Grow Thyself

The Matrix
Natural Law
Know Thyself




The tarot is an amazing tool for helping us see how energy comes into existence, matures, grows; and the different ways we can direct it to achieve our goals. We can also see what others are doing in order to steal our energy when we are not in command of it. Everything is about condensing energy and becoming more dense and real on every plane.

But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear. (Matthew 13:9-18)


The different astrological periods control aspects of your energy. The suit in the tarot that deals with mental energy is Swords which is controlled by Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. As such, you will always be working with those energies when you are working with your energetic level.

Cancer / Leo - emotional recalibration
Aries / Taurus / Gemini - mental space
Virgo / Leo - integration to prepare for physical birth
Scorpio - helps us to birth desired changes


Double edged sword

Swords in tarot represents the mind and intellect and the quality of your thoughts and beliefs which can be a double edged sword because there is a fine balance between intellect and power. Spirit (wands) and feelings (cups) balance the intellect and power of swords. Cups represents personal interactions, creativity and relationships. Pentacles (coins) is a combination of all the energies.

Pentacles is why it is so difficult to shift energy materially because you have to work on every previous plane; in other words, you have to bring all planes into alignment with what you want to change.

This means reprogramming your spiritual reality, aligning your  thoughts and mental energy and emotions; in order to give birth to what you want to see materially. This is also referred to as the 'law of attraction' which is the ability we all have to create our own reality.

Progressing through the cards

Ace of Swords (truth) is when an energy comes from the spiritual and turns into a thought or idea in your mind. It's very real to you and it's in your mind and you're experiencing it, but it's invisible and it remains invisible and when it's a negative thought it's mental torture. This is very detrimental to your mental state and the matrix will try and make you feel like you're going crazy to put you into even deeper states of pain. Everything is about causing you pain.

Swords is about truth and you always have free will although in the matrix system they like you think that is just an illusion. Swords is also about power, or in other words, who is going to control your mind; whether you are going to take control or allow other beings (or other energies or something outside of yourself) to do that.

Are you going to connect with your Christed truth or are you going to let others define you and cause you to fall into belief systems that are not in alignment with who you really are, therefore creating realities that are below your truth.

2-3-4 Libra Cardinal energy

Libra energy is two, three and four of swords. Two of swords is when a thought is becoming more real but it's a fight whether you're going to hold on to the energy or dismiss it. If you hold on to the energy it becomes a three of swords and the energy begins to take up momentum and can be birthed and is attached to the Empress. By the time you've reached the four of swords the energy has been established enough to grow.

The three of swords in tarot is attached to birthing and you can use tarot to see how energy moves through the matrix in order to get you stuck. The Ace of swords is a thought that they want you to hold onto and think that it's your energy, when really it's a projection which will be a deflection or a command they want to place upon your energy fields to tell you something (discouragement such as you can't accomplish that).

At the two of swords you're faced with the choice whether you're going receive that energy or send it back and the three of swords is when energy becomes established. If you don't use your intuition and discernment to tell you whether the message you are receiving if from a negative entity or yourself, and instead, you decide to hold onto the energy, that's when you begin to birth the pain and give away your mental energy.

By the time the negative thoughts hits the four of swords or Emperor energy, it starts to solidify and you are automatically thinking lower vibrational thoughts about yourself and if it persists, it has the opportunity to become a belief.

In order to become an established belief, it needs energy behind it; you have to own it and claim it and then ruminate and live like the thought belongs to you. Now you're in a state of despair.

5-6-7 Aquarian energy

The negative energy is further fixed into your field with the Aquarian energy. The five, six and seven of swords is where more energies come to reflect back to you what you believe. The five of swords energy is conflict and comes to further tear away your truth. But five of swords is also about lessons that we can use to elevate as long as we see them as lessons. If we don't see them as lessons, the five of swords comes to test you to see how far into the false belief system you are, and then confirms your belief.

This is oftentimes when other players come online so people who want to gossip about you, backbite you, or try to keep you small appear on the scene. This can work either way so if you have the Ace of swords as truth, knowing you are a divine being and not willing to take that treatment, then you must battle through these beings. You are fighting if you don't believe what they want you to believe.

The six of swords can take you deeper into establishing the lie if you don't take hold of your truth and move away. The six of swords never tells you where you're going so if you grab hold of a sword that's masking itself, it's taking you deeper into establishing the lie.

This is where the mental energy starts to grow. A mental energy that is in alignment with who you are divinely, will not make you depressed or sad. This is how you know if a thought connects you to higher states of joy, then it's true.

Seven of swords comes either because you've gotten away from the stealthy energies that are trying to take you out and the seven of swords is assisting you, or you've been hoodwinked again and the negative energy is growing.

8-9-10 Gemini mutable energy

Once you move out of the Aquarian energy which is there to help, you move into the shadow energies of Gemini which has a state of double-mindedness. This is where your energy is harvested because at this point the lie has been established.

They want to keep you in the nine of swords which is hopelessness and despair. You never fully elevate from it. Ever desiring and never achieving but every now and then boosting yourself up and attempting to go after the desire. Completely unknowing that in order to get the desire and move higher, you have to completely reconfigure your mental energy which at this point you are utterly incapable of doing.

By the time you get to the eight of swords, fear has taken hold to the point you're in blindness. You're not seeing your truth and you're completely stuck and have accepted the lie. By now you're miserable because you're moving farther away from your truth and anytime you move away from your truth you will fall into states of despair because you're not living in alignment with who you are.

Gemini is the lovers and the magician which is all about your ability to know who you are divinely. The magician is here to tell you that you have everything you need to move forward, and you don't need the matrix. You are being robbed if you believe in anything less.

Every time we fall into this swords energy and stay and don't recover, we are forfeiting our ability to live divinely and we are forfeiting our ability to be in the frequency we need to be in order to connect with our divine contracts.

Split by trauma

Fear will constrict your energy fields and love will expand your fields.

Everything in the matrix is about dispelling their fears onto us because they are fear-based beings and they're not creators. Since they're not able to create, that is why they want to put the fear on you.

By the time you get to the eight of swords they have accomplished their desire to split you because that's what they want to do through trauma so you are more easily programmed. Anyone who is in a state of wholeness cannot be easily manipulated or influenced and cannot be turned against themselves or their truth.

Ten of swords is when that energy has taken over and they want to keep you going back and forth, never breaking out and moving forward.  

Court cards

Page of swords is where you have actually kind of graduate. You may be new at understanding mental energies but you're learning and beginning to see. By the time you get to Knight of swords you are able to move forward and take action with what it is that you've learned and you're able to begin to live it.

The Queen of swords means that you've healed enough to receive good things that are in alignment with your mental truth. The King of swords shows that you're a master.

The King is mastery of a suit and means that you have all of the energies combined, both masculine and feminine and now you're in protective mode and know how to move to be able to protect your mind, values and thoughts. Knowing when you need to be brutal and cutthroat and when to use your Queen energy more.

Christed truth

Your divine truth is that you are amazing and beautiful and you are the apple of Source's eye. He knows every strand of hair that exists on your head.

Take every thought and measure it against Christed truth because it will never make you feel incapable and like there is anything you can't do. Everything in the matrix system is designed to make you feel unworthy, like you don't have what it takes.

You don't need anyone to succeed except yourself. We're here to share our gifts but let it be that. Challenge every thought that makes you think you are less than powerful.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:14)

You must claim your 'I am' truth and that is the energy of the Age of Aquarius with no more self-deception. Everytime you reach a higher frequency by removing parts of the veil, you unlock another truth in order to live as the supernatural beings we really are.

Energy Harvest

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

2 Timothy 1:7


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