Andrea del Verrocchio and Davinci - Public domain, via
Wikimedia Commons - 1470-1475 |
- Egg tempera on poplar panel.
- Leonardo panted the fish and dog
at age 18 and this is considered his first professional work.
- He worked as an apprentice in the studio of Andrea del
Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell. (Shakespeare) |
Book of Tobit |

Tapestry |
- The story of Tobias and the Angel is a Bible story in the
Book of Tobit about a Jewish exile named Tobias and his father Tobit, and their encounter with the
Archangel Raphael.
- Archangel Raphael is only mentioned in the
Book of Enoch and Tobit.
The story is considered a romanticized account of exile, and is often interpreted as a message about God's immanence for the righteous. The story was a popular subject for European artists, especially in the 17th century. (nationalgallery.org.uk) |

Tobias as a young boy |
- Many artists have painted Tobias, such as Luini and
DaVinci, however Tobias' age is never consistent; some
paint him as a boy and others as a young man.
- There
are a lot of historical conflicts concerning his age due
to different ages mentioned in various works such as the
Latin Vulgate and
Book of St. Jerome, among others, however, this may
be because of apparently shifting datelines in the AM
Hebrew calendar.
The Book of Tobit is not included in the Protestant Bible because it is considered part of the Apocrypha, which is a collection of texts that are not considered holy scripture. The Church of England's 39 Articles state that Tobit should be used as an example of faith, not as religious doctrine. (Wikipedia) |

Book burning |
- The story is included in the Catholic and
Eastern Orthodox Churches but was rejected by Judaism and Protestant
Christians who placed it in the
- But
strangely enough, it is a Jewish story and was included in
the Greek
- Some
reasons given for its exclusion include a Samaritan origin (who the
Judeans rejected) and an infringement of ritual law (Baal) as well
as allusions to fallen angels and connections to works such as
Book of Enoch and
If St. Raphael’s offering of prayers to God constitutes “the worship of angels,” then protestants have another problem, because the same occurs in the Book of Revelation 8:3-4. (Da Pacem Domine) |

Clouds on the horizon |
The story of Tobias and Raphael was written sometime early in the 2nd century BC during the Hellenistic period, and
it enjoyed great popularity.
- It centers on a pious Jew determined to retain his sense of Jewish identity and determined also to practice distinctively Jewish piety even in exile from his beloved homeland.
- The story took place 500 years earlier, in 721 BC, when Israelite leaders have been forcibly moved to Nineveh, in Assyria.
The assumption among early Christians appears to be that the book is indeed historical. In his letter to Africanus, Origen of Alexandria defends his use of Daniel 13, the Deuterocanonical portion about Susana. In doing so, he quotes Tobit as proof that there were Jewish exiles who “were rich and well to do.” (To Africanus 15). Since he defends Susanna on a historical matter, Origen’s understanding is that Tobit is indeed historical. (Da Pacem Domine) |

Colorful characters |
- The
Book of Tobit is as entertaining to its readers as it is spiritually and ethically
- It has a riveting plot and interesting
- Part of the book's appeal might be its utilization of various folktale motifs, such as the grateful dead, the angel in disguise, the magical animal (or the 'big fish'), the dangerous bride and the monster in the bridal chamber.
- Tobit is an adventure story, with an angel and a demon, with tragedy and humor, with sex and modesty and, of course, a dog.
It was originally written in Aramaic or Hebrew, and there are currently manuscripts of Tobit in nine languages. Aramaic fragments of Tobit were discovered amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Greek manuscript traditions of Tobit are the most complete, with a long and short version of the story. The long version is represented by Codex Sinaiticus and the short version is represented by Codex Vaticanus. (Chris L. de Wet) |

Pup |
- Tobit also provides moral and social instruction to
ancient Old Covenant brethren regarding burial practices, almsgiving, marriage and sex, eating customs, medicine and healing, and the relationship between parents and children.
- It contains numerous prayers and wisdom sayings.

Family tree |
- Tobit was the son of Tobiel, the son of Ananiel, the son of Aduel, the son of Gabael, a descendent of Asael, of the tribe of Naphtali.
- He was married to Anna and they had a son named Tobias.
Fun fact: Hebrew is a language that was extinct for 2000 years but was revived when the fake state was made, originally the
Hebrew language only had 7,000 words and now it has 33,000 words- 26,000 words were taken from the arabic language. (sots.ac.uk/wiki/hebrew/) |

Heifer Baal |
- When Tobit was in his own country, in the land of Israel, in
his youth, with all the tribe of Naphtali, his father fell away from the house of Jerusalem, which was chosen out of all the tribes of Israel so that all the tribes should sacrifice there.
- The Temple of the dwelling place of the most High was consecrated and built for all ages
in Jerusalem.
- Now all the tribes which revolted together, and the house of
Tobit's father Naphtali, sacrificed to the heifer Baal.
O' What may man within him hide, though angel on the outward side! (Shakespeare) |

First fruits |
Tobit often went alone to Jerusalem at the feasts, as it was ordained for all the people of Israel by an everlasting decree, bringing the first fruits and tenths of increase, with the first-shorn sheep.
- He gave at the altar to the priests, the children of Aaron, who
was Moses brother.
- The first tenth part of all increase
Tobit gave to the sons of Aaron, who ministered at Jerusalem; another tenth part
he sold, and went, and spent it every year at Jerusalem.
Classical Hebrew as a native spoken language died sometime after 200 CE and was supplanted by Western Aramaic. It survived as a lingua franca between different diasporas. It was revived already during the 19th century. (sots.ac.uk/wiki/hebrew/) |

Ti-thing |
Another third he gave to those who were in need, as Deborah his father’s mother had commanded
him, because he was left an orphan by his father.
- This is all
part of Mosiac law and the requirement for tithing.
If any one saith, that man may be justified before
God by his own works, whether done through the
teaching of human nature, or that of the law, without
the grace of God through Jesus Christ; let him be
anathema. (Session 6, Canon 1) |

Shalmaneser king of the Assyrians |
- Meanwhile, Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up to attack Hoshea, who had been Shalmaneser’s vassal and had paid him tribute.
Hoshea was the 19th and last king of the northern Kingdom of Israel.
- But the king of Assyria discovered that Hoshea was a traitor,
for he had sent envoys to So king of Egypt, and he no longer paid tribute to the king of Assyria, as he had done year by year.
- Therefore Shalmaneser seized him and put Hoshea in prison.

Assyria |
-The king of Assyria invaded the entire land, marched against Samaria and laid siege to it for three years.
- In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and deported the Israelites to Assyria.
- He settled them in Halah, in Gozan on the Habor River and in
the towns of the Medes (2 Kings 17:3-6).
I, Tobit, have walked all the days of my life in
the ways of truth and justice, and I performed many
charitable deeds for my brethren and my nation, who
came with me to Nineveh into the land of the
Assyrians. (World English Bible.) |

Led captive out of Thisbe |
- In the time of Shalmaneser king of the Assyrians, Tobit was led captive out of Thisbe, which is at the right hand of that city, which is properly called Naphtali, in Galilee above Asher.

Dinner plate |
- When Tobit finally arrived home from his exile, his wife Anna was restored to
him along with his son Tobias, at Pentecost, which is the holy feast of the seven weeks.
- His family had been busy and prepared a good dinner for Tobit, which
he sat down to eat.

Strangled and cast out |
- Before he ate his meal, Tobit asked his son Tobias to
find a poor person on the street to share their bountiful meat with.
- Tobias searched for one and reported to Tobit that 'one of their nation had
been strangled and cast out in the marketplace.'

Grave |
- Tobit was
grieved and he brought the man inside, washed himself, and then sat
down to his meal with great sadness.
- After sundown, Tobit buried the unknown man but this was considered
unclean in Jewish tradition.
Remembering the prophecy of Amos, as he said, “Your feasts shall be turned into mourning and all your mirth into lamentation.” Therefore I wept, and after sundown I went and made a grave and buried him. (World English Bible) |

Stones for casting |
- Tobit's neighbors mocked him and said, “This man is
still not afraid to be put to death for this matter; and, see,
though he fled away before, he now buries the dead again.”
Initially, Tobit was a servant of the Assyrian king Shalmaneser but was then removed from that service by Shalmaneser's successor for burying the unattended corpses of his Jewish countryfolk. (Chris L. de Wet) |

Sparrows in the wall |
- That same night, Tobit returned from the burial and slept by the wall of my courtyard, because
he was polluted.
- His face was uncovered, and he didn’t know that there were sparrows in the wall.
A seemingly harmless threat that most people overlook is that of the common sparrow. These small songbirds pose a severe risk of weakening infrastructures as well as damaging people's health.
(aviaway.com) |

Sparrows |
- Also, since Tobit's eyes were open, the sparrows emitted warm dung into
his eyes, and a whiteness fell into his eyes.
- After this, Tobit's life became increasingly difficult, so much so that he prayed for death.
- Tobit went to the physicians, but they didn’t help
him and he was blind.
Like many other birds, sparrows also carry various parasites on their bodies and transmit disease-causing bacteria through their droppings. Like Salmonellosis and Coccidiosis, some of these diseases are especially detrimental to children and older people, who unfortunately are more prone to infection. (aviaway.com) |

Washing |
- As a result, Tobit's wife Anna had to find a job doing women's work,
washing laundry to support the family.
- And when she had sent the laundered clothing home again to the owners, they paid her her wages and gave her in addition a young goat.

Baby goat |
- Tobit saw the goat in his house, and began to call out to
Anna, “Where did this young goat come from? Is it not stolen? Return it to the owners, for it is not lawful to eat anything which is stolen.”
- Anna let Tobit know that the goat was a gift, over and above her
salary and he didn't believe her.
However, I did not believe her, but directed her to return it to the owners, and I was ashamed at her. But she replied to me, “Where are your alms and your righteous deeds? See now, you and all your works are known.” (World English Bible) |

Tombs of Sarah's husbands |
- Tobit suffered and he prayed for death to end his
- It happened the same day, in Ecbatane a city of
Media, that Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, was also reproached by
her father’s maids and she suffered.
- This was because she had been married to
7 husbands, whom Asmodeus the evil spirit had killed, before they had lain with her.
“Do you not know,” they said, “that you have
strangled your husbands? You have already had seven
husbands, yet you have not taken the name of any of
them. So then, do you beat us because of them? If they are dead, go your way after them; let us never see either son or daughter from you. (World English Bible) |

Asmodeus evil eye |
- Asmodeus had fallen in love with Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, and
he killed her seven husbands on their wedding nights.
Just a bit later in the journey, Tobias gains the
honor from a wealthy father to marry his daughter,
but, however, the first 7 husbands had been cursed for
they had presumed to marry her solely to give into
their lusts. So, the angel directs Tobias to pray with
her the first 3 nights, and on the first night he is
to burn the liver of the fish, to 'drive the devil
away.' After the third night, with a promise that
Tobias and his wife shall be blessed with strong and
healthy children, he may take her, "moved rather for
love of children than for lust: that in the seed of
Abraham thou mayest obtain a blessing in children."
(Tobit 6:22) |

Sarah strangling |
- When
Sarah heard these things, she was very sorrowful, so that she
thought about strangling herself.
- But she said, “I am the only
daughter of my father, and if I do this, it shall be a reproach to
him, and I shall bring his old age with sorrow to the grave.”
At the same time, in Media, Tobit's kinswoman,
Sarah, also prayed to die. Sarah was being plagued by
a demon, Asmodeus, who had killed seven of her
successive husbands on their wedding night. Tobit and
Sarah are then brought together by their prayers, and
God sends the angel Raphael to their aid. (Chris L. de Wet) |

Angel Raphael arrives |
- So both of their prayers, the prayers of Tobit and of Sarah were heard before the majesty of the great God.
- The angel Raphael was sent to heal them both, that is, to scale away the whiteness of Tobit’s eyes, and to give Sarah the daughter of Raguel as a wife to Tobias the son of Tobit.

Binding |
- Also to bind Asmodeus the evil spirit, because Sarah belonged to Tobias by right of inheritance.
- At the very same time, Tobit came home and entered into his house, and Sarah the daughter of Raguel came down from her upper room.

Money saved in Media |
- Tobit, morosely anticipating death, offered sagely advice to his son Tobias.
- On that day Tobit remembered the money which he had committed to Gabael in Rages of Media.
- He said to himself, “I have wished for death; therefore should I not call for my son Tobias so that I may transfer the money to him before I die?”
And when he had called him, he said,
“My son, when I am dead, bury me; and do not despise your mother, but honor her all the days of your life, and do what pleases her, and do not grieve her. Remember, my son, that she endured many dangers for you, when you were in her womb; and when she is dead, bury her next to me in one grave. (World English Bible) |

Abundance |
- Tobit tells Tobias that if you have abundance, give alms accordingly because alms deliver from death and preserve from falling into darkness.
- For alms is a good gift, for all those who give it, in the sight of the most High.

Tobias warned |
- Tobit warns Tobias about all the evils in the world.
- He told him to "beware of all whoredom, and prefer to take a wife from the posterity of your forefathers, and do not take a strange woman to wife, who is not of your father’s tribe."
- He taught
Tobias to "give alms from your resources; and when you give alms, do not let your eye be envious, nor turn your face from any of the poor, and then the face of God shall not be turned away from you."
- It was a long list of things like staying away from wine, giving
to the poor, paying your employees promptly, not being envious.
My son, be mindful of the Lord our God all your days, and do not let your will be set to sin, nor to transgress his commandments; act uprightly all your life long, and do not follow the ways of the unrighteousness. For if you deal truly, your actions shall bring prosperity to you and to all those who live justly. (World English Bible) |

10 talents of silver |
- Gabrias at Rages in Media was the man that Tobit
entrusted his wealth with his son named Gabael.
- Tobit left
Gabael with 10 talents of silver.
- He said "And do not be afraid, my son, that we might become poor; for you have much wealth, if you fear God and depart from all sin and do what is pleasing in his sight.”
Gabrias who lived in the city of Rages, located in the region of Media, where Tobit entrusted a significant sum of money to his son, Gabael, for safekeeping; essentially, Gabrias is Gabael's father or close relative mentioned in the context of where Tobit deposited his valuables.
(Wikipedia) |

Tobias questioning |
- Tobias then answered and said, “Father, I will do all
things which you have commanded me; but how can I receive the money, since I do not know him?”
- Then Tobit gave him the handwriting, and said to Tobias, “Seek a man to go with you, while I yet live, and I will give him wages; then go and receive the money.”

Raphael answering |
- Therefore when Tobias went to seek the man, he found Raphael who was an angel, but he did not know it; and so he said to
Raphael, “Can you go with me to Rages? And do you know those places well?”
- The angel said to him, “I will go with you, and I know the way well, for I have stayed with our brother Gabael.”
Raphael meets Tobit |
- Then Raphael said to him, “Go and do not delay.”
- So
Tobias went in and said to his father, “See now, I have found one who will go with me.”
- Then Tobit said, “Call him to me, so that I may learn what tribe he is from and whether he is a trustworthy man to go with you.”
- So Tobit called him, and Raphael came in, and they greeted one another.

Tribe |
- Then Tobit said to him, “Brother, tell me what tribe and family you are from.”
- Raphael said to him, “Do you seek for a tribe or family, or for a hired man to go with your son?”
- Then Tobit said to him, “I would know, brother, your kindred and name.”

Raphael is Azariah |
- Then Raphael said, “I am Azariah, the son of Ananiah the great and of your brethren.”
- Then Tobit said, “You are welcome, brother; do not be angry with me now, because I asked about your tribe and your family; for you are my brother, of an honest and good stock.
- My brother, you are of good stock.
- Angel Raphael pretends he
is Azariah, the son of Hananiah the elder.
For I know Ananiah and Jonathan, sons of that great Samaiah, because we went together to Jerusalem to worship, and offered the firstborn, and the tenths of the fruits; and they were not seduced with the error of our brethren. (World English Bible) |

Doge's Palace in Venice |
- The name Azariah means "God (YHWH) has helped" and Hananiah
means "God has shown mercy."
- His speciality was regarded as protection and healing,
and the name Raphael also means "God heals."
- Some question why he lied
about his name and it is believed he didn't lie because
his name actually described the task he was here to
perform; and also he revealed he was an angel at the end
of the story.
As the concept of a personal guardian angel developed during the late Middle Ages, he was regarded as a chief of this branch of angelic service. In the relief on a corner of the Doge's Palace in Venice. (Wikipedia) |

Raphael scroll |
- Raphael holds a scroll on which is written: 'Efficia fretum quietum'
which means 'Keep the Gulf quiet.'
- Raphael is said to be to be the archangel who carried the magical ring from God to Solomon, allowing Solomon to command demons to finish the great temple.
- Jewish legends claim that Raphael helped Noah to build his ark.
- The Bible does not usually name the angels and there
appears to be some disdain for that, as they are silent
warriors, so for that reason they are called names like
destroyer, etc.
Michael and Gabriel are the only archangels mentioned in the NT, but Raphael, because of his association with healing, became identified with the unnamed angel of John 5:1–4 who periodically stirred the water at the Pool of Bethseda. The Early Christians, however, saw any power in pagan religions as satanic; this ‘angel’ might have been believed to be a ‘fallen angel’ or demon. (Wendy Ayers) |

Raphael trumpet |
- Raphael also appears in Islamic tradition where his name is Romanised as Israfil
who will blow the trumpet from a holy rock in Jerusalem to
announce the Day of Resurrection.
- Raphael isn't in the Bible, except in Ethiopia and Eritrea, the
Book of Enoch isn't part of the accepted biblical canon of either Jews or Christians.
Rafael is mentioned in Enoch as well as in Tobit, the Book of Giants, The Life of Adam and Eve, and is talked about by Rashi in the Talmud. His name is derived from El, the honorific plural for the Most High, and rafa, healing. This is why he is most often associated with being the Angel of Healing, but we read that he is also powerful enough to slay Leviathan and bind the Devil in chains.
(Dennis Lee) |

Drachma |
- Tobit asked "what wages shall I give you? Will you accept a drachma a day, plus whatever is needed for my own son?"
- Azariah" agrees.
- And Tobit tells Raphael, "Fine, but
moreover, if you return safe, I will add something to your wages."
- So they were well pleased
and then Tobit said to Tobias, “Prepare yourself for the journey, and may God give you a good journey.”
Raphael is "set over all disease and every wound of the children of the people". He binds the armies of Azazel and throws them into the valley of fire.
(Enoch 1) |

Journey |
- Tobias' father Tobit sent him to collect a debt in
Media which was in Persia.
- Tobit was a pious man living in
exile in Ninevah which is modern Mosul, Iraq, far from his beloved
And when his son had prepared everything for the
journey, his father said, “Go with this man; and may
God who dwells in heaven prosper your journey, and may
the angel of God keep you company.” (World English Bible) |
Tobias and Raphael |

Archangel |
- Tobias, who was a small boy in Leonardo's rendition, set out on the
journey with the archangel Raphael who
was disguised as a young man.
- Neither Tobias or Tobit knew that Raphael was an
But Anna his mother wept and said to Tobit, “Why have you sent our son away? Is he not the staff of our hand, in going in and out before us? Do not be greedy to add money to money, but consider it as refuse compared to our child. For what the Lord has given us to live on should be sufficient for us.” (World English Bible) |

Anna |
- Then Tobit said to Anna, “Do not worry, my sister; he will return in safety, and your eyes will see him.
- For the good 'angel' will keep him company, and his journey will be prosperous, and he will return safe.”
- Then Anna ended her weeping.

Almost invisible dog |
- Tobias' dog also went along on the walk, the only pet dog to appear in Judeo-Christian scriptures.
- It is
believed that his father gave the dog to him as protection because
of the silver they had to bring back from Persia.
- The
Israelites considered dogs unclean and they were not considered
man's best friend.
Artists tend to show very small dogs, with a long coat of hair that covers deficiencies in drawing them. Artists become noticeably more competent in this as the Renaissance progresses. (Wikipedia) |

Fish |
- As they went on their journey, they arrived in the evening at the river Tigris, and they lodged there.
- When the young man went down to wash himself, a fish leaped out of the river and would have devoured him.
- Then the angel said to him, “Take the fish.”
- Tobias took hold of the fish, and drew it to land
and Raphael said to him, “Open the fish, and take the heart and the liver and the gall, and store them well.”

Healing powers |
- Raphael instructed
Tobias to save the fish's heart, liver and gall because they had
healing powers and could cure blindness.
- Tobias tied a string
to the fish so he could carry it.
It is thought that the original story (which
survives in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek versions)
probably involved a crocodile rather than a fish. (Wikipedia) |

Container for fish parts |
- Raphael brought a small container to hold the fish parts
because he knew they could cure Tobias' father, Tobit.
- So the young man did as the angel commanded him.
- And when they had roasted the fish, they ate it. Then they both went on their way, until they drew near to Ecbatane.
The Tigris is the eastern of the two great rivers that define Mesopotamia, the other being the Euphrates. The river flows south from the mountains of the Armenian Highlands through the Syrian and Arabian Deserts, before merging with the Euphrates and reaching to the Persian Gulf. (Wikipedia) |

Liver and the gall of the fish |
- Then Tobias said to the angel, “Brother Azariah, of what use are the heart and the liver and the gall of the fish?”
Raphael said to him, “Concerning the heart and the liver, if a devil or an evil spirit troubles anyone, we must make a smoke of these in front of the man or the woman, and then the person will no longer be troubled.
- As for the gall, it is used to anoint a man who has whiteness in his eyes, so he shall be healed.”
- Some Protestants accuse the book of Tobit of promoting magic
but Catholics feel that this was a cure given by God.

Cousin Raguel |
- When they had arrived near Rages, the angel said to the
young man, “Brother, today we will stay with
Raguel, who is your cousin; he also has only one
daughter, named Sarah.
- Raphael told Tobias
"I will speak on her behalf, so that she may be
given to you as a wife, for the rights concerning her belong to you, because you are her only kindred."
And the maiden is fair and wise; therefore listen
to me now, and I will speak to her father. And when we
return from Rages, we will celebrate the marriage, for
I know that Raguel cannot give her in marriage to
another, according to the Law of Moses, or he would be
liable to death, because the right of inheritance
belongs to you more than to any other. (World English Bible) |

Wicked spirit |
- Then the young man answered the angel, “I have heard, brother Azariah, that this maiden has been given to
7 men, who each died in the marriage room!
- And now, I am the only son of my father and I am afraid that if I go in to her, I may die, as the others before me, for a wicked spirit loves her, and he hurts no one except those who come to her.
- Therefore I also fear that I may die, and bring my father’s life and my mother’s life because of me to the grave with sorrow; for they have no other son to bury them.”

Own kindred |
- Then the angel said to him, “Do you not remember the
precepts which your father gave you, that you
should marry a wife of your own kindred?
- Therefore hear me, O my brother; for she shall
be given to you as a wife; and have no regard
for the evil spirit; for this same night she
shall be given to you in marriage.

Perfume |
- Raphael then said “And when you come into the marriage room, you shall take the ashes of perfume, and shall lay upon them some of the heart and liver of the fish, and shall make a smoke with it.
- And the devil will smell it, and flee away, and never again return.

Tobias' heart was ready |
- Raphael continued, “But when you come to her, rise up both of you and pray to God, who is merciful, who will have pity on you and save you.
- Fear not, for she is appointed to you from the beginning; and you will keep her, and she will accompany you.
- Moreover, I suppose that she will bear you children.”
- Now, when Tobias had heard these things,
he loved her, and his heart was ready to be
joined to her.

Sarah's house |
- When they arrived at Ecbatane, they came to the house of Raguel, and Sarah met them.
- After they had greeted one another, she brought them into the house.
- Then Raguel said to Edna his wife, “How much this young man is like Tobit my kinsman!”

Blind |
- Raguel asked them, “Where do you come from, brethren?” They said to him, “We are of the sons of Naphtali, who are captives in Nineveh.”
- Then Raquel asked if they knew Tobit and
Tobias told him he was his father and his health
was good.
Then Raguel leaped up and kissed him and wept. And he blessed him and said to him, “You are the son of an honest and good man.” But when he heard that Tobit was blind, he was sorrowful and wept. And likewise Edna his wife and Sarah his daughter wept. (World English Bible) |

Ram for dinner |
- Yet still they entertained them cheerfully, and afterwards they had a ram of the flock killed, and they set a supply of meat on the table.
- Then Tobias
asked Raphael to convey the reason for the visit
to Raguel.
- Raphael communicated the matter to Raguel
and Raguel said to Tobias, "Eat and drink, and make merry, for it is fitting that you should marry my daughter."
Nevertheless I will declare to you the truth; "I have given my daughter in marriage to seven men, who each died on the night that they came in to her, nevertheless be merry for now." (World English Bible) |

Empty plate |
- Tobias said to Raguel, “I will eat nothing here until we agree and swear one to another.”
- Raguel said, “Then take her from this time forward, according to the custom, for you are her kinsman, and she is yours, and may the merciful God give you good success in all things.”
- Raguel called his daughter Sarah, and she came to her father, and he took her by the hand and gave her to be wife to Tobias, saying, “Behold, take her after the Law of Moses, and lead her away to your father”
and he blessed them.
And he called Edna his wife, and took paper and wrote an instrument of covenants and sealed it. Then they began to eat. (World English Bible) |

Sarah's room |
- Afterwards Raguel called his wife Edna and said to her, “Sister, prepare another room and bring her into it.”
- Then, when she had done as he had asked her, she brought
Sarah into the room and she wept and received the tears of her daughter.
- She said to her, ”Be of good comfort, my daughter.”

Tobias enters the room |
- When they had dined, they brought Tobias in to her.
- As Tobias went, he remembered the words of Raphael
and he took the ashes of the perfumes, and put the heart and the liver of the fish on them, and made a smoke with them.

Asmodeus in cavern
in Egypt |
- The angel Raphael instructed Tobias to marry Sarah, and Tobias overcomes Asmodeus.
- When the evil spirit had smelled this odor, he fled into the utmost parts of Egypt, and the angel bound
him in a cavern on the Nile.
- Afterwards, when they were both secluded together, Tobias rose out of the bed and said, “Sister, arise, and let us pray that God will have pity on us.”

Tobias peacefully sleeping |
- Tbey both prayed together and Sarah said with him, “Amen.”
- So they both slept that night and Raguel arose,
fearing for the worse, and went and made a grave, saying, “I am afraid that
Tobias too is dead.”
- When he returned from digging the grave,
Raguel told his wife Edna to send a maid to see
if Tobias was still alive and in case he was
dead, they could bury him in secret.
- The
maid snuck in and found the couple peacefully

Raguel sweating it out |
- Raguel was overjoyed and he prayed then asked his
servants to fill the empty grave he had dug.
He kept the wedding feast for 14 days and before the days of the marriage were finished, Raguel had said to
Tobias by an oath, that he should not depart until the
14 days of the marriage were fulfilled, and that then he should take half of his goods and go in safety to his father, and that he would have the rest “when I and my wife are dead.”

Wedding cake |
- Then Tobias called Raphael and said to him, “Brother Azariah, take a servant and two camels with you, and go to Rages of Media to Gabael, and bring me the money and bring him to the wedding.
- So Raphael went out and lodged with Gabael and gave him the handwriting, so he brought out bags which were sealed up and gave them to him.
- Early in the morning both Raphael and Gabael went forth together, and they arrived at the wedding; and Tobias blessed his wife.

Tobit worrying |
- Now Tobit his father counted every day; and when the
days for the journey were completed, and they
had not returned, then Tobit said, “Are they detained?
- Or is Gabael dead and there is no man to give him the money?”
and after imagining all kinds of horrible
things, he was very sorrowful.
- Then his wife
Anna said to him, “My son must be dead, since he has been gone so long.”
- She began to wail him and said, “Now I care for nothing, my son, since I have let go of you, who is the light of my eyes.”
- Tobit said to her, “Hold your peace; do not worry, for he is safe.”

Stormfront at home |
- So Anna worried through all the 14 days of the wedding,
even though Raguel had sworn that Tobias should
stay there for that time.
- Tobias knew
that his parents would start to worry so he told
Raguel he had to leave and look for them.
But his father-in-law said to him, “Remain with me, and I will send messengers to your father, and they will declare to him how things go with you.”

Saying goodbye |
- But Tobias said, “No. But let me go to my father.”
- Then Raguel arose, and gave him Sarah his wife, and half his goods, servants, and cattle, and money.
Raguel blessed them and sent them away, saying, “May the God of heaven give you a prosperous journey, my children.”
- He told Sarah to honor her father and mother.
Edna also said to Tobias, “May the Lord of heaven return you, my dear brother, and grant that I may see your children of my daughter Sarah before I die, so that I may rejoice before the Lord. See now, I commit my daughter to you with a special trust; therefore do not lead her into evil.” (World English Bible) |

Journey home |
- After these things Tobias went his way praising God because he had given him a prosperous journey, and he blessed Raguel and Edna, and went on his way until they drew near to Nineveh.
- Then Raphael said to Tobias, “You know, brother, how you left your father; let us hurry ahead, before your wife, and prepare the house; and you should carry in your hand the gall of the fish.”
- So they went their way, and the dog went after them.

Raphael gives instructions |
- Now Anna sat looking around, toward the way, for her son
and when she spotted him arriving, she said to his father
Tobit, “See now, your son arrives, and the man who went with him.”
- Then Raphael said, “I know, Tobias, that your father will open his eyes
therefore anoint his eyes with the gall, and being irritated by it, he will rub his eyes and the whiteness will fall away, and then he will see you.”
- Then Anna ran forth, and fell upon the neck of her son, and said to him, “Since I have seen you, my son, from now on I am content to die”
and they both wept.

Tobit with gall in his eye |
- Tobit also went forth toward the door, and stumbled, but his son ran to him.
- He took hold of his father and struck his fathers’ eyes with the gall, saying, “Be of good hope, my father.”
When Tobit's eyes began to sting, he rubbed them; and the whiteness peeled away from the corners of his eyes; and when he saw his son, he fell upon his neck.
- Then Tobit rejoiced and blessed everyone
he was so overjoyed.

Wedding covenant with Sarah |
- Tobias went in rejoicing, and he told his father the great things which had happened to him in Media.
- Then Tobit went out to meet his daughter-in-law at the gate of Nineveh, rejoicing and praising God; and those who saw him go marveled because he had received his sight.
- But Tobit gave thanks before them, because God had mercy on him
and they celebrated the wedding for another 7
And when he came near to Sarah his daughter-in-law, he blessed her, saying, “You are welcome, daughter. May God be blessed, who brought you to us, and blessed be your father and your mother.” And there was joy among all his brethren who were at Nineveh. (World English Bible) |

Tobias decides to gift Raphael |
- Tobit called his son Tobias and said to him, “My son, see that the man who went with you has his wages and you must give him more.”
- Tobias said to him, “O father, it is no harm to me to give him half of those things which I have brought, for he has returned me to you in safety, and made my wife whole, and brought me the money, and likewise healed you.”
- Then the old man said, “It is due to him.”

Tobit and Tobias with half their wealth |
- Tobit called Raphael in and told him of their plans to
give him half the wealth.
- Raphael praised
Tobit for giving alms rather than storing up
- He told Tobit, “Now therefore, when you pray, and when Sarah your daughter-in-law prays, I will bring the remembrance of your prayers before the Holy One. And when you buried the dead, I was with you likewise.
An angel; or, if not,
An earthly paragon. (Shakespeare) |

Raphael reviews his identity |
- Raphael told them that now God has sent me to heal you and Sarah your daughter-in-law.
- He told them “I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels, who present the prayers of the saints, and who go in and out before the glory of the Holy One.”
The archangels are referred to as numbering seven (Revelation 8:2 and Tobit 7:15). In 1 Enoch 1:20 they are listed as Uriel, Raphael, Sariel, Gabriel, Raquel, Michael and Remiel. Aming these, Raphael is ‘the angel of the spirits of men,’ and it is his business to heal the earth which the ‘fallen angels’ have defiled. (Wendy Ayers) |

Holy angels |
- Both
Tobias and Tobit were troubled and fell upon their faces, for they were afraid.
- Raphael said to them, "Fear not, for it shall go well with you; therefore praise God
for I came, not by any favor of mine, but by the will of our God; therefore praise him for ever."
All these days I appeared to you, yet I neither ate nor drank, but you saw a vision.
Now therefore give God thanks, for I go up to him who
sent me; but write all these things which have
happened in a book. (World English Bible) |

Raphael disappears |
Raphael said to them, "Do good, and evil will not overtake you."
- And when they arose, they saw him no more.
- Then they confessed the great and wonderful works of God, and how the angel of the Lord had appeared to them.
- Tobit praised God and his greatness and wrote
a prayer of rejoicing.
“Let my soul bless God the great King. For Jerusalem shall be built up with sapphires and emeralds and precious stone, your walls and towers and battlements with pure gold. And the streets of Jerusalem shall be paved with beryl and carbuncle and stones of Ophir. And all her streets shall say, ‘Alleluia,’ and they shall praise him, saying, ‘Blessed be God, who has extolled it forever.’” (World English Bible) |

Tobit heeds warnings about Jerusalem |
- Tobit was 58 when he lost his eyesight and he was blind
for 8 years.
- When he was very aged, he
called his son, and the sons of his son, and
said to them, “My son, take your children, for see now I am aged and ready to depart out of this life
and go into Media, because Jonah the prophet spoke about Nineveh, that it shall be overthrown, and that for a time peace shall rest in Media instead.

Temple story |
- Tobit worried that the brethren would "lie scattered across the earth from that good land, and Jerusalem shall be desolate, and God’s house in it shall be burned and shall be desolate for a time."
- He went on to say “And again God will have mercy on them and bring them again into the land, where they shall build a temple, but not like the first, until the time of that age is fulfilled; and afterward they shall return from all the places of their captivity and build up Jerusalem gloriously, and God’s house shall be built in it for ever with a glorious building, just as the prophets have spoken."

Asherah burning bush |
- Tobit further said “And all nations shall turn and fear the Lord God truly, and shall bury their idols.
- So shall all nations praise the Lord, and his people shall confess God, and the Lord will exalt his people; and all those who love the Lord God in truth and justice shall rejoice, showing mercy to our brethren.
- Tobit tells his sons to depart and keep all
the commandments and bury his parents and to
continue giving alms.
- Soon after, Tobit
died at age 158 and Tobias buried him honorably.
Much like the names of the conquerors of Nineveh, the ages of Tobit and even Tobiah depend on the manuscript family. GrI gives Tobit’s age at the time of his death as 158 while GrII gives it as 112. On it’s part, the Latin Vulgate gives his age as 102. The apparent chronological error comes in when Tobit 1:4,5 seems to say that Tobit was a young man during the rebellion of Jeroboam I which would make him much older. (Da Pacem Domine) |

Tobias' inheritance |
- And when Anna his mother was dead, Tobias buried her with his father.
- But Tobias departed with his wife and children to Ecbatane, to Raguel his father-in-law.
- There he became old with honor, and he buried his father-in-law and mother-in-law honorably, and he inherited their belongings and his father Tobit’s belongings.

Entire family buried |
- Tobias died at Ecbatane in Media, when he was
127 years old.
- He heard of the destruction of Nineveh, which was taken by Nebuchadnezzar and Ahasuerus; and before his death he rejoiced over Nineveh.
Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom ofLuke 9:60 God.” (World English Bible) |

Dead burying their own dead |
- This is a story about the Old Covenant and
Mosaic law that Jesus came to fulfill (replace
with the New Covenant).
- Marriage arrangement: When Tobias is set to marry Sarah, Raphael explains that according to the Law of Moses, Sarah is meant to be Tobias's wife due to their family lineage.
- Inheritance rights:
This connection to the Law of Moses is based on the concept that a man should marry within his family line to ensure proper inheritance.
Moral of the story!
- This is a story about
Baal worship and Tobit even talked about how his
family gave up worship in Jerusalem for the Heifer.
- The Jews didn't include it in their text because
they knew it was about Baal although they don't seem
to know that Baal is the same character as YHWH (who
they worship).
- The Catholics included it in their Bible because
apparently they're confused about Baal worship or
they're acknowledging they worship Baal (unlike the
- This story has all the elements from the Old
Covenant that came from Mosaic law that Jesus came to
replace with the New Covenant including tithing, works
(alms), marriage covenants (selling your daughter into
slavery), and burial practices.
- Tobit is in the Greek Septuagint which indicates
the ancient 12 tribes believed that Heifer Baal was
legitimate worship as that is what Tobit worshipped,
which makes sense in the years before the New Covenant
arrived. The Jews wanted to erase this fact when they
switched to monotheistic.