to get out of her plagues, and those are plagues we will have no part of as long as we get out of Babylon.

Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues. (Revelation 18:4)

- With Paul on the road to Damascus - David Vose.

  DaVinci - Virgin of the Rocks London - Page 2



The mind that engages in subjects of too great variety
becomes confused and weakened.

Leonardo DaVinci


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