Tarot is a powerful way of revealing truth about your life.
It is not fortune telling as some claim, but instead, it's
used to tap into your own innate wisdom and intuition to
reveal your current circumstances and challenges. Tarot does
not predict our lives, but shows us a deeper understanding
of our own inner world.
There is no tool that ever existed that can predict the
future because the future hasn't happened yet. You write it
as you go and nothing is set in stone.
The future is not set. There is no fate but what
we make for ourselves (John Connor - Terminator)
Since each of us are born under the control of different
planets, this means each astrological sign has unique
strengths and weaknesses. Tarot is simply a means (with the
help of astrology) to discover how you need to direct your
energy to live successfully.
Cast of characters
Some consider tarot like a mirror that reflects what is
happening in your life at that moment. The cast of
characters involved show you unknown qualities and actions
that are taking place in your life, many hidden.
The tarot deck consists of 78 cards divided into the Major
Arcana (21 numbered cards, and 1 unnumbered card 'The Fool') and the Minor Arcana (56 cards).
The Major
Arcana (Trump cards) are controlled by the universe and show life lessons,
archetypal themes and karmic influences;
whereas the Minor Arcana reveals your daily life and
represents temporary situations which have the
potential to change depending on your actions.
The Fool is the main character of the Major Arcana and makes
his way through each of the cards, meeting teachers and
learning lessons eventually reaching the end of the journey
with the World card. A Major Arcana card usually sets the
scene for the tarot reading.
In the Minor Arcana, there are four suits each containing 10 numbered cards and 4
court cards (Page, Knight, Queen and King).
Every suit in the tarot is connected to an element;
Wands - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - spirit energy / fire
- Represents action and motivation.
Swords - Aquarius, Libra, Gemini - mental energy / air
- Represents words, thoughts and mental actions.
Cups - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio - emotional energy / water
- Represents feelings, emotions, intuition and
Coins/Pentacles - Taurus, Virgo,
Capricorn - all suits and energies combined, the most
dense of all energies - Represents work, finances and
material possessions. |
The deck of cards corresponds to
regular playing cards (which can be used instead of
tarot cards) only you need a full deck and a half deck
combined. Swords corresponds to spades, cups to
hearts, pentacles to diamonds, wands to clubs.
Tarot parallels the Bible
tarot's Major Arcana tell the story of the 'Fool's
Journey' which reflects all the different stages
in human life and growth and challenges we face. It is
the same story as the 'Hero's Journey' which
is a common theme found in literature and cinema.
You are the hero of your own story (Joseph
Campbell - Hero's Journey)
This is also the main theme in the New Testament
where Jesus progresses through each of the stages of
the journey from his birth through his death which
represents death and justice with the final outcome
resurrection and transformation.
and astrology
These are two different
systems with two different purposes and should not be
Astrology is the timestamp of your
birth and shows what your past and future are
predestined to be. For example, it shows your
descending (past life) and ascending (what you should
be aiming for). If you are a Leo descending, you will
be an Aquarius ascending showing the change in
personality and role.
Tarot is understanding
different aspects in your life and why certain things
are happening to you. It can show you problems and
opportunities in your life and represents how
experience here is an archetypal structure to reality
orchestrating a mode of experience.