There are
karmic forces/beings on this earth who harvest our energy.
They accomplish this by teaching us
to fear which leads to hate and loathing. You can see
it all around you in the negative
news headlines and the attempted
division in every possible way whether by race,
gender, age, politics or religion.
3D lower vibrational thinking
The average
human walks around hammered down by their biases and
guilt and shame and hate, you name it. The end result
is you don't create (or grow) the life you deserve
and this keeps the majority stuck in 3D low vibrational
thinking and acting. Meanwhile, the energy vampires
use the energy that is caused by our negative thoughts
for their own benefit. They mask themselves with our
energy and gain abundance that should have been ours.
At the same time, they are able to keep many trapped in
lower dimensons where most never wake up and are kept
looping in a reincarnation cycle where they are used as a
The harvest is accomplished by taking many 'to the
brink' because it's a battle against your mind and
external forces which cause most negative thoughts.
When you die in the matrix in a lower vibration, you
are recycled back into the karmic cycles. The point is
to keep us stuck so we come back again.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:11-12)
Ideally, they would like to keep you vacillating. The
harvesting cycles are there to help your energy expand
and make you feel like you're getting somewhere, only
to dash your hopes and take everything from you so
that you constantly have to start again. This can be
materially, mentally, emotionally and will always be
spiritually. The cycles are designed to make you think
you're getting somewhere and you're always taking 2
steps forward and 5 steps backward and trying to
rebuild and hold on to what you have.
Karmic contracts
The only way to beat this in the matrix system is to
enter karmic contracts with groups, orders and
societies and sell yourself and others out. This
supposedly provides you the opportunity to advance
within the matrix system and to elevate yourself,
however, you must hurt yourself and others.
These cycles are working on everyone, but some to a
higher degree. The idea is to take you to the brink
and pull you back, over and over, which keeps you
stuck in traumatic emotional cycles. Many have been
dealing with this since they were a child.
Additionally, many of these contracts are from past
life relationships and different vows and oaths your
ancestors made that bound all future generations of
their family into the lower vibrational cycles. This
is called a family curse and many ignorant souls who
join these groups have no clue what they are signing
My children die for lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6)
The most unfortunate part is that humans have been
falling into even lower vibrational and more chaotic ways
of living which makes it harder for them to ever raise
their individual frequency and they become permanently
stuck in reincarnation cycles (and life in 3D
continues to degrade).
Breaking out of karmic loops
If you don't attain your own divine alignment, move in
the energy of love, know who you are, reclaim your
soul energy for yourself and your soul use, as opposed
to all the harvesting and the contracts in the matrix
that are there to steal from you, if you are able to
do that, then you are able to break out of the cycles,
ascend and break out of the reincarnation loop.
But the main thing to understand that this is all part
of the ascension process that all of us have to
overcome in order to rise to higher vibrational
living. Everything is a test and we all come here by
choice to learn lessons.
Spiritual and cosmological truth
All of us have a cosmological and
spirtual truth but we have been reprogrammed in the matrix by spells
that are cast and things that are consciously done behind the scenes
to mess with our spiritual reality. They cannot change who we are
divinely or who we are cosmologically, however, they can program us
in the spirit by covering us with veils of deception so we are
blinded to the fact we are energetic beings. When we do wake up and
realize this is a spiritual war, we don't see as clearly because
they are still casting spells to blind us.
This can happen
through our crown and third eye chakra energy, through our dreams or
because the powers that be are
presenting themselves distorted on the astral plane. This is how
they attempt to program the spirit realm.
we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against
evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty
powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly
places. (Ephesians 6:12)
Frequency and vibration
In order for their program in
the spirit to materialize into your physical reality for you to
create it for yourself through your energy, they have to program your
mental energy so you are in a state of lack so you connect with the
energy they want you to connect with in the spirit. Once you are in
a lower vibrational state, you can no longer connect with your
higher truth and you're only able to connect with energies that are
vibrating at the same frequency as you.
They try at every turn to lower your vibration
and start when you are a child through family dynamics and
systems and institutions where you're constantly looking outside yourself at
your lack. You don't come into the world in lack, hating yourself,
destroying yourself.
Also the idea that we have to constantly
improve ourselves because there's something wrong with us and we're
not enough. The matrix needs to keep you thinking there's something
inherently wrong with you. They need to keep you low vibing so your
frequency drops and you connect to the lower spiritual realities. Through the mental planes you
birth emotions that mirror that and then create a reality you
Divine woundedness
In the matrix, they would like you to believe that
everything divine is painful, such as love. Think
about the so-called 'twin-flame' journey and you will
see it is really just energy harvesting. The
runner-chaser is working on your wounded cycles and it rushes in during the moon cycles to keep you
stuck in pain. Also, think about how painful love is
in so many song lyrics; this is all mental
Divine partnerships only exist for those who have done
the work of coming into alignment.
Physical and spiritual planes
On every plane, the frequency must match. Whatever
frequency you are living in physically, it is a reflection of your
own feelings and thoughts and it matches and aligns with the same in
the spirit. That's why the work of healing is to dispel those
negative energies they tried to place upon you and connect to your
higher truth and reprogram your mind into it's Christed state so you
are connecting with your truth. You cannot connect to your higher
Christed energy if you are thinking horrible things about yourself
because the energies clash.
On earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)
The matrix is run on mental magic and reprogramming
your mind; because if they reprogram your mind, you automatically
match the negative emotions (as the majority of humans are highly
emotional and heart-centered beings). Whatever you think about
yourself, your heart takes that energy and it expands it and it
becomes your emotional truth. This is why so many have created such
harsh realities through their own emotions because that's a
testament of how powerful we are when our mind is with our thoughts.
So if somebody else is projecting these things and you
believe them, that proves how very powerful you are because you're
able to create that reality for yourself through your own emotions;
and they knew that about you, but you didn't know that about
Creator and co-creator
All of those walking around claiming they are
'master' manifestor (love and light and other schmooze) are using
other peoples energy to 'manifest' a reality rather than 'creating'
their own reality. This is an energy thief.
What we are is a
creator and a co-creator and that's different because you're working
directly with Source to bring forth truth. In this crazy matrix
where everything is about copycat and doppelganger energy, keeping
everyone in states of lack, they have distorted this 'manifestation'
to keep everyone in grave imbalance.
Because we're so
powerful, it only stands to reason, they want to maintain the Earth
in a lower frequency in order to retain their control over the
planet, This is so they are able to feed their false entities that
run their false grid system; extremely low vibrating energies. It
only makes sense that beings like us are so valuable and why they
work so hard to force us into a low vibrational state.
Age of Aquarius reboot
guardians of the true grid system lay lines are the Dragons which
come to life as we heal because they thrive on higher resonating
energies like love, peace, joy, bliss and enlightenment and that is
what feeds the Dragons. The lower entities thrive on fear, guilt,
hate, shame; constantly cycling through fear and desire - ever
wanting, never getting, ever stealing, ever taking, never achieving
representing the lower entities that are locking down our true grid
Thank you Solarah!
What would you do if you were
stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same and
nothing that you did mattered?
Phil Connors -
Ground Hogs Day
